MSc in Aquatic Food Production - Safety and Quality (Master, 2-years)
Aquatic Food Production - Safety and Quality
Aquatic Food Production - Safety and Quality
Aquatic Food production - Safety and Quality
MSc in Aquatic Food Production
Please note!
MSc Aquatic Food Production – Safety and Quality (MSAQFOOD) has been terminated for admission in its current form from the academic year 2018-2019. However, MSAQFOOD will continue in a new format in the new master programme MSc in Ocean Resources (MSOCEAN). You can go directly to the link for the new version of MSAQFOOD by clicking here: Aquatic Food science
For students who are already enrolled in the MSAQFOOD programme , the master education will continue as usual until everyone has graduated.
About the programme
About the programme
If you want to sharpen your knowledge about aquatic food production and contribute to a more sustainable food value chain, AQFood is for you!
The Nordic Master AQFood is a unique education for the aquatic food sector linking advanced aquatic food production, processing and distribution with issues of importance for tomorrow's consumers, industry and society.
The demand for aquatic food worldwide is increasing drastically and at the same time there is a pressure for more efficient production and distribution systems to deliver healthy, and safe food also taking into account the environmental and sustainability issues throughout the entire aquatic food value chain.
AQFood is an international master education open to all and offering mobility between the Nordic Countries with three specialised study lines: Aquatic Production, Natural Resources and Industrial Production.
Study at Nordic universities
Study at Nordic universities
The programme is offered by a consortium of four leading universities in the Nordic countries. The universities are working together to deliver a key education for the aquatic food sector. The four universities are:
- Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Department of Biotechnology and Food Science, Trondheim, Norway.
- Technical University of Denmark (DTU), National Food Institute, Kgs Lyngby, Denmark.
- Norwegian University of Life Science (UMB), Department of Mathematical Sciences and Technology, Ås, Norway.
- University of Iceland (HI), School of Engineering & Natural Science, Reykjavik, Iceland.
coordinator - msaqfood
The coordinator of the Nordic Master programme in Aquatic Food Production – Safety and Quality is DTU Technical University of Denmark.
You will find more Information on study tracks, programme structures and courses on the DTU webpage.
Programme facts
Programme facts
Degree: Master of Science in Aquatic Food Production - Safety and Quality
Duration: 2 years, 120 ECTS
Programme code: MSAQFOOD
Restricted admission: Yes
Language of instruction: English
Application deadline: ---
Location: NTNU (Trondheim), and partner universities
Validity of information: 2016/17