National Conference for Materials Science 2024
August 28-29, 2024, The National Conference for Materials Science was organized by the Trøndelag branch of the Norwegian Metallurgical Society, with Professor Marisa Di Sabatino, NTNU as the chairman at Scandic Lerkendal.
This conference is arranged biannually between Oslo and Trondheim, and it is a meeting place between industry and research in the wide area of materials science. It is an arena for network and a unique opportunity for young researchers to present their work! This year's conference topic is: "Materials for the green energy transition: challenges and possibilities".
The conference open with a keynote presentation from Professor Yves Brechet, now Scientific Director at St. Gobain as well as adjunct Professor at Monash University, Australia. Prof. Yves is an internationally highly renowned expert in materials science. His activities have spanned the fields of physical metallurgy, thermodynamics, microstructures, phase transformations, plasticity, fracture micromechanics, material selection, structural materials design, bio-interfaces, structural biomimetics. He gave a presentation on the topic: An example of a heavy industry for mass application: Building thermal management, thermal efficiency, electrification, decarbonation.

Representatives from two of our user-partners gave nice and interesting keynote presentations in the context of the ‘Green shift’:
Trond Furu, Hydro and NTNU: Green aluminium constructions: Opportunities and challenges.
Gotthard Mälzer, Equinor, Challenges with well-established metallic materials applied for the green shift
While Knut Marthinsen also gave a keynote presentation about SFI PhysMet: SFI PhysMet – Status and recent research highlights.
In general SFI PhysMet was very well exposed at the conference with presentations from several of the PhD candidates as well from NTNU and SINTEF researches.

An Abstract collection from the conference is available upon request.
The conference was sponsored by the SFI PhysMet partners Hydro and Elkem, and DNV and the national infrastructure Norwegian Laboratory for Mineral and materials Characterization (MiMac)
After the conference, on the 30th August, Prof. Yves Brechet visited NTNU and SFI PhysMet for scientific discussions and he gave a guest lecture (SFI PhysMet Webinar) with the title: Non classical aspects of nucleation of precipitation