Sustainable Manufacturing

Sustainable Manufacturing

Master in Sustainable Manufacturing

Students from Master in Sustainable Manufacturing are working in the Learning Factory. The Learning Factory is used for education and research in Industry 4.0. Photo: Erik Hansen/NTNU.


  • MasterFulltid, 2 år
  • Studiested Gjøvik
  • Opptakskrav Se opptak
  • Studieplasser Se opptak
  • SpråkEngelsk
  • Søknadsfrist
MSUMA, Thu Jan 23 12:47:59 MET 2025 | M2
This study program is being discontinued, and no more students will be admitted to the program.

How can we develop sustainable manufacturing processes and products? How can we do more with less resources? One thing we know is that students in Sustainable Manufacturing will participate in forming tomorrow’s sustainable solutions.

This master's degree programme gives you sought after competence about how we can deal with the challenges that the manufacturing industry is facing today.