About NTNU

About NTNU

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NTNU - The Norwegian University of Science and Technology is the largest university in Norway, with 39 000 students, of which half study technology and the natural sciences.

The history of NTNU goes back to 1910 when The Norwegian Institute of Technology (NTH) was established as the country's center for technology education. The Institute was followed in 1922 by The Norwegian Teacher Training College (NLHT) which was later renamed Norwegian College of General Sciences (AVH). NTNU was founded in 1996 as a merger between NTH, AVH, the Museum of Natural History and Archaeology (VM), The Faculty of Medicine (MF), Trondheim Academy of Fine Art and Trondheim Conservatory of Music (MiT). In 2016 NTNU was merged with The University College in Sør-Trøndelag, The University College in Gjøvik and The University College in Ålesund.

NTNU on Wikipedia

Main building at Gløshaugen campus. Photo: Maxime Landrot/NTNU Comm. Div.

Main building from 1910 and the Student society's characteristic red building from 1929. Photo: Mentz Indergaard/NTNU Info


Norwegian University of Science and Technology Research Council of Norway Norwegian Chemical Society European Chemical Sciences Chemical Heritage Foundation