Course - Food Microbiology - TMAT3001
TMAT3001 - Food Microbiology
Examination arrangement
Examination arrangement: Aggregate score
Grade: Letter grades
Evaluation | Weighting | Duration | Examination aids |
Assignment | 20/100 | ||
School exam | 80/100 | 3 hours | D |
Course content
- Microorganisms metabolism: Fermentations and respirations. Electron balance and energy yield. Industrial Microbiology.
- Infections in general, food borne infections and poisoning (intoxications), mycotoxins, virulence properties, defense against infections, antibiotics, antibiotic resistance.
- Microbial genetics: Art and variety. Mutations, genetic recombination, transformation, transduction and conjugation, removable DNA elements.
- Microbial taxonomy with description of microorganisms related to quality deterioration and food safety. - methods for detecting microorganisms, microorganisms as indicators of quality change and food safety as well as microbiological criteria.
- Factors that determine microbial activity in food: Contamination sources, the properties of the foodstuff, storage conditions, microorganisms properties, biofilm, bacteriosines, natural inhibitors in food, etc.
- Microbial quality changes in food.
Learning outcome
K1 The candidate can explain general taxonomic principles
K2 The candidate has an overview of the taxonomy and characteristics of the major microorganisms applied in industrial microbiology, as well as microorganisms that causing quality deterioration or food borne disease
K3 The candidate can explain how preservation methods inhibit microorganisms and how food preservation contributes to reduce food waste
K4 The candidate can explain mechanisms that preserve and alter the genetic properties of the bacteria
K5 The candidate can explain important concepts in microbial metabolism and describe central fermentation and respiratory processes
K6 The candidate can explain key principles in industrial microbiology and explain the relationship between cell metabolism and industrial products
K7 The candidate has broad knowledge of food-borne infections and intoxications; involved agents, pathogenicity mechanisms and measures to prevent and combat disease
K8 The candidate can explain methods for detecting microorganisms from foods and explain how the results of such detections can provide information about the quality and safety of the food
K9 The candidate can describe and discuss factors that influence the development of microbiota in foods and what quality changes this may cause
F1 The candidate can carry out laboratory analyses to quantify, detect and identify microorganisms in foods
F2 The candidate understands and manages risk in laboratory work with pathogenic microorganisms
General competence:
G1 The candidate can process and evaluate data, as well as report laboratory work
G2 The candidate can communicate and discuss microbiological issues orally and in writing
Learning methods and activities
Lectures (60h), self-study (80h), compulsory laboratory exercises (40h), compulsory theoretical exercises (30t).
Compulsory assignments
- Laboratorieøvinger med rapporter
- Teoriøvinger
Further on evaluation
The assessment is based on two partial assessments; written individual exam counts for 80% and written group this counts for 20%
Comment on work requirements:
Laboratory work with mandatory presence: 3 laboratory exercises and 4 microbiological readings
3 reports from laboratory exercises and 4 of 5 written theoretical exercises must be approved for admission to the exam.
New / postponed exam: March. If there is a re-sit examination, the examination form may be changed from written to oral.
If the course is not passed, the part that is not passed must be taken again to pass the course. When retaking the course when passed (improving the grade), students can choose to retake only the exam. The assignment can only be retaken after appointment with the course coordinator.
In the case of applications for crediting, approving and filing of subjects from previous cohorts or other institutions' corresponding education programs, each application will be processed individually and the applicant must be able to include credits reduction on overlapping subjects.
Specific conditions
Admission to a programme of study is required:
Food Science, Technology and Sustainability (MTMAT)
Recommended previous knowledge
Chemistry and Biochemistry corresponding to TKJE1006 General Chemistry, MATV1009 Food Chemistry 1 and TBT4102 Biochemistry 1
Required previous knowledge
MATV1008 Microbiology and Food Safety or equivalent documented knowledge.
Course materials
Ed. Per E. Granum (red.). Matforgiftning. Smitte gjennom mat og vann. Cappelen Damm AS, 2015, 4.utg.
A book on food microbiology will be stated at the start of the semester.
Version: A
7.5 SP
Study level: Third-year courses, level III
Term no.: 1
Teaching semester: AUTUMN 2024
Language of instruction: Norwegian
Location: Trondheim
- Food Subjects
Department with academic responsibility
Department of Biotechnology and Food Science