Energy, Transport and Buildings - Industrial Ecology Programme (IndEcol)
Energy, Transport and Buildings

We address the nexus of energy, land and maritime transport, pollution, and climate associated with transformation pathways and human settlement.
Helge Brattebø Professor Emeritus
+47-73594744 +4795022976 -
Edgar Hertwich Professor in industrial ecology
+4797512109 Department of Energy and Process Engineering -
Juudit Ottelin Associate Professor
+4746505451 Department of Energy and Process Engineering -
Anders Hammer Strømman Professor and Vice Dean for Sustainability
+47-73598948 +4791897993 Department of Energy and Process Engineering
Annex 70- Building Energy Epidemiology
Annex 70 is an international collaboration of researchers, industry and government from across the globe who are working to develop methods for improving the empirical evidence on energy demand in the building stock. Funded by ENOVA, 2018-2021
Datadriven co-creation - Methods and tools for sustainable innovation and societal development
The project shall develop tools and methods for datadriven co-creation in policy development and decision processes for energy management and circular cities, in collaboration with Bærum and Ålesund municipalities, on the basis of the KPI-framework of U4SSC and a digital twin by Offshore Simulator Centre. Funded by RCN, 2021-2024

Forest values
The aim of this project is to study how wood construction can be increased sustainably. The project combines bottom-up and top-down modelling of carbon emissions and -storages of wood construction. Funded by AoF and Formas 2022-2024.
Norwegian Giga Battery Factories
The project aims at improving the energy footprint of state-of-the-art battery production. This is done by especially targeting energy consumption, but also undertaking LCA and buildings modelling to create a holistic understanding of how to develop next generations of giga battery factories. Funded by RCN, 2020-2024
SPIDER stands for Safe and PrelithiatedhIgh energy DEnsity batteries based on sulphur Rocksalt and silicon chemistries. It will bring knowledge-based improvements of Li-ion battery cost, performance, recyclability and safety to enable electric vehicles to rapidly gain marketshare and reduce CO2 emissions. Funded by H2020, 2019-2022
This project aims to create a set of BIM based tools to enable a circular construction model. The proposed tools will help architects and building managers to improve the environmental performance and increase the amount of reused, recovered and recycled construction materials. Funded by EEA Grants Portugal, 2020-2022
NTRANS is established to deliver world leading research on the energy system in the transition to the zero-emission society. NTRANS focuses on the role of the energy system in the decarbonization of sectors such as energy, transport, industry, and buildings, as well as our everyday lives. Funded by RCN, R&D partners and industry, 2019-2027.
Methods for Transparent Energy Planning of Urban Building Stocks (ExPOSe)
The aim of the project is to develop methods, data framework and analysis approaches to support long-term energy planning and develop reliable energy pathways for urban building stocks, taking into account structural changes, flexibility, smart solutions, energy supply, and user behavior. Funded by RCN, 2017-2022
OceanNETs aims to determine to what extent the large-scale deployment of ocean-based negative emission technologies could contribute to realistic and effective pathways for Europe and the world to achieve climate neutrality and the goals established in the Paris Agreement. Funded by H2020, 2020-2024
Climate change mitigation in the maritime sector (CLIMMS)
We aim to develop a robust understanding of the actual and complete climate impacts associated with different mitigation options for the global maritime fleet, in line with pathways for reaching the International Maritime Organization goals to reduce maritime GHG emissions by 50%. Funded by RCN, 2019-2023
The Research Centre on Zero Emission Neighbourhoods in Smart Cities (FME ZEN Centre) will enable the transition to a low carbon society by developing sustainable neighbourhoods with zero greenhouse gas emissions. The Centre will speed up decarbonisation of the building stock, use more renewable energy sources and create positive synergies. Funded by RCN, 2016-2024
By tackling existing weaknesses and lack of capabilities of the current generation of Integrated Assessment Models, NAVIGATE will provide new insight into how long-term climate goals can translate into short-term policy action, and how countries and sectors can work in concert to implement the Paris Agreement. Funded by H2020, 2019-2023
The Smart Maritime SFI vision is the greening of maritime transport, enabling the Norwegian maritime cluster to be world leading in environmentally friendly shipping by 2025. This position shall be gained through innovative use, improvement and combination of technologies. Funded by RCN, 2015-2023