Edgar Hertwich
Edgar Hertwich is professr in Industrial Ecology at NTNU's Department of Energy and Process Engineering. Hertwich is a partner and co-founder of XIO Sustainability Analytics, a sustainability assessment data and service provider. In 2023, he was awarded NTNU's prize for excellence in research or artistic activities. In 2022, Hertwich was selected as one of fifteen members of the European Scientific Advisory Board on Climate Change. He led the development of a report on the energy supply shortage in the wake of Russia's invasion of the Ukraine. Since 2007, he has served as a member of the International Resource Panel, where he coordinated a report on resource efficiency and climate change. This work has been used in many policy processes. It informed the European Union's Circular Economy Action Plan and the Renovation Wave, part of its climate policy for the building sector. Hertwich is ranked among the top 100 researchers in the world in the fields of environmental science and climate change, according to separate assessments conducted by researchers at Stanford University and Reuters.
Hertwich was a lead author of the energy systems chapter and the methods annex of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change IPCC 5th assessment report, as well as a contributor to the Technical Summary and the Summary for Policy makers. He contributed to the Global Energy Assessment and serves on the editorial boards of Environmental Science & Technology, the Journal of Industrial Ecology, and the Journal of Economic Structures.
Hertwich was born in Salzburg, Austria. He has an engineering degree from the HTL Braunau, a Bachelor in physics (Magna Cum Laude) from Princeton University, and MSc and PhD in energy & ressources from the University of California, Berkeley. He has worked at the Austrian Energy Agency, the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis and served as chair of the board of MiSA - a start-up founded with former students. He was professor and director of the Industrial Ecology Programme at NTNU from 2003-2015. From 2015-2019, he was professor of industrial sustainability and director of the Center for Industrial Ecology of Yale University. From 2019 to 2022, he served as Executive Fellow at Yale. He served as president of the International Society for Industrial Ecology in 2017-2018. During his presidency, the society was incorporated as an independent legal entity in the Netherlands and received an independent secretariate. The society had originally been founded by Professor Thomas E. Graedel as a project at Yale University.
Hertwich's research addresses climate mitigation, low-carbon energy supply, sustainable consumption and production, trade, resources, and the environment. He is interested in understanding how activities in our society produce environmental pressures, the dynamics in our development that affect these driving forces and their resulting environmental pressures, and alternative courses of action that can reduce these pressures. What is the connection between human activities on the one hand and emissions and resource use on the other hand? What are the implications of our current development path? What do we need to change, both in terms of individual actions and policy frameworks, to achieve a more sustainable development? His methods include life-cycle assessment, input-output economics, dynamic product cohort models, and statistics.
Current Projects
- Resource Efficiency and Climate Change (repository)
- Circular Economy Modelling for Climate Change Mitigation CIRCOMOD
- Co-produced transformative knowledge to accelerate change for biodiversity RAINFOREST
- Norwegian Center for Energy Transition Studies NTRANS
- Research Center on Zero-Emission Neighbourhoods FME-ZEN
Previous NTNU Projects
- Sustainable Development Pathways SHAPE
- GLAMURS: Green Lifestyles, Alternative Models and Upscaling Regional Sustainability
- DESIRE: Development of a System of Indicators for a Resource-Efficient Europe
- ADVANCE: Model development and validation for climate policy analysis
- Carbon CAP: Consumption-based accounting and policy
- CENSES: Center for sustainable energy studies
Rousseau, Lola Sylvie Annie;
Næss, Jan Sandstad;
Carrer, Fabio;
Amini, Sara;
Brattebø, Helge;
Hertwich, Edgar.
Reducing material use and their greenhouse gas emissions in Greater Oslo.
Journal of Industrial Ecology
Academic article
Koslowski, Maximilian;
Hertwich, Edgar G.;
Wood, Richard.
From single to joint-production under rectangular technology choice.
Economic Systems Research
Academic article
Brattebø, Helge;
Korpås, Magnus;
Georges, Laurent Francis Ghislain;
Hertwich, Edgar G.;
Næss, Jan Sandstad;
Kauko, Hanne Laura Pauliina.
Anbefalt metode for beregning av utslipp fra strøm og fjernvarme. Oppsummering og anbefaling på tvers av studier i FME ZEN.
SINTEF akademisk forlag
ZEN Memo (65)
Hertwich, Edgar G..
European union’s ambitious climate goals are achievable – here’s how .
Norwegian SciTech News
Feature article
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Mulig å nå klimamålene med EUs grønne giv.
Dagens næringsliv
Feature article
Cartalis, Constantinos;
Dessai, Suraje;
Diaz Anadon, Laura;
Edenhofer, Ottmar;
Eory, Vera;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Towards EU climate neutrality: Progress, policy gaps and opportunities.
European Scientific Advisory Board on Climate Change
Academic monograph
Hertwich, Edgar G..
An emergency break for the climate: EU advisory board recommends 90%–95% reduction in emissions by 2040.
Book review
Mattson, Kim Rainer;
Giroux, Baptiste Abel Rene;
Rustad, Ida Hexeberg;
Brattebø, Helge;
Hertwich, Edgar.
Allokering av klimagassutslipp fra avfallsforbrenning med energigjenvinning i livsløpsanalyser.
SINTEF akademisk forlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Næss, Jan Sandstad;
Mattson, Kim Rainer;
Giroux, Baptiste;
Rustad, Ida;
Brattebø, Helge;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Allokering av klimagassutslipp fra avfallsforbrenning med energigjenvinning i livsløpsanalyser .
SINTEF akademisk forlag
ZEN Report (61)
Yan, Hongzhi;
Ahrens, Marcel Ulrich;
Hertwich, Edgar G.;
Eikevik, Trygve Magne;
Wang, Ruzhu.
Heat pumps as a sustainable bridge for global heating and cooling at multi-scale.
Energy & Environmental Science
Jaktar, Harshavardhan;
Carrer, Fabio;
Amini, Sara;
Sari, Agus;
Hertwich, Edgar G.;
Hamilton, Ian.
Resource Efficiency and Climate Change:
Material Efficiency Strategies for a Low-Carbon Future
in Residential Construction Sector in Indonesia.
United Nations Environment Programme
United Nations Environment Programme
Academic monograph
Jaktar, Harshavardhan;
Carrer, Fabio;
Amini, Sara;
Gaspes, Ezequiel;
Garcia, Adriana Beatriz;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Resource Efficiency and Climate Change:
Material Efficiency Strategies for a Low-Carbon Future
in Residential Construction Sector in Argentina.
United Nations Environment Programme
United Nations Environment Programme
Academic monograph
Jaktar, Harshavardhan;
Carrer, Fabio;
Amini, Sara;
Carrazco, Carlos Alejandro;
Hertwich, Edgar G.;
Hamilton, Ian.
Resource Efficiency and Climate Change:
Material Efficiency Strategies for a Low-Carbon Future
in Construction Sector in Mexico.
United Nations Environment Programme
United Nations Environment Programme
Academic monograph
Cunha, Sónia;
Hertwich, Edgar G.;
Ferrão, Paulo.
Socioeconomic metabolism: Drivers of resource productivity.
Resources, Conservation and Recycling
Academic article
Lifset, Reid;
Hertwich, Edgar G.;
Makov, Tamar.
Policy for material efficiency in homes and cars: Enabling new climate change mitigation strategies.
Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change (WIRESs)
Academic literature review
Soergel, Bjoern;
Rauner, Sebastian;
Daioglou, Vassilis;
Weindl, Isabelle;
Mastrucci, Alessio;
Carrer, Fabio.
Multiple pathways towards sustainable development goals and climate targets.
Environmental Research Letters
Academic article
Pauliuk, Stefan;
Carrer, Fabio;
Heeren, Niko;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Scenario analysis of supply- and demand-side solutions for circular economy and climate change mitigation in the global building sector.
Journal of Industrial Ecology
Academic article
Creutzig, Felix;
Simoes, Sofia G.;
Leipold, Sina;
Berrill, Peter;
Azevedo, Isabel;
Edelenbosch, Oreane.
Demand-side strategies key for mitigating material impacts of energy transitions.
Nature Climate Change
Academic article
Jiang, Meng;
Cao, Yuheng;
Liu, Changgong;
Chen, Dingjiang;
Zhou, Wenji;
Wen, Qian.
Tracing fossil-based plastics, chemicals and fertilizers production in China.
Nature Communications
Academic article
Rasul, Kajwan;
Bruckner, Martin;
Mempel, Finn;
Trsek, Stefan;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Energy input and food output: The energy imbalance across regional agrifood systems.
PNAS Nexus
Academic article
Hertwich, Edgar G.;
Koslowski, Maximilian;
Rasul, Kajwan.
Linking hypothetical extraction, the accumulation of production factors, and the addition of value.
Journal of Industrial Ecology
Academic article
Davin, Killian Ronan;
Koslowski, Maximilian;
Dorber, Martin;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Examining global biodiversity accounts: Implications of aggregating characterization factors from elementary flows in multi-regional input–output analysis.
Journal of Industrial Ecology
Academic article
Rasul, Kajwan;
Schmidt, Sarah Yvonne;
Hertwich, Edgar G.;
Wood, Richard.
EXIOBASE energy accounts: Improving precision in an open-sourced procedure applicable to any MRIO database.
Journal of Industrial Ecology
Academic article
Nwagwu, Chibuikem Chrysogonus;
Akin, Sahin;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Modelling Nigerian residential dwellings: bottom-up approach and scenario analysis.
Buildings & Cities
Academic article
Jiang, Meng;
Wang, Ranran;
Wood, Richard John;
Rasul, Kajwan;
Zhu, Bing;
Hertwich, Edgar.
Material and Carbon Footprints of Machinery Capital.
Environmental Science and Technology
Academic article
Hertwich, Edgar G.;
Verones, Francesca;
Wood, Richard;
Wood, Richard John.
Synsing om naturtap er lite fruktbart.
Miller, T. Reed;
Chertow, Marian;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Liquid Hydrogen: A Mirage or Potent Solution for Aviation’s Climate Woes?.
Environmental Science and Technology
Academic article
Iyer, Aishwarya V.;
Rao, Narasimha D;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Review of Urban Building Types and Their Energy Use and Carbon Emissions in Life-Cycle Analyses from Low- and Middle-Income Countries.
Environmental Science and Technology
Academic literature review
Jiang, Meng;
Behrens, Paul;
Lyu, Le;
Tang, Zhipeng;
Chen, Dingjiang;
Cao, Yuheng.
Additional north-south differences in China revealed by the Planetary Pressure-Adjusted Human Development Index.
Resources, Conservation and Recycling
Academic article
Wang, Ranran;
Hertwich, Edgar G.;
Fishman, Tomer;
Deetman, Sebastiaan;
Behrens, Paul;
Chen, Wei-Qiang.
The legacy environmental footprints of manufactured capital.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS)
Academic article
Zheng, Heran;
Wood, Richard John;
Moran, Daniel Dean;
Feng, Kuishuang;
Tisserant, Alexandre Fabien Regis;
Jiang, Meng.
Rising carbon inequality and its driving factors from 2005 to 2015.
Global Environmental Change
Academic article
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Do not be misled on the energy crisis.
Environmental Research Letters
Academic article
Akin, Sahin;
Nwagwu, Chibuikem;
Heeren, Niko;
Hertwich, Edgar.
Archetype-based energy and material use estimation for the residential buildings in Arab Gulf countries.
Energy and Buildings
Academic article
Murugesu, Jason Arunn;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Carbon inequality is rising as rich people are slower to cut emissions.
New scientist (1971)
Interview Journal
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Naturtap som følge av Norges forbruk er ukjent.
Aftenposten (morgenutg. : trykt utg.)
Reader opinion piece
Wang, Xiaoxiong;
Wang, Tong;
Zhang, Tianyuan;
Winter, Lea R.;
Di, Jinghan;
Tu, Qingshi.
Microalgae Commercialization Using Renewable Lignocellulose Is Economically and Environmentally Viable.
Environmental Science and Technology
Academic article
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Dagsvik svarer ikke på de viktige spørsmålene.
Reader opinion piece
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Uten å bråbremse klimautslippene kan vi passere 1,5 grader rundt 2030.
Feature article
Cartalis, Constantinos;
Dessai, Suraje;
Diaz Anadon, Laura;
Edenhofer, Ottmar;
Eory, Vera;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Addressing the energy crisis while delivering on EU’s climate objectives: recommendations to policy makers. Advice from the European Scientific Advisory Board on Climate Change.
European Scientific Advisory Board on Climate Change
Cartalis, Constantinos;
Dessai, Suraje;
Diaz Anadon, Laura;
Edenhofer, Ottmar;
Eory, Vera;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Scientific advice for the determination of an EU-wide 2040 climate target and a greenhouse gas budget for 2030–2050.
European Scientific Advisory Board on Climate Change
Academic monograph
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Gamle og forkastede klimateorier i SSB-notat.
Feature article
Rasul, Kajwan;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Decomposition Analysis of the Carbon Footprint of Primary Metals.
Environmental Science and Technology
Academic article
Wang, Tong;
Berrill, Peter;
Zimmerman, Julie Beth;
Rao, Narasimha D.;
Min, Jihoon;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Improved Copper Circularity as a Result of Increased Material Efficiency in the U.S. Housing Stock.
Environmental Science and Technology
Academic article
Grubb, Michael;
Jordan, Nino David;
Hertwich, Edgar G.;
Neuhoff, Karsten;
Das, Kasturi;
Bandyopadhyay, Kaushik Ranjan.
Carbon Leakage, Consumption, and Trade.
Annual Review Environment and Resources
Academic literature review
Chen, Wu;
Sun, Xin;
Liu, Litao;
Liu, Xiaojie;
Zhang, Rui;
Zhang, Shaohui.
Carbon neutrality of China's passenger car sector requires coordinated short-term behavioral changes and long-term technological solutions.
One Earth
Academic article
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Rationing or blackouts?
A price ceiling for electricity demands some hard choices.
Reader opinion piece
Berrill, Peter;
Wilson, Eric J. H.;
Reyna, Janet L.;
Fontanini, Anthony D.;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Author Correction: Decarbonization pathways for the residential sector in the United States (Nature Climate Change, (2022), 12, 8, (712-718), 10.1038/s41558-022-01429-y).
Nature Climate Change
Berrill, Peter;
Wilson, Eric J.H.;
Janet L., Reyna;
Antyony D., Fontanini;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Decarbonization pathways for the residential sector in the United States.
Nature Climate Change
Academic article
Carattini, Stefano;
Hertwich, Edgar G.;
Melkadze, Givi;
Shrader, Jeffrey G..
Mandatory disclosure is key to address climate risks.
Academic article
Rousseau, Lola Sylvie Annie;
Kloostra, Bradley;
AzariJafari, Hessam;
Saxe, Shoshanna ;
Gregory, Jeremy ;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Material Stock and Embodied Greenhouse Gas Emissions of Global and Urban Road Pavement.
Environmental Science and Technology
Academic article
Usai, Lorenzo;
Lamb, Jacob Joseph;
Hertwich, Edgar G.;
Burheim, Odne Stokke;
Strømman, Anders Hammer.
Analysis of the Li-ion battery industry in light of the global transition to electric passenger light duty vehicles until 2050.
Environmental Research: Infrastructure and Sustainability
Academic article
Zheng, Heran;
Long, Yin;
Wood, Richard;
Moran, Daniel;
Zhang, Zhengkai;
Meng, Jing.
Ageing society in developed countries challenges carbon mitigation.
Nature Climate Change
Academic article
Zheng, Heran;
Long, Yin;
Wood, Richard;
Moran, Daniel;
Zhang, Zengkai;
Meng, Jing.
Author Correction: Ageing society in developed countries challenges carbon mitigation (Nature Climate Change, (2022), 12, 3, (241-248), 10.1038/s41558-022-01302-y).
Nature Climate Change
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Strømstøtten øker energiprisen og gjør vondt verre – dette er politikk blottet for markedsinnsikt.
Dagens næringsliv
Feature article
Zheng, Heran;
Hertwich, Edgar.
All-consuming baby boomers are the world’s worst polluters ‘with biggest carbon footprint’.
Popular scientific article
Zheng, Heran;
Hertwich, Edgar.
People over 60 account for a third of greenhouse gas emissions.
The Hill
Short communication
Huang, Yuqiao;
Wolfram, Paul;
Miller, Reed;
Azarijafari, Hessam;
Guo, Fengdi;
An, Kangxin.
Mitigating life cycle GHG emissions of roads to be built through 2030: Case study of a Chinese province.
Journal of Environmental Management (JEM)
Academic article
Berrill, Peter;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Material flows and GHG emissions from housing stock evolution in US counties, 2020–60.
Buildings & Cities
Academic article
Berrill, Peter;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Correction: Material flows and GHG emissions from housing stock evolution in US counties, 2020–60.
Buildings & Cities
Berrill, Peter;
Gillingham, Kenneth T.;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Linking Housing Policy, Housing Typology, and Residential Energy Demand in the United States.
Environmental Science and Technology
Academic literature review
Berrill, Peter;
Gillingham, Kenneth T.;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Drivers of change in US residential energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions, 1990-2015.
Environmental Research Letters
Academic literature review
Fishman, Tomer;
Heeren, Niko;
Pauliuk, Stefan;
Berrill, Peter;
Tu, Qingshi;
Wolfram, Paul.
A comprehensive set of global scenarios of housing, mobility, and material efficiency for material cycles and energy systems modeling.
Journal of Industrial Ecology
Academic article
Nick, Nuttall;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Carbon markets can make responsible firms bear costs of climate change.
Channel News Asia
Feature article
Wang, Tong;
Berrill, Peter;
Zimmerman, Julie B.;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Copper Recycling Flow Model for the United States Economy: Impact of Scrap Quality on Potential Energy Benefit.
Environmental Science and Technology
Academic article
Ye, Quanliang;
Hertwich, Edgar G.;
Krol, Maarten S.;
Font Vivanco, David;
Lounsbury, Amanda W.;
Zheng, Xinzhu.
Linking the Environmental Pressures of China's Capital Development to Global Final Consumption of the Past Decades and into the Future.
Environmental Science and Technology
Academic article
Zheng, Xinzhu;
Guo, Kaidi;
Luo, Huilin;
Pan, Xunzhang;
Hertwich, Edgar G.;
Jin, Lei.
Individualism and nationally determined contributions to climate change.
Science of the Total Environment
Academic article
Tomasgard, Asgeir;
Hertwich, Edgar G.;
Korpås, Magnus;
Brattebø, Helge;
Hustad, Johan Einar.
Det grønne skiftet er mulig, og i gang.
Feature article
Tomasgard, Asgeir;
Hertwich, Edgar G.;
Brattebø, Helge;
Korpås, Magnus;
Hustad, Johan Einar.
Grønn teknologi vil bli billigere enn fossil teknologi.
Feature article
Korpås, Magnus;
Moe, Espen;
Skjølsvold, Tomas Moe;
Hertwich, Edgar G.;
Tomasgard, Asgeir.
Vi trenger mer fornybar energi, inkludert vindkraft, for å nå klimamålene.
Feature article
Wang, Ranran;
Assenova, Valentina A.;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Energy system decarbonization and productivity gains reduced the coupling of CO2 emissions and economic growth in 73 countries between 1970 and 2016.
One Earth
Academic article
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Increased carbon footprint of materials production driven by rise in investments.
Nature Geoscience
Academic article
Korpås, Magnus;
Moe, Espen;
Hertwich, Edgar G.;
Tomasgard, Asgeir.
Professorer som samfunns-supportere.
Feature article
Wolfram, Paul;
Weber, Stephanie;
Gillingham, Kenneth T.;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Pricing indirect emissions accelerates low—carbon transition of US light vehicle sector.
Nature Communications
Academic article
Pauliuk, Stefan;
Heeren, Niko;
Berrill, Peter;
Fishman, Tomer;
Nistad, Andrea Arntzen;
Tu, Qingshi.
Global scenarios of resource and emission savings from material efficiency in residential buildings and cars.
Nature Communications
Academic article
Tu, Qingshi;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
A mechanistic model to link technical specifications of vehicle end-of-life treatment with the potential of closed-loop recycling of post-consumer scrap alloys.
Journal of Industrial Ecology
Academic article
Zheng, Xinzhu;
Wang, Ranran;
Hoekstra, Arjen Y.;
Krol, Maarten S.;
Zhang, Yaxin;
Guo, Kaidi.
Consideration of culture is vital if we are to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.
One Earth
Academic article
Krych, Kamila;
Heeren, Niko;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Factors influencing the life-cycle GHG emissions of Brazilian office buildings.
Buildings & Cities
Academic article
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Undeland har ikke fortjent slikt.
Reader opinion piece
Huijbregts, Mark A.J.;
Hellweg, Stefanie;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Theory without practice: a reply to the note from Heijungs on the average versus marginal debate in Life Cycle Impact Assessment.
The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment
Short communication
Wolfram, Paul;
Tu, Qingshi;
Heeren, Niko;
Pauliuk, Stefan;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Material efficiency and climate change mitigation of passenger vehicles.
Journal of Industrial Ecology
Academic article
Hertwich, Edgar G.;
Nistad, Andrea Arntzen.
Mindre materialbruk gir et bedre klima.
Feature article
Wolfram, Paul;
Hertwich, Edgar.
Potential Climate Impact Variations Due to Fueling Behavior of Plug-in Hybrid Vehicle Owners in the US.
Environmental Science and Technology
Academic article
Pauliuk, Stefan;
Tomer, Fishman;
Heeren, Niko;
Berrill, Peter;
Tu, Qingshi;
Wolfram, Paul.
Linking service provision to material cycles: A new framework for studying the resource efficiency–climate change (RECC) nexus.
Journal of Industrial Ecology
Academic article
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Is green growth possible?.
Popular scientific article
Vita, Gibran;
Ivanova, Diana;
Dumitru, Adina;
García-Mira, Ricardo;
Carrus, Giuseppe;
Stadler, Konstantin.
Happier with less? Members of European environmental grassroots initiatives reconcile lower carbon footprints with higher life satisfaction and income increases.
Energy Research & Social Science
Academic article
Hertwich, Edgar G.;
Lifset, Reid;
Pauliuk, Stefan;
Heeren, Niko.
Resource Efficiency and Climate Change: Material Efficiency Strategies for a Low-Carbon Future-Summary for Policymakers.
United Nations Environment Programme
United Nations Environment Programme
Academic monograph
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Bra for miljøet å bo tett og smått – begrens skattefordelene for store boliger.
Dagens næringsliv
Feature article
Berrill, Peter;
Miller, T Reed;
Kondo, Yasushi;
Hertwich, Edgar.
Capital in the American carbon, energy, and material footprint .
Journal of Industrial Ecology
Academic article
Hertwich, Edgar.
Carbon fueling complex global value chains tripled in the period 1995–2012.
Energy Economics
Academic article
Luderer, Gunnar;
Pehl, Michaja;
Arvesen, Anders;
Gibon, Thomas;
Bodirsky, Benjamin L.;
de Boer, Harmen-Sytze.
Environmental co-benefits and adverse side-effects of alternative power sector decarbonization strategies.
Nature Communications
Academic article
Vita, Gibran;
Hertwich, Edgar G.;
Stadler, Konstantin;
Wood, Richard.
Connecting global emissions to fundamental human needs and their satisfaction.
Environmental Research Letters
Academic article
Vita, Gibran;
Lundström, Johan R.;
Hertwich, Edgar G.;
Quist, Jaco;
Ivanova, Diana;
Stadler, Konstantin.
The Environmental Impact of Green Consumption and Sufficiency Lifestyles Scenarios in Europe: Connecting Local Sustainability Visions to Global Consequences.
Ecological Economics
Academic article
Wu, Ziyang;
Wang, Can;
Wolfram, Paul;
Zhang, Yaxin;
Sun, Xin;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Assessing electric vehicle policy with region-specific carbon footprints.
Applied Energy
Academic article
Silva Simas, Moana;
Wood, Richard;
Hertwich, Edgar G.;
Wiebe, Kirsten Svenja.
The social and environmental dimensions of global value chains.
Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Doctoral dissertation
Ivanova, Diana;
Vita, Gibran;
Wood, Richard;
Lausselet, Carine;
Dumitru, Adina;
Krause, Karen.
Carbon mitigation in domains of high consumer lock-in.
Global Environmental Change
Academic article
Ivanova, Diana;
Wood, Richard;
Hertwich, Edgar G.;
Stadler, Konstantin.
Environmental impacts of household consumption: from demand patterns to mitigation strategies.
Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU (238)
Doctoral dissertation
Arvesen, Anders;
Luderer, Gunnar;
Pehl, Michaja;
Bodirsky, Benjamin Leon;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Deriving life cycle assessment coefficients for application in integrated assessment modelling.
Environmental Modelling & Software
Academic article
Södersten, Carl-Johan;
Wood, Richard;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Endogenizing capital in MRIO models - the implications for consumption-based accounting.
Environmental Science and Technology
Academic article
Södersten, Carl-Johan;
Wood, Richard;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Environmental Impacts of Capital Formation.
Journal of Industrial Ecology
Academic article
Wood, Richard;
Moran, Daniel;
Stadler, Konstantin;
Ivanova, Diana;
Steen-Olsen, Kjartan;
Tisserant, Alexandre.
Prioritizing Consumption-Based Carbon Policy Based on the Evaluation of Mitigation Potential Using Input-Output
Journal of Industrial Ecology
Academic article
Zheng, Xinzhu;
Wang, Ranran;
Wood, Richard;
Wang, Can;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
High sensitivity of metal footprint to national GDP in part explained by capital formation.
Nature Geoscience
Academic article
Hertwich, Edgar G.;
Wood, Richard.
The growing importance of scope 3 greenhouse gas emissions from industry.
Environmental Research Letters
Academic article
Hertwich, Edgar G.;
Heeren, Niko;
Kuczenski, Brandon;
Majeau-Bettez, Guillaume;
Myers, Rupert;
Pauliuk, Stefan.
Nullius in Verba: Advancing Data Transparency in Industrial Ecology.
Journal of Industrial Ecology
Academic article
Majeau-Bettez, Guillaume;
Dandres, T.;
Pauliuk, Stefan;
Wood, Richard;
Hertwich, Edgar G.;
Samson, Rejean.
Choice of Allocations and Constructs for Attributional or Consequential Life Cycle Assessment and Input-Output Analysis.
Journal of Industrial Ecology
Academic article
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Vitenskapen kan ikke stoppe klimaendringene.
Aftenposten (morgenutg. : trykt utg.)
Feature article
Gibon, Thomas;
Hertwich, Edgar G.;
Arvesen, Anders;
Singh, Bhawna;
Verones, Francesca.
Health benefits, ecological threats of low-carbon electricity.
Environmental Research Letters
Academic article
Silva Simas, Moana;
Pauliuk, Stefan;
Wood, Richard;
Hertwich, Edgar G.;
Stadler, Konstantin.
Correlation between production and consumption-based environmental indicators: The link to affluence and the effect on ranking environmental performance of countries.
Ecological Indicators
Letter to the editor
Gibon, Thomas;
Arvesen, Anders;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Life cycle assessment demonstrates environmental co-benefits and trade-offs of low-carbon electricity supply options.
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews
Academic literature review
Martinez-Corona, Jorge Isaac;
Gibon, Thomas;
Hertwich, Edgar G.;
Parra-Saldivar, Roberto.
Hybrid life cycle assessment of a geothermal plant: From physical to monetary inventory accounting.
Journal of Cleaner Production
Academic article
Ivanova, Diana;
Vita, Gibran;
Steen-Olsen, Kjartan;
Stadler, Konstantin;
Melo, Patricia C;
Wood, Richard.
Mapping the carbon footprint of EU regions.
Environmental Research Letters
Academic article
Pauliuk, Stefan;
Arvesen, Anders;
Stadler, Konstantin;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Industrial ecology in integrated assessment models.
Nature Climate Change
Academic literature review
Pehl, Michaja;
Arvesen, Anders;
Humpenöder, Florian;
Popp, Alexander;
Hertwich, Edgar G.;
Luderer, Gunnar.
Understanding future emissions from low-carbon power systems by integration of life-cycle assessment and integrated energy modelling.
Nature Energy
Academic article
Ivanova, Diana;
Vita, Gibran;
Steen-Olsen, Kjartan;
Stadler, Konstantin;
Melo, Patricia C;
Wood, Richard.
More stuff=more climate change?.
Ivanova, Diana;
Vita, Gibran;
Steen-Olsen, Kjartan;
Stadler, Konstantin;
Melo, Patricia C;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
More stuff = more climate change?.
Ramirez, Andrea;
Ashworth, Peta;
Bakshi, Bhavik R.;
Bergerson, Joule;
Dowd, Anne Maree;
Fan, Liang Shih.
Fossil fuels and carbon dioxide capture and storage.
United Nations Environment Programme
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Pauliuk, Stefan;
Majeau-Bettez, Guillaume;
Müller, Daniel Beat;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Toward a practical ontology for socioeconomic metabolism.
Journal of Industrial Ecology
Academic article
Bouman, Evert;
Øberg, Martha Marie;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Environmental impacts of balancing offshore wind power with
compressed air energy storage (CAES).
Academic article
Steen-Olsen, Kjartan;
Owen, Anne;
Barrett, John;
Guan, Dabo;
Hertwich, Edgar G.;
Lenzen, Manfred.
Accounting for value added embodied in trade and consumption: an intercomparison of global multiregional input–output databases.
Economic Systems Research
Academic article
Berrill, Peter;
Arvesen, Anders;
Scholz, Yvonne;
Gils, Hans Christian;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Environmental impacts of high penetration renewable energy scenarios for Europe.
Environmental Research Letters
Academic article
Kanemoto, Keiichiro;
Moran, Daniel;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Mapping the Carbon Footprint of Nations.
Environmental Science and Technology
Academic article
Steen-Olsen, Kjartan;
Wood, Richard;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
The Carbon Footprint of Norwegian Household Consumption 1999–2012.
Journal of Industrial Ecology
Academic article
Ivanova, Diana;
Stadler, Konstantin;
Steen-Olsen, Kjartan;
Wood, Richard;
Vita, Gibran;
Tukker, Arnold.
Environmental Impact Assessment of Household Consumption.
Journal of Industrial Ecology
Academic article
Hertwich, Edgar G.;
Gibon, Thomas;
Suh, Sangwon.
Chapter 1 • Introduction.
United Nations Environment Programme
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Gibon, Thomas;
Hertwich, Edgar G.;
Bergesen, Joseph;
Suh, Sangwon.
Chapter 2 • Method description.
United Nations Environment Programme
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Hertwich, Edgar G.;
Aloisi de Larderel, Jacqueline;
Arvesen, Anders;
Bayer, P.;
Bergesen, Joseph;
Bouman, Evert.
Green energy choices: the benefits, risks and trade-offs of low-carbon technologies for electricity production.
United Nations Environment Programme
United Nations Environment Programme
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Gibon, Thomas;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Comparison of technologies' life cycles.
United Nations Environment Programme
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Suh, Sangwon;
Hertwich, Edgar G.;
Hellweg, Stefanie;
Kendall, Alissa.
Life Cycle Environmental and Natural Resource Implications of Energy Efficiency Technologies.
Journal of Industrial Ecology
Hertwich, Edgar G.;
Weinzettel, Jan;
Bouman, Evert;
Gibon, Thomas;
Arvesen, Anders;
Knápek, Jaroslav.
Matching supply and demand: grid and storage.
United Nations Environment Programme
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Arvesen, Anders;
Zhongying, Wang;
Jingting, Yuan;
Mingliang, Liu;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Wind power.
United Nations Environment Programme
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Woods, John Sebastian;
Veltman, Karin;
Huijbregts, Mark A.J.;
Verones, Francesca;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Towards a meaningful assessment of marine ecological impacts in life cycle assessment (LCA).
Environment International
Academic literature review
Majeau-Bettez, Guillaume;
Wood, Richard;
Hertwich, Edgar G.;
Strømman, Anders Hammer.
When do allocations and constructs respect material, energy, financial, and production balances in LCA and EEIO?.
Journal of Industrial Ecology
Academic article
Steen-Olsen, Kjartan;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Life cycle assessment as a means to identify the most effective action for sustainable consumption.
Edward Elgar Publishing
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Gibon, Thomas;
Wood, Richard;
Arvesen, Anders;
Bergesen, Joseph;
Suh, Sangwon;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
A Methodology for Integrated, Multiregional Life Cycle Assessment Scenarios under Large-Scale Technological Change.
Environmental Science and Technology
Academic article
Pauliuk, Stefan;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Socioeconomic metabolism as paradigm for studying the biophysical basis of human societies.
Ecological Economics
Academic article
Arvesen, Anders;
Hauan, Ingrid Bjerke;
Bolsøy, Bernhard Mikal;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Life cycle assessment of transport of electricity via different voltage levels: A case study for Nord-Trøndelag county in Norway.
Applied Energy
Academic article
Pauliuk, Stefan;
Wood, Richard;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Dynamic Models of Fixed Capital Stocks and Their Application in Industrial Ecology.
Journal of Industrial Ecology
Academic article
Silva Simas, Moana;
Wood, Richard;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Labor Embodied in Trade: The Role of Labor and Energy Productivity and Implications for Greenhouse Gas Emissions.
Journal of Industrial Ecology
Academic article
Arvesen, Anders;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
More caution is needed when using life cycle assessment to determine energy return on investment (EROI).
Energy Policy
Academic article
Bouman, Evert;
Ramirez, Andrea;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Multiregional environmental comparison of fossil fuel power generation - Assessment of the contribution of fugitive emissions from conventional and unconventional fossil resources.
International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control
Academic article
Hertwich, Edgar G.;
Gibon, Thomas;
Bouman, Evert;
Arvesen, Anders;
Suh, Sangwon;
Heath, Garvin.
Integrated life-cycle assessment of electricity-supply scenarios confirms global environmental benefit of low-carbon technologies.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS)
Academic article
Von Stechow, Christoph;
McCollum, David;
Riahi, Keywan;
Minx, Jan C;
Kriegler, Elmar;
Van Vuuren, Detlef P.
Integrating Global Climate Change Mitigation Goals with Other Sustainability Objectives: A Synthesis.
Annual Review Environment and Resources
Academic literature review
Majeau-Bettez, Guillaume;
Strømman, Anders Hammer;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Convergence of Industrial Ecology Methods for the Analysis of our Socio-economic Metabolism.
Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Doctoral dissertation
Dominguez-Ramos, A;
Singh, Bhawna;
Zhang, X;
Hertwich, Edgar G.;
Irabien, A.
Global warming footprint of the electrochemical reduction of carbon dioxide to formate.
Journal of Cleaner Production
Academic article
Singh, Bhawna;
Bouman, Evert;
Strømman, Anders Hammer;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Material use for electricity generation with carbon dioxide capture and storage: Extending life cycle analysis indices for material accounting.
Resources, Conservation and Recycling
Academic article
Gibon, Thomas;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
A global environmental assessment of electricity generation technologies with low greenhouse gas emissions.
Procedia CIRP
Academic article
Weinzettel, Jan;
Steen-Olsen, Kjartan;
Hertwich, Edgar G.;
Borucke, Michael;
Galli, Alessandro.
Ecological footprint of nations: Comparison of process analysis, and standard and hybrid multiregional input-output analysis.
Ecological Economics
Academic article
Steen-Olsen, Kjartan;
Owen, Anne;
Hertwich, Edgar G.;
Lenzen, Manfred.
Effects of Sector Aggregation on CO2 Multipliers in Multiregional Input-Output Analyses.
Economic Systems Research
Academic article
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Understanding the Climate Mitigation Benefits of Product Systems: Comment on "Using Attributional Life Cycle Assessment to Estimate Climate-Change Mitigation...".
Journal of Industrial Ecology
Letter to the editor
Jorge, Raquel Santos;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Grid infrastructure for renewable power in Europe: The environmental cost.
Academic article
Girod, Bastien;
van, Vuuren,D.P.;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Climate policy through changing consumption choices: Options and obstacles for reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
Global Environmental Change
Academic article
Silva Simas, Moana;
Golsteijn, Laura;
Huijbregts, Mark A. J,;
Wood, Richard;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
The “Bad Labor” Footprint: Quantifying the Social Impacts of Globalization.
Academic article
Wood, Richard;
Hawkins, Troy Robert;
Hertwich, Edgar G.;
Tukker, Arnold.
Economic Systems Research
Academic article
Hertwich, Edgar G..
What's new in the IPCC report? (Blogg - CarbonFootPrintOfNations.com).
Website (informational material)
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Πιο συμφέρουσες οι ανανεώσιμες πηγές παρά το κόστος τους.
Popular scientific article
Singh, Bhawna;
Reijers, Rick Hendricus Theodorus Johan;
Spek, Mijndert;
Schakel, Wouter;
Skagestad, Ragnhild;
Haugen, Hans Aksel.
Environmental Due Diligence of CO2 Capture and Utilization
Technologies – Framework and application.
Energy Procedia
Academic article
Hertwich, Edgar G.;
Gibon, Thomas.
A low-carbon renewable energy future. Is it feasible?.
Website (informational material)
Hertwich, Edgar G.;
Gibon, Thomas.
First-ever global life cycle assessment of renewable energy future.
Website (informational material)
Hertwich, Edgar G.;
Gibon, Thomas.
Global shift to renewable energy found feasible alternative for cleaner air, water.
Website (informational material)
Hertwich, Edgar G.;
Gibon, Thomas.
Natural Gas Not Climate Savior.
Website (informational material)
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Life-cycle impacts analysis of energy options.
Website (informational material)
Hertwich, Edgar G.;
Gibon, Thomas.
Low-Carbon Equals Low-Pollution.
Website (informational material)
Hertwich, Edgar G.;
Gibon, Thomas.
Life-Cycle Study Confirms Global Environmental Benefit of Low-Carbon Energy Technologies.
Website (informational material)
Weinzettel, Jan;
Steen-Olsen, Kjartan;
Hertwich, Edgar G.;
Borucke, Michael;
Galli, Alessandro.
Corrigendum to "Ecological footprint of nations: Comparison of process analysis, and standard and hybrid multiregional input-output analysis" [Ecol. Econ. 101 (2014); 115-126].
Ecological Economics
Hertwich, Edgar G..
What's new in the IPCC report.
Website (informational material)
Fuglestvedt, Jan S.;
Hertwich, Edgar G.;
Kverndokk, Snorre.
Hva gjør politikerne nå?.
Aftenposten (morgenutg. : trykt utg.)
Feature article
Hertwich, Edgar G.;
Müller, Daniel Beat.
Har aldri vært sikrere.
Under dusken : studentavisa i Trondheim
Interview Journal
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Lyspunkter i klimapolitikken.
Bergens Tidende
Popular scientific article
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Lyspunkter i klimapolitikken.
Reader opinion piece
Arvesen, Anders;
Nes, Rasmus Nikolai;
Huertas-Hernando, Daniel;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Life cycle assessment of an offshore grid interconnecting wind farms and customers across the North Sea.
The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment
Academic article
Jorge, Raquel Santos;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Environmental evaluation of power transmission in Norway.
Applied Energy
Academic article
Arvesen, Anders;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Understanding the environmental implications of energy transitions. A case study for wind power.
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU (8)
Doctoral dissertation
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Addressing Biogenic Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Hydropower in LCA.
Environmental Science and Technology
Academic article
Ramirez, Andrea;
Bakshi, Bhavik R.;
Gibon, Thomas;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Assessment of Low Carbon Energy Technologies: Fossil Fuels and CCS.
Energy Procedia
Academic article
Weinzettel, Jan;
Hertwich, Edgar G.;
Peters, Glen Philip;
Steen-Olsen, Kjartan;
Galli, Alessandro.
Affluence drives the global displacement of land use.
Global Environmental Change
Academic article
Wood, Richard;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Economic modelling and indicators in life cycle sustainability assessment.
The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment
Academic article
Girod, B;
van Vuuren, DP;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Global climate targets and future consumption level: an evaluation of the required GHG intensity.
Environmental Research Letters
Academic article
Larsen, Hogne Nersund;
Pettersen, Johan;
Solli, Christian;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Investigating the Carbon Footprint of a University - The case of NTNU.
Journal of Cleaner Production
Academic article
Cherubini, Francesco;
Strømman, Anders Hammer;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Biogenic CO2 fluxes from bioenergy and climate-A response.
Ecological Modelling
Reader opinion piece
Arvesen, Anders;
Birkeland, Christine;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
The Importance of Ships and Spare Parts in LCAs of Offshore Wind Power.
Environmental Science and Technology
Academic article
Sopha, Bertha Maya;
Kløckner, Christian;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Adoption and diffusion of heating systems in Norway: Coupling agent-based modeling with empirical research.
Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions
Academic article
Dahlstrøm, Oddbjørn;
Sørnes, Kari;
Tveit Eriksen, Silje;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Life cycle assessment of a single-family residence built to either conventional- or passive house standard.
Energy and Buildings
Academic article
Singh, Bhawna;
Strømman, Anders Hammer;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Environmental Damage Assessment of Carbon Capture and Storage Application of End-Point Indicators.
Journal of Industrial Ecology
Academic article
Michelsen, Ottar;
Hertwich, Edgar G.;
Jenssen, Bjørn Munro;
Brattebø, Helge;
Kløckner, Christian.
Kunnskap for bærekraft.
Feature article
Huijbregts, MAJ;
Hellweg, S;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Average Damage Functions Are Not Emission-Rated Distance to Targets.
Environmental Science and Technology
Reader opinion piece
Jorge, Raquel Santos;
Hawkins, Troy Robert;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Life cycle assessment of electricity transmission and distribution - part 2: transformers and substation equipment.
The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment
Academic article
Jorge, Raquel Santos;
Hawkins, Troy Robert;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Life cycle assessment for electricity transmission and distribution - part 1: power lines and cables.
The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment
Academic article
Singh, Bhawna;
Strømman, Anders Hammer;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Scenarios for the environmental impact of fossil fuel power: Co-benefits and trade-offs of carbon capture and storage.
Academic article
Steen-Olsen, Kjartan;
Weinzettel, Jan;
Cranston, Gemma;
Ercin, Ertug;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Carbon, Land, and Water Footprint Accounts for the European Union: Consumption, Production, and Displacements through International Trade.
Environmental Science and Technology
Academic article
Sveinssønn Melvær, MARTIN;
Hertwich, Edgar G.;
Houlihan Wiberg, Aoife Anne Marie.
Life-cycle assessment of a multi-family residence built to passive house standard.
Masters thesis
Hertwich, Edgar G..
BIODIVERSITY Remote responsibility.
Arvesen, Anders;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Assessing the life cycle environmental impacts of wind power: A review of present knowledge and research needs.
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews
Academic literature review
Sopha, Bertha Maya;
Klöckner, Christian;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Exploring Policy Options for a Transition to Sustainable Heating System Diffusion using an Agent-Based Simulation.
Energy Policy
Academic article
Huijbregts, MAJ;
Hellweg, S;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Do We Need a Paradigm Shift in Life Cycle Impact Assessment?.
Environmental Science and Technology
Singh, Bhawna;
Strømman, Anders Hammer;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Life cycle assessment of natural gas combined cycle power plant with post-combustion carbon capture, transport and storage.
International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control
Academic article
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Economic Systems Research
Academic article
Hertwich, Edgar G.;
Roux, Charlotte.
Greenhouse Gas Emissions from the Consumption of Electric and Electronic Equipment by Norwegian Households.
Environmental Science and Technology
Academic article
Arvesen, Anders;
Bright, Ryan M.;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Considering only first-order effects? How simplifications lead to unrealistic technology optimism in climate change mitigation.
Energy Policy
Academic article
Arvesen, Anders;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Environmental implications of large-scale adoption of wind power: a scenario-based life cycle assessment.
Environmental Research Letters
Academic article
Cherubini, Francesco;
Strømman, Anders Hammer;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Effects of boreal forest management practices on the climate impact of CO2 emissions from bioenergy.
Ecological Modelling
Academic article
Singh, Bhawna;
Strømman, Anders Hammer;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Comparative impact assessment of CCS portfolio: Life cycle perspective.
Energy Procedia
Academic article
Majeau-Bettez, Guillaume;
Strømman, Anders Hammer;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Evaluation of Process- and Input–Output-based Life Cycle Inventory Data with Regard to Truncation and Aggregation Issues.
Environmental Science and Technology
Academic article
Larsen, Hogne Nersund;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Analyzing the carbon footprint from public services provided by counties.
Journal of Cleaner Production
Academic article
Singh, Bhawna;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Environmental evaluation of carbon capture and storage technology and large scale deployment scenarios.
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet NTNU Trondheim
Doctoral dissertation
Larsen, Hogne Nersund;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Developing consumption-based greenhouse gas accounts. The carbon footprint of local public service provision in Norway.
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet NTNU Trondheim
Doctoral dissertation
Sopha, Bertha Maya;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Agent-Based Modeling and Simulation of Clean Heating System Adoption in Norway.
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet NTNU Trondheim
Doctoral dissertation
Steen-Olsen, Kjartan;
Peters, Glen Philip;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Carbon Footprint of Nations - Emissions Worldwide.
Multimedia product
Michelsen, Ottar;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Større fotspor fra produksjonsfasen.
Popular scientific article
Cherubini, Francesco;
Peters, Glen Philip;
Berntsen, Terje Koren;
Strømman, Anders Hammer;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
CO2 emissions from biomass combustion for bioenergy: atmospheric decay and contribution to global warming.
GCB Bioenergy: Bioproducts for a Sustainable Bioeconomy
Academic article
Singh, Bhawna;
Strømman, Anders Hammer;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Comparative life cycle environmental assessment of CCS technologies.
International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control
Academic article
Sopha, Bertha Maya;
Klöckner, Christian;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Adopters and Non-Adopters of Wood Pellet Heating in Norwegian Households.
Biomass & Bioenergy
Academic article
Larsen, Hogne Nersund;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Implementing Carbon-Footprint-Based Calculation Tools in Municipal Greenhouse Gas Inventories.
Journal of Industrial Ecology
Academic article
Arvesen, Anders;
Liu, Jingru;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Energy Cost of Living and Associated Pollution for Beijing Residents.
Journal of Industrial Ecology
Academic article
Martinsen, Thomas;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Technology learning in a global-local perspective.
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Doctoral dissertation
Larsen, Hogne Nersund;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Identifying important characteristics of municipal carbon footprints.
Ecological Economics
Academic article
Veltman, Karin;
Singh, Bhawna;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Human and Environmental Impact Assessment of Postcombustion CO2 Capture Focusing on Emissions from Amine-Based Scrubbing Solvents to Air.
Environmental Science and Technology
Academic article
Sopha, Bertha Maya;
Klöckner, Christian;
Skjevrak, Geir;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Norwegian households’ perception of wood pellet stove compared to air-to-air heat pump and electric heating.
Energy Policy
Academic article
Hertwich, Edgar G.;
van der Voet, Ester;
Tukker, Arnold;
Suh, Sangwon.
Assessing the Environmental Impacts of Consumption and Production - Priority Products and Materials.
United Nations Environment Programme
United Nations Environment Programme
Non-fiction book
Hertwich, Edgar G.;
Arvesen, Anders.
Lekepenger i en modellverden.
Aftenposten (morgenutg. : trykt utg.)
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Ulogiske klimatiltak.
Feature article
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Hoel og Godal overser innovasjon.
Dagens næringsliv
Reader opinion piece
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Funker klimakvoter?.
Dagens næringsliv
Reader opinion piece
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Kostnadseffektiv klimapolitikk?.
Stavanger Aftenblad
Feature article
Solli, Christian;
Anantharaman, Rahul;
Strømman, Anders Hammer;
Zhang, Xiangping;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Evaluation of different CHP options for refinery integration in the context of a low carbon future.
International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control
Academic article
Weinzettel, Jan;
Reenaas, Marte;
Solli, Christian;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Life cycle assessment of a floating offshore wind turbine.
Renewable Energy
Academic article
Hertwich, Edgar G.;
Peters, Glen.
Carbon Footprint of Nations: A Global, Trade-Linked Analysis.
Environmental Science and Technology
Academic article
Hertwich, Edgar G.;
Zhang, Xiangping.
Concentrating-Solar Biomass Gasification Process for a 3rd Generation Biofuel.
Environmental Science and Technology
Academic article
Zhang, Xiangping;
Solli, Christian;
Hertwich, Edgar G.;
Tian, Xiao;
Zhang, Soujiang.
Exergy Analysis of the Process for Dimethyl Ether Production through Biomass Steam Gasification.
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research
Academic article
Larsen, Hogne Nersund;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Stor variasjon i kommuners klimafotavtrykk.
Popular scientific article
Strømman, Anders Hammer;
Hertwich, Edgar G.;
Duchin, Faye.
Shifting Trade Patterns as a Means of Reducing Global Carbon Dioxide Emissions.
Journal of Industrial Ecology
Academic article
Strømman, Anders Hammer;
Peters, Glen;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Approaches to correct for double counting in tiered hybrid life cycle inventories.
Journal of Cleaner Production
Academic article
Peters, Glen;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
The application of multi-regional input-output analysis to industrial ecology : evaluating trans-boundary environmental impacts.
Springer Publishing Company
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Solli, Christian;
Reenaas, Marte;
Strømman, Anders Hammer;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Life cycle assessment of wood-based heating in Norway.
The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment
Academic article
Peters, Glen;
Marland, Gregg;
Hertwich, Edgar G.;
Saikku, Laura;
Rautiainen, Aapo;
Kauppi, Pekka E.
Trade, transport, and sinks extend the carbon dioxide responsibility of countries: An editorial essay.
Climatic Change
Academic article
Larsen, Hogne Nersund;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
The case for consumption-based accounting of greenhouse gas emissions to promote local climate action.
Environmental Science and Policy
Academic article
Pettersen, Johan;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Critical review: Life-cycle inventory procedures for long-term release of metals.
Environmental Science and Technology
Academic literature review
Larsen, Hogne Nersund;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Lokal klimahandling krever ny tilnærming.
Kommunal rapport
Feature article
Hertwich, Edgar G..
All kraft bør skattlegges.
Reader opinion piece
Larsen, Hogne Nersund;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Lokal klimahandling.
Teknisk Ukeblad
Feature article
Pettersen, Johan;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Occupational health impacts: offshore crane lifts in life cycle assessment.
The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment
Academic article
Zhang, Xiangping;
Strømman, Anders Hammer;
Solli, Christian;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Model-centered approach to early planning and design of an eco-industrial park around an oil refinery.
Environmental Science and Technology
Academic article
Hertwich, Edgar G.;
Aaberg, Martin;
Singh, Bhawna;
Strømman, Anders Hammer.
Life-cycle assessment of carbon dioxide capture for enhanced oil recovery.
Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering
Academic article
Peters, Glen;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Post-Kyoto greenhouse gas inventories: production versus consumption.
Climatic Change
Academic article
Peters, Glen;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
CO2 embodied in international trade with implications for global climate policy.
Environmental Science and Technology
Academic article
Ornetzeder, Michael;
Hertwich, Edgar G.;
Hubacek, Klaus;
Korytarova, Katarina;
Haas, Willi.
The environmental effect of car-free housing: A case in Vienna.
Ecological Economics
Academic article
Asphjell, Arne;
Mostad, Helle Britt;
Hertwich, Edgar G.;
Leistad, Øyvind.
Biomasse mest effektivt til oppvarming.
Book review
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Privat klimaansvar.
Dagens næringsliv
Feature article
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Handelsbalansen - målt i CO2.
Bergens Tidende
Feature article
Hertwich, Edgar G.;
En frisk bølle i klimadebatten.
Interview Journal
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Kunnskapsløft i klimadebatten.
Dagens næringsliv
Reader opinion piece
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Handelsbalansen - målt i CO2.
Feature article
Arvesen, Anders;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Utslipp av klimagasser fra flytrafikk.
Report - Programme for Industrial Ecology (4)
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Moms på CO2.
Popular scientific article
Larsen, Hogne Nersund;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Kommuner viktige for klimakutt.
Popular scientific article
Pettersen, Johan;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Development and application of life-cycle inventory and impact assessment methods.
Doctoral dissertation
Pettersen, Johan;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Overall evaluation of offshore drilling fluid technology: Development and application of life-cycle inventory and impact assessment methods.
Tapir Akademisk Forlag
Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU (251)
Doctoral dissertation
Peters, Glen;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
IKEA - CO2 emission intensities by sector and region.
Larsen, Hogne Nersund;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
En kartlegging av energibruk og klimagassutslipp i Trondheim, med fokus på kommunens egen aktivitet gjennom direkte og indirekte klimagassutslipp.
Trondheim: Industrial Ecology Programme, NTNU.
Peters, Glen;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Post-Kyoto greenhouse gas inventories: production versus consumption.
Climatic Change
Academic article
Tukker, Arnold;
de Zoysa, Uchita;
Hertwich, Edgar G.;
Hostetter, Patrick;
Atsushi, Inaba;
Lorek, Sylvia.
The Oslo Declaration on Sustainable Consumption.
Journal of Industrial Ecology
Peters, Glen;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
A comment on "Functions, commodities and environmental impacts in an ecological–economic model".
Ecological Economics
Academic article
Peters, Glen;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
The Importance of Imports for Household Environmental Impacts.
Journal of Industrial Ecology
Academic article
Strømman, Anders Hammer;
Solli, Christian;
Hertwich, Edgar.
Hybrid life-cycle assessment of natural gas based fuel chains for transportation.
Environmental Science and Technology
Academic article
Pettersen, Johan;
Peters, Glen;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Marine Ecotoxic Effect of Pulse-Emissions in Life-Cycle Impact Assessment.
Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry
Academic article
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Hvor miljøvennlig er din livsstil?.
Popular scientific article
Solli, Christian;
Strømman, Anders Hammer;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Fission or Fossil: Life Cycle Assessment of Hydrogen Production.
Proceedings of the IEEE
Academic article
Meijer, A;
Huijbregts, MAJ;
Hertwich, Edgar;
Reijnders, L.
Including human health damages due to road traffic in life cycle assessment of dwellings.
The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment
Academic article
Peters, Glen;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Pollution embodied in trade: The Norwegian case.
Global Environmental Change
Academic article
Peters, Glen;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Structural analysis of international trade: Environmental impacts of Norway.
Economic Systems Research
Academic article
Hertwich, Edgar G.;
Peters, Glen.
Scope and Feasibility of Life Cycle Approaches to Sustainable Consumption.
Springer Publishing Company
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Hertwich, Edgar G..
EU-regler øker strømprise, ikke Kyoto-avtalen.
Dagens næringsliv
Reader opinion piece
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Høye strømpriser skyldes ikke Kyoto-avtalen.
Aftenposten (morgenutg. : trykt utg.)
Feature article
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Klimadebatt på falske premisser.
Feature article
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Life cycle approaches to sustainable consumption: A critical review.
Environmental Science and Technology
Academic literature review
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Omfordeling gjennom kraftpris unødvendig.
Aftenposten (morgenutg. : trykt utg.)
Reader opinion piece
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Consumption and industrial ecology.
Journal of Industrial Ecology
Letter to the editor
Briceno, Tania;
Peters, Glen;
Solli, Christian;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Using Life Cycle Approaches To Evaluate Sustainable Consumption Programs: Car-sharing.
Report - Programme for Industrial Ecology (2/2005)
Haas, Willi;
Hertwich, Edgar G.;
Hubacek, Klaus;
Korytarova, Katarina;
Ornetzeder, Michael;
Weisz, Helga.
The Environmental Impacts of Consumption: Research Methods and Driving Forces.
IIASA Interim Report (027)
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Consumption and the rebound effect - An industrial ecology perspective.
Journal of Industrial Ecology
Academic article
Bergsdal, Håvard;
Strømman, Anders Hammer;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Environmental Assessment of Two Waste Incineration Strategies for Central Norway.
The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment
Academic article
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Energisparing kan gi økt klimagassutslipp.
Popular scientific article
Hertwich, Edgar G.;
Briceno, Tania;
Hofstetter, Patrick;
Inaba, Atsushi.
Sustainable Consumption: The Contribution of Research (Proceedings, Workshop in Oslo, 12-12 Feb. 2005).
NTNU - Program for industriell økologi
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Reenaas, Marte;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Combined With Gas Turbine Versus Diesel Engine As Auxiliary Power Producing Unit Onboard A Passenger Ferry: A Comparative Life Cycle Assessment And Life Cycle Cost Assessment.
NTNU - Program for industriell økologi
Masters thesis
Peters, Glen;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Energy and Pollution in Norwegian Consumption.
Tapir Akademisk Forlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Solli, Christian;
Strømman, Anders Hammer;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Life Cycle Assessment of Hydrogen Production.
Tapir Akademisk Forlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Huijbregts, Mark;
Geelen, LMJ;
Hertwich, Edgar;
McKone, Thomas E.;
Van De Meent, D.
A comparison between the multimedia fate and exposure models CalTOX and uniform system for evaluation of substances adapted for life-cycle assessment based on the population intake fraction of toxic pollutants.
Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry
Academic article
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Comment on "Intermittent Rainfall in Dynamic Multimedia Fate Modeling".
Environmental Science and Technology
Academic article
Kohler, A;
Loerincik, Y;
Hertwich, Edgar G.;
Jolliet, O.
Sustainability in the information society.
The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment
Academic article
Pettersen, Johan;
Peters, Glen;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Marine ecotoxic pulse effects in LCIA.
IndEcol working papers (2004/9)
Strømman, Anders Hammer;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Approaches to Avoid Double Counting in Hybrid Life Cycle Inventories.
IndEcol working papers (2004/8)
Bergsdal, Håvard;
Strømman, Anders Hammer;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
The Aluminum Industry - Environment, Technology and Production.
Report - Programme for Industrial Ecology (8/2004)
Strømman, Anders Hammer;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Hybrid Life Cycle Assessment of Large Scale Hydrogen Production Facilities.
IndEcol working papers (3/2004)
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Planter les germes d'une consommation durable.
La Revue Durable
Popular scientific article
Haukland, Eirik;
Hertwich, Edgar G.;
Peters, Glen.
Emissions intensity of Norway's imports and exports.
Industrial Ecology Theses (2)
Masters thesis
Bingh, Lars Petter;
Hertwich, Edgar G.;
Skreiberg, Øyvind.
Opportunities for Utilizing Waste Biomass for Energy in Uganda.
Industrial Ecology Programme, NTNU
Masters thesis
Solli, Christian;
Hertwich, Edgar G.;
Strømman, Anders Hammer.
Fission or Fossil? A Comparative Hybrid Life Cycle Assessment of Two Different Hydrogen Production Methods.
Industrial Ecology Theses (3)
Masters thesis
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Workshop Proceedings: Life-cycle approaches to sustainable consumption: Scope and Feasibility. SETAC-Europe meeting, Prague Congress Center , 21 April 2004.
Report - Programme for Industrial Ecology (7)
Peters, Glen;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
A Comment on �Functions, Commodities and Environmental Impacts in an Ecological-economic Model�.
IndEcol working papers (2)
Peters, Glen;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Production Factors and Pollution Embodied in Trade: Theoretical Development.
IndEcol working papers (5)
Peters, Glen;
Briceno, Tania;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Pollution Embodied in Norwegian Consumption.
IndEcol working papers (6)
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Life-cycle approoaches to sustainable consumption. Interim Report IR-02-073. Laxenburg: International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis.
International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis : Interim Report
Academic article
Finnveden, G.;
de Haes, Udo;
Goedkoop, M.;
Hauschild, M.;
Hertwich, Edgar G.;
Hofstetter, P..
Life Cycle Impact Assessment: Striving towards Best Practice.
Pensacola: Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry
Non-fiction book
Hertwich, Edgar G.;
Pennington, D.;
Bare, J..
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Hertwich, Edgar G.;
Jolliet, O.;
Krewitt, W.;
Pennington, D.;
Hauschild, M.;
Schulze, Carsten.
Fate and Exposure Assessment in the Life Cycle Impact Assessment of Toxic Chemicals.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Hertwich, Edgar;
Hammitt, James K..
A Decision-Analytic Framework for Impact Assessment. Part I: LCA and Decision Analysis.
The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment
Academic article
Hertwich, Edgar;
Mateles, Sarah F.;
Pease, William S.;
McKone, Thomas.
Human Toxicity Potentials for Life Cycle Assessment and Toxics Release inventory Risk Screening.
Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry
Academic article
Hertwich, Edgar;
McKone, Thomas.
The Spatial Scale of Pollutants in Multimedia Models and its Implications for the Potential Dose.
Environmental Science and Technology
Academic article
Hertwich, Edgar.
Intermittent Rainfall in Dynamic Multimedia Fate Modeling.
Environmental Science and Technology
Academic article
Hertwich, Edgar.
Fugacity superposition - A new approach to dynamic multimedia fate modeling.
Academic article
McKone, Thomas;
Hertwich, Edgar.
The Human Toxicity Potential and a Strategy for Evaluating Model Performance in Life-Cycle Impact Assessment.
The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment
Academic article
Hertwich, Edgar G.;
Strømman, Anders Hammer.
The Environmental Assessment of Direct Hydrogen Fuel Cell Vehicles.
[Mangler utgivernavn]
Hertwich, Edgar G.;
Hammitt, James K..
A Decision-Analytic Framework for Impact Assessment. Part II: Midpoints, endpoints, and criteria for method development.
The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment
Academic article
Hertwich, Edgar;
Hammitt, James K.;
Pease, William S..
A Theoretical Foundation for Life-Cycle Assessment: Recognizing the Role of Values in Environmental Decision Making.
Journal of Industrial Ecology
Academic article
Journal publications
Rousseau, Lola Sylvie Annie;
Næss, Jan Sandstad;
Carrer, Fabio;
Amini, Sara;
Brattebø, Helge;
Hertwich, Edgar.
Reducing material use and their greenhouse gas emissions in Greater Oslo.
Journal of Industrial Ecology
Academic article
Koslowski, Maximilian;
Hertwich, Edgar G.;
Wood, Richard.
From single to joint-production under rectangular technology choice.
Economic Systems Research
Academic article
Hertwich, Edgar G..
European union’s ambitious climate goals are achievable – here’s how .
Norwegian SciTech News
Feature article
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Mulig å nå klimamålene med EUs grønne giv.
Dagens næringsliv
Feature article
Hertwich, Edgar G..
An emergency break for the climate: EU advisory board recommends 90%–95% reduction in emissions by 2040.
Book review
Yan, Hongzhi;
Ahrens, Marcel Ulrich;
Hertwich, Edgar G.;
Eikevik, Trygve Magne;
Wang, Ruzhu.
Heat pumps as a sustainable bridge for global heating and cooling at multi-scale.
Energy & Environmental Science
Cunha, Sónia;
Hertwich, Edgar G.;
Ferrão, Paulo.
Socioeconomic metabolism: Drivers of resource productivity.
Resources, Conservation and Recycling
Academic article
Lifset, Reid;
Hertwich, Edgar G.;
Makov, Tamar.
Policy for material efficiency in homes and cars: Enabling new climate change mitigation strategies.
Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change (WIRESs)
Academic literature review
Soergel, Bjoern;
Rauner, Sebastian;
Daioglou, Vassilis;
Weindl, Isabelle;
Mastrucci, Alessio;
Carrer, Fabio.
Multiple pathways towards sustainable development goals and climate targets.
Environmental Research Letters
Academic article
Pauliuk, Stefan;
Carrer, Fabio;
Heeren, Niko;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Scenario analysis of supply- and demand-side solutions for circular economy and climate change mitigation in the global building sector.
Journal of Industrial Ecology
Academic article
Creutzig, Felix;
Simoes, Sofia G.;
Leipold, Sina;
Berrill, Peter;
Azevedo, Isabel;
Edelenbosch, Oreane.
Demand-side strategies key for mitigating material impacts of energy transitions.
Nature Climate Change
Academic article
Jiang, Meng;
Cao, Yuheng;
Liu, Changgong;
Chen, Dingjiang;
Zhou, Wenji;
Wen, Qian.
Tracing fossil-based plastics, chemicals and fertilizers production in China.
Nature Communications
Academic article
Rasul, Kajwan;
Bruckner, Martin;
Mempel, Finn;
Trsek, Stefan;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Energy input and food output: The energy imbalance across regional agrifood systems.
PNAS Nexus
Academic article
Hertwich, Edgar G.;
Koslowski, Maximilian;
Rasul, Kajwan.
Linking hypothetical extraction, the accumulation of production factors, and the addition of value.
Journal of Industrial Ecology
Academic article
Davin, Killian Ronan;
Koslowski, Maximilian;
Dorber, Martin;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Examining global biodiversity accounts: Implications of aggregating characterization factors from elementary flows in multi-regional input–output analysis.
Journal of Industrial Ecology
Academic article
Rasul, Kajwan;
Schmidt, Sarah Yvonne;
Hertwich, Edgar G.;
Wood, Richard.
EXIOBASE energy accounts: Improving precision in an open-sourced procedure applicable to any MRIO database.
Journal of Industrial Ecology
Academic article
Nwagwu, Chibuikem Chrysogonus;
Akin, Sahin;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Modelling Nigerian residential dwellings: bottom-up approach and scenario analysis.
Buildings & Cities
Academic article
Jiang, Meng;
Wang, Ranran;
Wood, Richard John;
Rasul, Kajwan;
Zhu, Bing;
Hertwich, Edgar.
Material and Carbon Footprints of Machinery Capital.
Environmental Science and Technology
Academic article
Hertwich, Edgar G.;
Verones, Francesca;
Wood, Richard;
Wood, Richard John.
Synsing om naturtap er lite fruktbart.
Miller, T. Reed;
Chertow, Marian;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Liquid Hydrogen: A Mirage or Potent Solution for Aviation’s Climate Woes?.
Environmental Science and Technology
Academic article
Iyer, Aishwarya V.;
Rao, Narasimha D;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Review of Urban Building Types and Their Energy Use and Carbon Emissions in Life-Cycle Analyses from Low- and Middle-Income Countries.
Environmental Science and Technology
Academic literature review
Jiang, Meng;
Behrens, Paul;
Lyu, Le;
Tang, Zhipeng;
Chen, Dingjiang;
Cao, Yuheng.
Additional north-south differences in China revealed by the Planetary Pressure-Adjusted Human Development Index.
Resources, Conservation and Recycling
Academic article
Wang, Ranran;
Hertwich, Edgar G.;
Fishman, Tomer;
Deetman, Sebastiaan;
Behrens, Paul;
Chen, Wei-Qiang.
The legacy environmental footprints of manufactured capital.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS)
Academic article
Zheng, Heran;
Wood, Richard John;
Moran, Daniel Dean;
Feng, Kuishuang;
Tisserant, Alexandre Fabien Regis;
Jiang, Meng.
Rising carbon inequality and its driving factors from 2005 to 2015.
Global Environmental Change
Academic article
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Do not be misled on the energy crisis.
Environmental Research Letters
Academic article
Akin, Sahin;
Nwagwu, Chibuikem;
Heeren, Niko;
Hertwich, Edgar.
Archetype-based energy and material use estimation for the residential buildings in Arab Gulf countries.
Energy and Buildings
Academic article
Murugesu, Jason Arunn;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Carbon inequality is rising as rich people are slower to cut emissions.
New scientist (1971)
Interview Journal
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Naturtap som følge av Norges forbruk er ukjent.
Aftenposten (morgenutg. : trykt utg.)
Reader opinion piece
Wang, Xiaoxiong;
Wang, Tong;
Zhang, Tianyuan;
Winter, Lea R.;
Di, Jinghan;
Tu, Qingshi.
Microalgae Commercialization Using Renewable Lignocellulose Is Economically and Environmentally Viable.
Environmental Science and Technology
Academic article
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Dagsvik svarer ikke på de viktige spørsmålene.
Reader opinion piece
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Uten å bråbremse klimautslippene kan vi passere 1,5 grader rundt 2030.
Feature article
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Gamle og forkastede klimateorier i SSB-notat.
Feature article
Rasul, Kajwan;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Decomposition Analysis of the Carbon Footprint of Primary Metals.
Environmental Science and Technology
Academic article
Wang, Tong;
Berrill, Peter;
Zimmerman, Julie Beth;
Rao, Narasimha D.;
Min, Jihoon;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Improved Copper Circularity as a Result of Increased Material Efficiency in the U.S. Housing Stock.
Environmental Science and Technology
Academic article
Grubb, Michael;
Jordan, Nino David;
Hertwich, Edgar G.;
Neuhoff, Karsten;
Das, Kasturi;
Bandyopadhyay, Kaushik Ranjan.
Carbon Leakage, Consumption, and Trade.
Annual Review Environment and Resources
Academic literature review
Chen, Wu;
Sun, Xin;
Liu, Litao;
Liu, Xiaojie;
Zhang, Rui;
Zhang, Shaohui.
Carbon neutrality of China's passenger car sector requires coordinated short-term behavioral changes and long-term technological solutions.
One Earth
Academic article
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Rationing or blackouts?
A price ceiling for electricity demands some hard choices.
Reader opinion piece
Berrill, Peter;
Wilson, Eric J. H.;
Reyna, Janet L.;
Fontanini, Anthony D.;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Author Correction: Decarbonization pathways for the residential sector in the United States (Nature Climate Change, (2022), 12, 8, (712-718), 10.1038/s41558-022-01429-y).
Nature Climate Change
Berrill, Peter;
Wilson, Eric J.H.;
Janet L., Reyna;
Antyony D., Fontanini;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Decarbonization pathways for the residential sector in the United States.
Nature Climate Change
Academic article
Carattini, Stefano;
Hertwich, Edgar G.;
Melkadze, Givi;
Shrader, Jeffrey G..
Mandatory disclosure is key to address climate risks.
Academic article
Rousseau, Lola Sylvie Annie;
Kloostra, Bradley;
AzariJafari, Hessam;
Saxe, Shoshanna ;
Gregory, Jeremy ;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Material Stock and Embodied Greenhouse Gas Emissions of Global and Urban Road Pavement.
Environmental Science and Technology
Academic article
Usai, Lorenzo;
Lamb, Jacob Joseph;
Hertwich, Edgar G.;
Burheim, Odne Stokke;
Strømman, Anders Hammer.
Analysis of the Li-ion battery industry in light of the global transition to electric passenger light duty vehicles until 2050.
Environmental Research: Infrastructure and Sustainability
Academic article
Zheng, Heran;
Long, Yin;
Wood, Richard;
Moran, Daniel;
Zhang, Zhengkai;
Meng, Jing.
Ageing society in developed countries challenges carbon mitigation.
Nature Climate Change
Academic article
Zheng, Heran;
Long, Yin;
Wood, Richard;
Moran, Daniel;
Zhang, Zengkai;
Meng, Jing.
Author Correction: Ageing society in developed countries challenges carbon mitigation (Nature Climate Change, (2022), 12, 3, (241-248), 10.1038/s41558-022-01302-y).
Nature Climate Change
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Strømstøtten øker energiprisen og gjør vondt verre – dette er politikk blottet for markedsinnsikt.
Dagens næringsliv
Feature article
Zheng, Heran;
Hertwich, Edgar.
All-consuming baby boomers are the world’s worst polluters ‘with biggest carbon footprint’.
Popular scientific article
Zheng, Heran;
Hertwich, Edgar.
People over 60 account for a third of greenhouse gas emissions.
The Hill
Short communication
Huang, Yuqiao;
Wolfram, Paul;
Miller, Reed;
Azarijafari, Hessam;
Guo, Fengdi;
An, Kangxin.
Mitigating life cycle GHG emissions of roads to be built through 2030: Case study of a Chinese province.
Journal of Environmental Management (JEM)
Academic article
Berrill, Peter;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Material flows and GHG emissions from housing stock evolution in US counties, 2020–60.
Buildings & Cities
Academic article
Berrill, Peter;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Correction: Material flows and GHG emissions from housing stock evolution in US counties, 2020–60.
Buildings & Cities
Berrill, Peter;
Gillingham, Kenneth T.;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Linking Housing Policy, Housing Typology, and Residential Energy Demand in the United States.
Environmental Science and Technology
Academic literature review
Berrill, Peter;
Gillingham, Kenneth T.;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Drivers of change in US residential energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions, 1990-2015.
Environmental Research Letters
Academic literature review
Fishman, Tomer;
Heeren, Niko;
Pauliuk, Stefan;
Berrill, Peter;
Tu, Qingshi;
Wolfram, Paul.
A comprehensive set of global scenarios of housing, mobility, and material efficiency for material cycles and energy systems modeling.
Journal of Industrial Ecology
Academic article
Nick, Nuttall;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Carbon markets can make responsible firms bear costs of climate change.
Channel News Asia
Feature article
Wang, Tong;
Berrill, Peter;
Zimmerman, Julie B.;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Copper Recycling Flow Model for the United States Economy: Impact of Scrap Quality on Potential Energy Benefit.
Environmental Science and Technology
Academic article
Ye, Quanliang;
Hertwich, Edgar G.;
Krol, Maarten S.;
Font Vivanco, David;
Lounsbury, Amanda W.;
Zheng, Xinzhu.
Linking the Environmental Pressures of China's Capital Development to Global Final Consumption of the Past Decades and into the Future.
Environmental Science and Technology
Academic article
Zheng, Xinzhu;
Guo, Kaidi;
Luo, Huilin;
Pan, Xunzhang;
Hertwich, Edgar G.;
Jin, Lei.
Individualism and nationally determined contributions to climate change.
Science of the Total Environment
Academic article
Tomasgard, Asgeir;
Hertwich, Edgar G.;
Korpås, Magnus;
Brattebø, Helge;
Hustad, Johan Einar.
Det grønne skiftet er mulig, og i gang.
Feature article
Tomasgard, Asgeir;
Hertwich, Edgar G.;
Brattebø, Helge;
Korpås, Magnus;
Hustad, Johan Einar.
Grønn teknologi vil bli billigere enn fossil teknologi.
Feature article
Korpås, Magnus;
Moe, Espen;
Skjølsvold, Tomas Moe;
Hertwich, Edgar G.;
Tomasgard, Asgeir.
Vi trenger mer fornybar energi, inkludert vindkraft, for å nå klimamålene.
Feature article
Wang, Ranran;
Assenova, Valentina A.;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Energy system decarbonization and productivity gains reduced the coupling of CO2 emissions and economic growth in 73 countries between 1970 and 2016.
One Earth
Academic article
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Increased carbon footprint of materials production driven by rise in investments.
Nature Geoscience
Academic article
Korpås, Magnus;
Moe, Espen;
Hertwich, Edgar G.;
Tomasgard, Asgeir.
Professorer som samfunns-supportere.
Feature article
Wolfram, Paul;
Weber, Stephanie;
Gillingham, Kenneth T.;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Pricing indirect emissions accelerates low—carbon transition of US light vehicle sector.
Nature Communications
Academic article
Pauliuk, Stefan;
Heeren, Niko;
Berrill, Peter;
Fishman, Tomer;
Nistad, Andrea Arntzen;
Tu, Qingshi.
Global scenarios of resource and emission savings from material efficiency in residential buildings and cars.
Nature Communications
Academic article
Tu, Qingshi;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
A mechanistic model to link technical specifications of vehicle end-of-life treatment with the potential of closed-loop recycling of post-consumer scrap alloys.
Journal of Industrial Ecology
Academic article
Zheng, Xinzhu;
Wang, Ranran;
Hoekstra, Arjen Y.;
Krol, Maarten S.;
Zhang, Yaxin;
Guo, Kaidi.
Consideration of culture is vital if we are to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.
One Earth
Academic article
Krych, Kamila;
Heeren, Niko;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Factors influencing the life-cycle GHG emissions of Brazilian office buildings.
Buildings & Cities
Academic article
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Undeland har ikke fortjent slikt.
Reader opinion piece
Huijbregts, Mark A.J.;
Hellweg, Stefanie;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Theory without practice: a reply to the note from Heijungs on the average versus marginal debate in Life Cycle Impact Assessment.
The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment
Short communication
Wolfram, Paul;
Tu, Qingshi;
Heeren, Niko;
Pauliuk, Stefan;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Material efficiency and climate change mitigation of passenger vehicles.
Journal of Industrial Ecology
Academic article
Hertwich, Edgar G.;
Nistad, Andrea Arntzen.
Mindre materialbruk gir et bedre klima.
Feature article
Wolfram, Paul;
Hertwich, Edgar.
Potential Climate Impact Variations Due to Fueling Behavior of Plug-in Hybrid Vehicle Owners in the US.
Environmental Science and Technology
Academic article
Pauliuk, Stefan;
Tomer, Fishman;
Heeren, Niko;
Berrill, Peter;
Tu, Qingshi;
Wolfram, Paul.
Linking service provision to material cycles: A new framework for studying the resource efficiency–climate change (RECC) nexus.
Journal of Industrial Ecology
Academic article
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Is green growth possible?.
Popular scientific article
Vita, Gibran;
Ivanova, Diana;
Dumitru, Adina;
García-Mira, Ricardo;
Carrus, Giuseppe;
Stadler, Konstantin.
Happier with less? Members of European environmental grassroots initiatives reconcile lower carbon footprints with higher life satisfaction and income increases.
Energy Research & Social Science
Academic article
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Bra for miljøet å bo tett og smått – begrens skattefordelene for store boliger.
Dagens næringsliv
Feature article
Berrill, Peter;
Miller, T Reed;
Kondo, Yasushi;
Hertwich, Edgar.
Capital in the American carbon, energy, and material footprint .
Journal of Industrial Ecology
Academic article
Hertwich, Edgar.
Carbon fueling complex global value chains tripled in the period 1995–2012.
Energy Economics
Academic article
Luderer, Gunnar;
Pehl, Michaja;
Arvesen, Anders;
Gibon, Thomas;
Bodirsky, Benjamin L.;
de Boer, Harmen-Sytze.
Environmental co-benefits and adverse side-effects of alternative power sector decarbonization strategies.
Nature Communications
Academic article
Vita, Gibran;
Hertwich, Edgar G.;
Stadler, Konstantin;
Wood, Richard.
Connecting global emissions to fundamental human needs and their satisfaction.
Environmental Research Letters
Academic article
Vita, Gibran;
Lundström, Johan R.;
Hertwich, Edgar G.;
Quist, Jaco;
Ivanova, Diana;
Stadler, Konstantin.
The Environmental Impact of Green Consumption and Sufficiency Lifestyles Scenarios in Europe: Connecting Local Sustainability Visions to Global Consequences.
Ecological Economics
Academic article
Wu, Ziyang;
Wang, Can;
Wolfram, Paul;
Zhang, Yaxin;
Sun, Xin;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Assessing electric vehicle policy with region-specific carbon footprints.
Applied Energy
Academic article
Ivanova, Diana;
Vita, Gibran;
Wood, Richard;
Lausselet, Carine;
Dumitru, Adina;
Krause, Karen.
Carbon mitigation in domains of high consumer lock-in.
Global Environmental Change
Academic article
Arvesen, Anders;
Luderer, Gunnar;
Pehl, Michaja;
Bodirsky, Benjamin Leon;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Deriving life cycle assessment coefficients for application in integrated assessment modelling.
Environmental Modelling & Software
Academic article
Södersten, Carl-Johan;
Wood, Richard;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Endogenizing capital in MRIO models - the implications for consumption-based accounting.
Environmental Science and Technology
Academic article
Södersten, Carl-Johan;
Wood, Richard;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Environmental Impacts of Capital Formation.
Journal of Industrial Ecology
Academic article
Wood, Richard;
Moran, Daniel;
Stadler, Konstantin;
Ivanova, Diana;
Steen-Olsen, Kjartan;
Tisserant, Alexandre.
Prioritizing Consumption-Based Carbon Policy Based on the Evaluation of Mitigation Potential Using Input-Output
Journal of Industrial Ecology
Academic article
Zheng, Xinzhu;
Wang, Ranran;
Wood, Richard;
Wang, Can;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
High sensitivity of metal footprint to national GDP in part explained by capital formation.
Nature Geoscience
Academic article
Hertwich, Edgar G.;
Wood, Richard.
The growing importance of scope 3 greenhouse gas emissions from industry.
Environmental Research Letters
Academic article
Hertwich, Edgar G.;
Heeren, Niko;
Kuczenski, Brandon;
Majeau-Bettez, Guillaume;
Myers, Rupert;
Pauliuk, Stefan.
Nullius in Verba: Advancing Data Transparency in Industrial Ecology.
Journal of Industrial Ecology
Academic article
Majeau-Bettez, Guillaume;
Dandres, T.;
Pauliuk, Stefan;
Wood, Richard;
Hertwich, Edgar G.;
Samson, Rejean.
Choice of Allocations and Constructs for Attributional or Consequential Life Cycle Assessment and Input-Output Analysis.
Journal of Industrial Ecology
Academic article
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Vitenskapen kan ikke stoppe klimaendringene.
Aftenposten (morgenutg. : trykt utg.)
Feature article
Gibon, Thomas;
Hertwich, Edgar G.;
Arvesen, Anders;
Singh, Bhawna;
Verones, Francesca.
Health benefits, ecological threats of low-carbon electricity.
Environmental Research Letters
Academic article
Silva Simas, Moana;
Pauliuk, Stefan;
Wood, Richard;
Hertwich, Edgar G.;
Stadler, Konstantin.
Correlation between production and consumption-based environmental indicators: The link to affluence and the effect on ranking environmental performance of countries.
Ecological Indicators
Letter to the editor
Gibon, Thomas;
Arvesen, Anders;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Life cycle assessment demonstrates environmental co-benefits and trade-offs of low-carbon electricity supply options.
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews
Academic literature review
Martinez-Corona, Jorge Isaac;
Gibon, Thomas;
Hertwich, Edgar G.;
Parra-Saldivar, Roberto.
Hybrid life cycle assessment of a geothermal plant: From physical to monetary inventory accounting.
Journal of Cleaner Production
Academic article
Ivanova, Diana;
Vita, Gibran;
Steen-Olsen, Kjartan;
Stadler, Konstantin;
Melo, Patricia C;
Wood, Richard.
Mapping the carbon footprint of EU regions.
Environmental Research Letters
Academic article
Pauliuk, Stefan;
Arvesen, Anders;
Stadler, Konstantin;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Industrial ecology in integrated assessment models.
Nature Climate Change
Academic literature review
Pehl, Michaja;
Arvesen, Anders;
Humpenöder, Florian;
Popp, Alexander;
Hertwich, Edgar G.;
Luderer, Gunnar.
Understanding future emissions from low-carbon power systems by integration of life-cycle assessment and integrated energy modelling.
Nature Energy
Academic article
Pauliuk, Stefan;
Majeau-Bettez, Guillaume;
Müller, Daniel Beat;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Toward a practical ontology for socioeconomic metabolism.
Journal of Industrial Ecology
Academic article
Bouman, Evert;
Øberg, Martha Marie;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Environmental impacts of balancing offshore wind power with
compressed air energy storage (CAES).
Academic article
Steen-Olsen, Kjartan;
Owen, Anne;
Barrett, John;
Guan, Dabo;
Hertwich, Edgar G.;
Lenzen, Manfred.
Accounting for value added embodied in trade and consumption: an intercomparison of global multiregional input–output databases.
Economic Systems Research
Academic article
Berrill, Peter;
Arvesen, Anders;
Scholz, Yvonne;
Gils, Hans Christian;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Environmental impacts of high penetration renewable energy scenarios for Europe.
Environmental Research Letters
Academic article
Kanemoto, Keiichiro;
Moran, Daniel;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Mapping the Carbon Footprint of Nations.
Environmental Science and Technology
Academic article
Steen-Olsen, Kjartan;
Wood, Richard;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
The Carbon Footprint of Norwegian Household Consumption 1999–2012.
Journal of Industrial Ecology
Academic article
Ivanova, Diana;
Stadler, Konstantin;
Steen-Olsen, Kjartan;
Wood, Richard;
Vita, Gibran;
Tukker, Arnold.
Environmental Impact Assessment of Household Consumption.
Journal of Industrial Ecology
Academic article
Suh, Sangwon;
Hertwich, Edgar G.;
Hellweg, Stefanie;
Kendall, Alissa.
Life Cycle Environmental and Natural Resource Implications of Energy Efficiency Technologies.
Journal of Industrial Ecology
Woods, John Sebastian;
Veltman, Karin;
Huijbregts, Mark A.J.;
Verones, Francesca;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Towards a meaningful assessment of marine ecological impacts in life cycle assessment (LCA).
Environment International
Academic literature review
Majeau-Bettez, Guillaume;
Wood, Richard;
Hertwich, Edgar G.;
Strømman, Anders Hammer.
When do allocations and constructs respect material, energy, financial, and production balances in LCA and EEIO?.
Journal of Industrial Ecology
Academic article
Gibon, Thomas;
Wood, Richard;
Arvesen, Anders;
Bergesen, Joseph;
Suh, Sangwon;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
A Methodology for Integrated, Multiregional Life Cycle Assessment Scenarios under Large-Scale Technological Change.
Environmental Science and Technology
Academic article
Pauliuk, Stefan;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Socioeconomic metabolism as paradigm for studying the biophysical basis of human societies.
Ecological Economics
Academic article
Arvesen, Anders;
Hauan, Ingrid Bjerke;
Bolsøy, Bernhard Mikal;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Life cycle assessment of transport of electricity via different voltage levels: A case study for Nord-Trøndelag county in Norway.
Applied Energy
Academic article
Pauliuk, Stefan;
Wood, Richard;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Dynamic Models of Fixed Capital Stocks and Their Application in Industrial Ecology.
Journal of Industrial Ecology
Academic article
Silva Simas, Moana;
Wood, Richard;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Labor Embodied in Trade: The Role of Labor and Energy Productivity and Implications for Greenhouse Gas Emissions.
Journal of Industrial Ecology
Academic article
Arvesen, Anders;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
More caution is needed when using life cycle assessment to determine energy return on investment (EROI).
Energy Policy
Academic article
Bouman, Evert;
Ramirez, Andrea;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Multiregional environmental comparison of fossil fuel power generation - Assessment of the contribution of fugitive emissions from conventional and unconventional fossil resources.
International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control
Academic article
Hertwich, Edgar G.;
Gibon, Thomas;
Bouman, Evert;
Arvesen, Anders;
Suh, Sangwon;
Heath, Garvin.
Integrated life-cycle assessment of electricity-supply scenarios confirms global environmental benefit of low-carbon technologies.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS)
Academic article
Von Stechow, Christoph;
McCollum, David;
Riahi, Keywan;
Minx, Jan C;
Kriegler, Elmar;
Van Vuuren, Detlef P.
Integrating Global Climate Change Mitigation Goals with Other Sustainability Objectives: A Synthesis.
Annual Review Environment and Resources
Academic literature review
Dominguez-Ramos, A;
Singh, Bhawna;
Zhang, X;
Hertwich, Edgar G.;
Irabien, A.
Global warming footprint of the electrochemical reduction of carbon dioxide to formate.
Journal of Cleaner Production
Academic article
Singh, Bhawna;
Bouman, Evert;
Strømman, Anders Hammer;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Material use for electricity generation with carbon dioxide capture and storage: Extending life cycle analysis indices for material accounting.
Resources, Conservation and Recycling
Academic article
Gibon, Thomas;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
A global environmental assessment of electricity generation technologies with low greenhouse gas emissions.
Procedia CIRP
Academic article
Weinzettel, Jan;
Steen-Olsen, Kjartan;
Hertwich, Edgar G.;
Borucke, Michael;
Galli, Alessandro.
Ecological footprint of nations: Comparison of process analysis, and standard and hybrid multiregional input-output analysis.
Ecological Economics
Academic article
Steen-Olsen, Kjartan;
Owen, Anne;
Hertwich, Edgar G.;
Lenzen, Manfred.
Effects of Sector Aggregation on CO2 Multipliers in Multiregional Input-Output Analyses.
Economic Systems Research
Academic article
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Understanding the Climate Mitigation Benefits of Product Systems: Comment on "Using Attributional Life Cycle Assessment to Estimate Climate-Change Mitigation...".
Journal of Industrial Ecology
Letter to the editor
Jorge, Raquel Santos;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Grid infrastructure for renewable power in Europe: The environmental cost.
Academic article
Girod, Bastien;
van, Vuuren,D.P.;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Climate policy through changing consumption choices: Options and obstacles for reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
Global Environmental Change
Academic article
Silva Simas, Moana;
Golsteijn, Laura;
Huijbregts, Mark A. J,;
Wood, Richard;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
The “Bad Labor” Footprint: Quantifying the Social Impacts of Globalization.
Academic article
Wood, Richard;
Hawkins, Troy Robert;
Hertwich, Edgar G.;
Tukker, Arnold.
Economic Systems Research
Academic article
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Πιο συμφέρουσες οι ανανεώσιμες πηγές παρά το κόστος τους.
Popular scientific article
Singh, Bhawna;
Reijers, Rick Hendricus Theodorus Johan;
Spek, Mijndert;
Schakel, Wouter;
Skagestad, Ragnhild;
Haugen, Hans Aksel.
Environmental Due Diligence of CO2 Capture and Utilization
Technologies – Framework and application.
Energy Procedia
Academic article
Weinzettel, Jan;
Steen-Olsen, Kjartan;
Hertwich, Edgar G.;
Borucke, Michael;
Galli, Alessandro.
Corrigendum to "Ecological footprint of nations: Comparison of process analysis, and standard and hybrid multiregional input-output analysis" [Ecol. Econ. 101 (2014); 115-126].
Ecological Economics
Fuglestvedt, Jan S.;
Hertwich, Edgar G.;
Kverndokk, Snorre.
Hva gjør politikerne nå?.
Aftenposten (morgenutg. : trykt utg.)
Feature article
Hertwich, Edgar G.;
Müller, Daniel Beat.
Har aldri vært sikrere.
Under dusken : studentavisa i Trondheim
Interview Journal
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Lyspunkter i klimapolitikken.
Bergens Tidende
Popular scientific article
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Lyspunkter i klimapolitikken.
Reader opinion piece
Arvesen, Anders;
Nes, Rasmus Nikolai;
Huertas-Hernando, Daniel;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Life cycle assessment of an offshore grid interconnecting wind farms and customers across the North Sea.
The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment
Academic article
Jorge, Raquel Santos;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Environmental evaluation of power transmission in Norway.
Applied Energy
Academic article
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Addressing Biogenic Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Hydropower in LCA.
Environmental Science and Technology
Academic article
Ramirez, Andrea;
Bakshi, Bhavik R.;
Gibon, Thomas;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Assessment of Low Carbon Energy Technologies: Fossil Fuels and CCS.
Energy Procedia
Academic article
Weinzettel, Jan;
Hertwich, Edgar G.;
Peters, Glen Philip;
Steen-Olsen, Kjartan;
Galli, Alessandro.
Affluence drives the global displacement of land use.
Global Environmental Change
Academic article
Wood, Richard;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Economic modelling and indicators in life cycle sustainability assessment.
The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment
Academic article
Girod, B;
van Vuuren, DP;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Global climate targets and future consumption level: an evaluation of the required GHG intensity.
Environmental Research Letters
Academic article
Larsen, Hogne Nersund;
Pettersen, Johan;
Solli, Christian;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Investigating the Carbon Footprint of a University - The case of NTNU.
Journal of Cleaner Production
Academic article
Cherubini, Francesco;
Strømman, Anders Hammer;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Biogenic CO2 fluxes from bioenergy and climate-A response.
Ecological Modelling
Reader opinion piece
Arvesen, Anders;
Birkeland, Christine;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
The Importance of Ships and Spare Parts in LCAs of Offshore Wind Power.
Environmental Science and Technology
Academic article
Sopha, Bertha Maya;
Kløckner, Christian;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Adoption and diffusion of heating systems in Norway: Coupling agent-based modeling with empirical research.
Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions
Academic article
Dahlstrøm, Oddbjørn;
Sørnes, Kari;
Tveit Eriksen, Silje;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Life cycle assessment of a single-family residence built to either conventional- or passive house standard.
Energy and Buildings
Academic article
Singh, Bhawna;
Strømman, Anders Hammer;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Environmental Damage Assessment of Carbon Capture and Storage Application of End-Point Indicators.
Journal of Industrial Ecology
Academic article
Michelsen, Ottar;
Hertwich, Edgar G.;
Jenssen, Bjørn Munro;
Brattebø, Helge;
Kløckner, Christian.
Kunnskap for bærekraft.
Feature article
Huijbregts, MAJ;
Hellweg, S;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Average Damage Functions Are Not Emission-Rated Distance to Targets.
Environmental Science and Technology
Reader opinion piece
Jorge, Raquel Santos;
Hawkins, Troy Robert;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Life cycle assessment of electricity transmission and distribution - part 2: transformers and substation equipment.
The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment
Academic article
Jorge, Raquel Santos;
Hawkins, Troy Robert;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Life cycle assessment for electricity transmission and distribution - part 1: power lines and cables.
The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment
Academic article
Singh, Bhawna;
Strømman, Anders Hammer;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Scenarios for the environmental impact of fossil fuel power: Co-benefits and trade-offs of carbon capture and storage.
Academic article
Steen-Olsen, Kjartan;
Weinzettel, Jan;
Cranston, Gemma;
Ercin, Ertug;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Carbon, Land, and Water Footprint Accounts for the European Union: Consumption, Production, and Displacements through International Trade.
Environmental Science and Technology
Academic article
Hertwich, Edgar G..
BIODIVERSITY Remote responsibility.
Arvesen, Anders;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Assessing the life cycle environmental impacts of wind power: A review of present knowledge and research needs.
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews
Academic literature review
Sopha, Bertha Maya;
Klöckner, Christian;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Exploring Policy Options for a Transition to Sustainable Heating System Diffusion using an Agent-Based Simulation.
Energy Policy
Academic article
Huijbregts, MAJ;
Hellweg, S;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Do We Need a Paradigm Shift in Life Cycle Impact Assessment?.
Environmental Science and Technology
Singh, Bhawna;
Strømman, Anders Hammer;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Life cycle assessment of natural gas combined cycle power plant with post-combustion carbon capture, transport and storage.
International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control
Academic article
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Economic Systems Research
Academic article
Hertwich, Edgar G.;
Roux, Charlotte.
Greenhouse Gas Emissions from the Consumption of Electric and Electronic Equipment by Norwegian Households.
Environmental Science and Technology
Academic article
Arvesen, Anders;
Bright, Ryan M.;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Considering only first-order effects? How simplifications lead to unrealistic technology optimism in climate change mitigation.
Energy Policy
Academic article
Arvesen, Anders;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Environmental implications of large-scale adoption of wind power: a scenario-based life cycle assessment.
Environmental Research Letters
Academic article
Cherubini, Francesco;
Strømman, Anders Hammer;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Effects of boreal forest management practices on the climate impact of CO2 emissions from bioenergy.
Ecological Modelling
Academic article
Singh, Bhawna;
Strømman, Anders Hammer;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Comparative impact assessment of CCS portfolio: Life cycle perspective.
Energy Procedia
Academic article
Majeau-Bettez, Guillaume;
Strømman, Anders Hammer;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Evaluation of Process- and Input–Output-based Life Cycle Inventory Data with Regard to Truncation and Aggregation Issues.
Environmental Science and Technology
Academic article
Larsen, Hogne Nersund;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Analyzing the carbon footprint from public services provided by counties.
Journal of Cleaner Production
Academic article
Michelsen, Ottar;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Større fotspor fra produksjonsfasen.
Popular scientific article
Cherubini, Francesco;
Peters, Glen Philip;
Berntsen, Terje Koren;
Strømman, Anders Hammer;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
CO2 emissions from biomass combustion for bioenergy: atmospheric decay and contribution to global warming.
GCB Bioenergy: Bioproducts for a Sustainable Bioeconomy
Academic article
Singh, Bhawna;
Strømman, Anders Hammer;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Comparative life cycle environmental assessment of CCS technologies.
International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control
Academic article
Sopha, Bertha Maya;
Klöckner, Christian;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Adopters and Non-Adopters of Wood Pellet Heating in Norwegian Households.
Biomass & Bioenergy
Academic article
Larsen, Hogne Nersund;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Implementing Carbon-Footprint-Based Calculation Tools in Municipal Greenhouse Gas Inventories.
Journal of Industrial Ecology
Academic article
Arvesen, Anders;
Liu, Jingru;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Energy Cost of Living and Associated Pollution for Beijing Residents.
Journal of Industrial Ecology
Academic article
Larsen, Hogne Nersund;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Identifying important characteristics of municipal carbon footprints.
Ecological Economics
Academic article
Veltman, Karin;
Singh, Bhawna;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Human and Environmental Impact Assessment of Postcombustion CO2 Capture Focusing on Emissions from Amine-Based Scrubbing Solvents to Air.
Environmental Science and Technology
Academic article
Sopha, Bertha Maya;
Klöckner, Christian;
Skjevrak, Geir;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Norwegian households’ perception of wood pellet stove compared to air-to-air heat pump and electric heating.
Energy Policy
Academic article
Hertwich, Edgar G.;
Arvesen, Anders.
Lekepenger i en modellverden.
Aftenposten (morgenutg. : trykt utg.)
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Ulogiske klimatiltak.
Feature article
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Hoel og Godal overser innovasjon.
Dagens næringsliv
Reader opinion piece
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Funker klimakvoter?.
Dagens næringsliv
Reader opinion piece
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Kostnadseffektiv klimapolitikk?.
Stavanger Aftenblad
Feature article
Solli, Christian;
Anantharaman, Rahul;
Strømman, Anders Hammer;
Zhang, Xiangping;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Evaluation of different CHP options for refinery integration in the context of a low carbon future.
International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control
Academic article
Weinzettel, Jan;
Reenaas, Marte;
Solli, Christian;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Life cycle assessment of a floating offshore wind turbine.
Renewable Energy
Academic article
Hertwich, Edgar G.;
Peters, Glen.
Carbon Footprint of Nations: A Global, Trade-Linked Analysis.
Environmental Science and Technology
Academic article
Hertwich, Edgar G.;
Zhang, Xiangping.
Concentrating-Solar Biomass Gasification Process for a 3rd Generation Biofuel.
Environmental Science and Technology
Academic article
Zhang, Xiangping;
Solli, Christian;
Hertwich, Edgar G.;
Tian, Xiao;
Zhang, Soujiang.
Exergy Analysis of the Process for Dimethyl Ether Production through Biomass Steam Gasification.
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research
Academic article
Larsen, Hogne Nersund;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Stor variasjon i kommuners klimafotavtrykk.
Popular scientific article
Strømman, Anders Hammer;
Hertwich, Edgar G.;
Duchin, Faye.
Shifting Trade Patterns as a Means of Reducing Global Carbon Dioxide Emissions.
Journal of Industrial Ecology
Academic article
Strømman, Anders Hammer;
Peters, Glen;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Approaches to correct for double counting in tiered hybrid life cycle inventories.
Journal of Cleaner Production
Academic article
Solli, Christian;
Reenaas, Marte;
Strømman, Anders Hammer;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Life cycle assessment of wood-based heating in Norway.
The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment
Academic article
Peters, Glen;
Marland, Gregg;
Hertwich, Edgar G.;
Saikku, Laura;
Rautiainen, Aapo;
Kauppi, Pekka E.
Trade, transport, and sinks extend the carbon dioxide responsibility of countries: An editorial essay.
Climatic Change
Academic article
Larsen, Hogne Nersund;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
The case for consumption-based accounting of greenhouse gas emissions to promote local climate action.
Environmental Science and Policy
Academic article
Pettersen, Johan;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Critical review: Life-cycle inventory procedures for long-term release of metals.
Environmental Science and Technology
Academic literature review
Larsen, Hogne Nersund;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Lokal klimahandling krever ny tilnærming.
Kommunal rapport
Feature article
Hertwich, Edgar G..
All kraft bør skattlegges.
Reader opinion piece
Larsen, Hogne Nersund;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Lokal klimahandling.
Teknisk Ukeblad
Feature article
Pettersen, Johan;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Occupational health impacts: offshore crane lifts in life cycle assessment.
The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment
Academic article
Zhang, Xiangping;
Strømman, Anders Hammer;
Solli, Christian;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Model-centered approach to early planning and design of an eco-industrial park around an oil refinery.
Environmental Science and Technology
Academic article
Hertwich, Edgar G.;
Aaberg, Martin;
Singh, Bhawna;
Strømman, Anders Hammer.
Life-cycle assessment of carbon dioxide capture for enhanced oil recovery.
Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering
Academic article
Peters, Glen;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Post-Kyoto greenhouse gas inventories: production versus consumption.
Climatic Change
Academic article
Peters, Glen;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
CO2 embodied in international trade with implications for global climate policy.
Environmental Science and Technology
Academic article
Ornetzeder, Michael;
Hertwich, Edgar G.;
Hubacek, Klaus;
Korytarova, Katarina;
Haas, Willi.
The environmental effect of car-free housing: A case in Vienna.
Ecological Economics
Academic article
Asphjell, Arne;
Mostad, Helle Britt;
Hertwich, Edgar G.;
Leistad, Øyvind.
Biomasse mest effektivt til oppvarming.
Book review
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Privat klimaansvar.
Dagens næringsliv
Feature article
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Handelsbalansen - målt i CO2.
Bergens Tidende
Feature article
Hertwich, Edgar G.;
En frisk bølle i klimadebatten.
Interview Journal
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Kunnskapsløft i klimadebatten.
Dagens næringsliv
Reader opinion piece
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Handelsbalansen - målt i CO2.
Feature article
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Moms på CO2.
Popular scientific article
Larsen, Hogne Nersund;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Kommuner viktige for klimakutt.
Popular scientific article
Peters, Glen;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Post-Kyoto greenhouse gas inventories: production versus consumption.
Climatic Change
Academic article
Tukker, Arnold;
de Zoysa, Uchita;
Hertwich, Edgar G.;
Hostetter, Patrick;
Atsushi, Inaba;
Lorek, Sylvia.
The Oslo Declaration on Sustainable Consumption.
Journal of Industrial Ecology
Peters, Glen;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
A comment on "Functions, commodities and environmental impacts in an ecological–economic model".
Ecological Economics
Academic article
Peters, Glen;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
The Importance of Imports for Household Environmental Impacts.
Journal of Industrial Ecology
Academic article
Strømman, Anders Hammer;
Solli, Christian;
Hertwich, Edgar.
Hybrid life-cycle assessment of natural gas based fuel chains for transportation.
Environmental Science and Technology
Academic article
Pettersen, Johan;
Peters, Glen;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Marine Ecotoxic Effect of Pulse-Emissions in Life-Cycle Impact Assessment.
Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry
Academic article
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Hvor miljøvennlig er din livsstil?.
Popular scientific article
Solli, Christian;
Strømman, Anders Hammer;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Fission or Fossil: Life Cycle Assessment of Hydrogen Production.
Proceedings of the IEEE
Academic article
Meijer, A;
Huijbregts, MAJ;
Hertwich, Edgar;
Reijnders, L.
Including human health damages due to road traffic in life cycle assessment of dwellings.
The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment
Academic article
Peters, Glen;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Pollution embodied in trade: The Norwegian case.
Global Environmental Change
Academic article
Peters, Glen;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Structural analysis of international trade: Environmental impacts of Norway.
Economic Systems Research
Academic article
Hertwich, Edgar G..
EU-regler øker strømprise, ikke Kyoto-avtalen.
Dagens næringsliv
Reader opinion piece
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Høye strømpriser skyldes ikke Kyoto-avtalen.
Aftenposten (morgenutg. : trykt utg.)
Feature article
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Klimadebatt på falske premisser.
Feature article
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Life cycle approaches to sustainable consumption: A critical review.
Environmental Science and Technology
Academic literature review
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Omfordeling gjennom kraftpris unødvendig.
Aftenposten (morgenutg. : trykt utg.)
Reader opinion piece
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Consumption and industrial ecology.
Journal of Industrial Ecology
Letter to the editor
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Consumption and the rebound effect - An industrial ecology perspective.
Journal of Industrial Ecology
Academic article
Bergsdal, Håvard;
Strømman, Anders Hammer;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Environmental Assessment of Two Waste Incineration Strategies for Central Norway.
The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment
Academic article
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Energisparing kan gi økt klimagassutslipp.
Popular scientific article
Huijbregts, Mark;
Geelen, LMJ;
Hertwich, Edgar;
McKone, Thomas E.;
Van De Meent, D.
A comparison between the multimedia fate and exposure models CalTOX and uniform system for evaluation of substances adapted for life-cycle assessment based on the population intake fraction of toxic pollutants.
Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry
Academic article
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Comment on "Intermittent Rainfall in Dynamic Multimedia Fate Modeling".
Environmental Science and Technology
Academic article
Kohler, A;
Loerincik, Y;
Hertwich, Edgar G.;
Jolliet, O.
Sustainability in the information society.
The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment
Academic article
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Planter les germes d'une consommation durable.
La Revue Durable
Popular scientific article
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Life-cycle approoaches to sustainable consumption. Interim Report IR-02-073. Laxenburg: International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis.
International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis : Interim Report
Academic article
Hertwich, Edgar;
Hammitt, James K..
A Decision-Analytic Framework for Impact Assessment. Part I: LCA and Decision Analysis.
The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment
Academic article
Hertwich, Edgar;
Mateles, Sarah F.;
Pease, William S.;
McKone, Thomas.
Human Toxicity Potentials for Life Cycle Assessment and Toxics Release inventory Risk Screening.
Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry
Academic article
Hertwich, Edgar;
McKone, Thomas.
The Spatial Scale of Pollutants in Multimedia Models and its Implications for the Potential Dose.
Environmental Science and Technology
Academic article
Hertwich, Edgar.
Intermittent Rainfall in Dynamic Multimedia Fate Modeling.
Environmental Science and Technology
Academic article
Hertwich, Edgar.
Fugacity superposition - A new approach to dynamic multimedia fate modeling.
Academic article
McKone, Thomas;
Hertwich, Edgar.
The Human Toxicity Potential and a Strategy for Evaluating Model Performance in Life-Cycle Impact Assessment.
The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment
Academic article
Hertwich, Edgar G.;
Hammitt, James K..
A Decision-Analytic Framework for Impact Assessment. Part II: Midpoints, endpoints, and criteria for method development.
The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment
Academic article
Hertwich, Edgar;
Hammitt, James K.;
Pease, William S..
A Theoretical Foundation for Life-Cycle Assessment: Recognizing the Role of Values in Environmental Decision Making.
Journal of Industrial Ecology
Academic article
Cartalis, Constantinos;
Dessai, Suraje;
Diaz Anadon, Laura;
Edenhofer, Ottmar;
Eory, Vera;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Towards EU climate neutrality: Progress, policy gaps and opportunities.
European Scientific Advisory Board on Climate Change
Academic monograph
Jaktar, Harshavardhan;
Carrer, Fabio;
Amini, Sara;
Sari, Agus;
Hertwich, Edgar G.;
Hamilton, Ian.
Resource Efficiency and Climate Change:
Material Efficiency Strategies for a Low-Carbon Future
in Residential Construction Sector in Indonesia.
United Nations Environment Programme
United Nations Environment Programme
Academic monograph
Jaktar, Harshavardhan;
Carrer, Fabio;
Amini, Sara;
Gaspes, Ezequiel;
Garcia, Adriana Beatriz;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Resource Efficiency and Climate Change:
Material Efficiency Strategies for a Low-Carbon Future
in Residential Construction Sector in Argentina.
United Nations Environment Programme
United Nations Environment Programme
Academic monograph
Jaktar, Harshavardhan;
Carrer, Fabio;
Amini, Sara;
Carrazco, Carlos Alejandro;
Hertwich, Edgar G.;
Hamilton, Ian.
Resource Efficiency and Climate Change:
Material Efficiency Strategies for a Low-Carbon Future
in Construction Sector in Mexico.
United Nations Environment Programme
United Nations Environment Programme
Academic monograph
Cartalis, Constantinos;
Dessai, Suraje;
Diaz Anadon, Laura;
Edenhofer, Ottmar;
Eory, Vera;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Scientific advice for the determination of an EU-wide 2040 climate target and a greenhouse gas budget for 2030–2050.
European Scientific Advisory Board on Climate Change
Academic monograph
Hertwich, Edgar G.;
Lifset, Reid;
Pauliuk, Stefan;
Heeren, Niko.
Resource Efficiency and Climate Change: Material Efficiency Strategies for a Low-Carbon Future-Summary for Policymakers.
United Nations Environment Programme
United Nations Environment Programme
Academic monograph
Hertwich, Edgar G.;
Aloisi de Larderel, Jacqueline;
Arvesen, Anders;
Bayer, P.;
Bergesen, Joseph;
Bouman, Evert.
Green energy choices: the benefits, risks and trade-offs of low-carbon technologies for electricity production.
United Nations Environment Programme
United Nations Environment Programme
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Hertwich, Edgar G.;
van der Voet, Ester;
Tukker, Arnold;
Suh, Sangwon.
Assessing the Environmental Impacts of Consumption and Production - Priority Products and Materials.
United Nations Environment Programme
United Nations Environment Programme
Non-fiction book
Hertwich, Edgar G.;
Briceno, Tania;
Hofstetter, Patrick;
Inaba, Atsushi.
Sustainable Consumption: The Contribution of Research (Proceedings, Workshop in Oslo, 12-12 Feb. 2005).
NTNU - Program for industriell økologi
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Finnveden, G.;
de Haes, Udo;
Goedkoop, M.;
Hauschild, M.;
Hertwich, Edgar G.;
Hofstetter, P..
Life Cycle Impact Assessment: Striving towards Best Practice.
Pensacola: Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry
Non-fiction book
Part of book/report
Mattson, Kim Rainer;
Giroux, Baptiste Abel Rene;
Rustad, Ida Hexeberg;
Brattebø, Helge;
Hertwich, Edgar.
Allokering av klimagassutslipp fra avfallsforbrenning med energigjenvinning i livsløpsanalyser.
SINTEF akademisk forlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ramirez, Andrea;
Ashworth, Peta;
Bakshi, Bhavik R.;
Bergerson, Joule;
Dowd, Anne Maree;
Fan, Liang Shih.
Fossil fuels and carbon dioxide capture and storage.
United Nations Environment Programme
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Hertwich, Edgar G.;
Gibon, Thomas;
Suh, Sangwon.
Chapter 1 • Introduction.
United Nations Environment Programme
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Gibon, Thomas;
Hertwich, Edgar G.;
Bergesen, Joseph;
Suh, Sangwon.
Chapter 2 • Method description.
United Nations Environment Programme
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Gibon, Thomas;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Comparison of technologies' life cycles.
United Nations Environment Programme
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Hertwich, Edgar G.;
Weinzettel, Jan;
Bouman, Evert;
Gibon, Thomas;
Arvesen, Anders;
Knápek, Jaroslav.
Matching supply and demand: grid and storage.
United Nations Environment Programme
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Arvesen, Anders;
Zhongying, Wang;
Jingting, Yuan;
Mingliang, Liu;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Wind power.
United Nations Environment Programme
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Steen-Olsen, Kjartan;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Life cycle assessment as a means to identify the most effective action for sustainable consumption.
Edward Elgar Publishing
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Peters, Glen;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
The application of multi-regional input-output analysis to industrial ecology : evaluating trans-boundary environmental impacts.
Springer Publishing Company
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Hertwich, Edgar G.;
Peters, Glen.
Scope and Feasibility of Life Cycle Approaches to Sustainable Consumption.
Springer Publishing Company
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Peters, Glen;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Energy and Pollution in Norwegian Consumption.
Tapir Akademisk Forlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Solli, Christian;
Strømman, Anders Hammer;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Life Cycle Assessment of Hydrogen Production.
Tapir Akademisk Forlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Hertwich, Edgar G.;
Pennington, D.;
Bare, J..
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Hertwich, Edgar G.;
Jolliet, O.;
Krewitt, W.;
Pennington, D.;
Hauschild, M.;
Schulze, Carsten.
Fate and Exposure Assessment in the Life Cycle Impact Assessment of Toxic Chemicals.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Brattebø, Helge;
Korpås, Magnus;
Georges, Laurent Francis Ghislain;
Hertwich, Edgar G.;
Næss, Jan Sandstad;
Kauko, Hanne Laura Pauliina.
Anbefalt metode for beregning av utslipp fra strøm og fjernvarme. Oppsummering og anbefaling på tvers av studier i FME ZEN.
SINTEF akademisk forlag
ZEN Memo (65)
Næss, Jan Sandstad;
Mattson, Kim Rainer;
Giroux, Baptiste;
Rustad, Ida;
Brattebø, Helge;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Allokering av klimagassutslipp fra avfallsforbrenning med energigjenvinning i livsløpsanalyser .
SINTEF akademisk forlag
ZEN Report (61)
Cartalis, Constantinos;
Dessai, Suraje;
Diaz Anadon, Laura;
Edenhofer, Ottmar;
Eory, Vera;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Addressing the energy crisis while delivering on EU’s climate objectives: recommendations to policy makers. Advice from the European Scientific Advisory Board on Climate Change.
European Scientific Advisory Board on Climate Change
Silva Simas, Moana;
Wood, Richard;
Hertwich, Edgar G.;
Wiebe, Kirsten Svenja.
The social and environmental dimensions of global value chains.
Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Doctoral dissertation
Ivanova, Diana;
Wood, Richard;
Hertwich, Edgar G.;
Stadler, Konstantin.
Environmental impacts of household consumption: from demand patterns to mitigation strategies.
Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU (238)
Doctoral dissertation
Majeau-Bettez, Guillaume;
Strømman, Anders Hammer;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Convergence of Industrial Ecology Methods for the Analysis of our Socio-economic Metabolism.
Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Doctoral dissertation
Arvesen, Anders;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Understanding the environmental implications of energy transitions. A case study for wind power.
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU (8)
Doctoral dissertation
Sveinssønn Melvær, MARTIN;
Hertwich, Edgar G.;
Houlihan Wiberg, Aoife Anne Marie.
Life-cycle assessment of a multi-family residence built to passive house standard.
Masters thesis
Singh, Bhawna;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Environmental evaluation of carbon capture and storage technology and large scale deployment scenarios.
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet NTNU Trondheim
Doctoral dissertation
Larsen, Hogne Nersund;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Developing consumption-based greenhouse gas accounts. The carbon footprint of local public service provision in Norway.
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet NTNU Trondheim
Doctoral dissertation
Sopha, Bertha Maya;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Agent-Based Modeling and Simulation of Clean Heating System Adoption in Norway.
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet NTNU Trondheim
Doctoral dissertation
Martinsen, Thomas;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Technology learning in a global-local perspective.
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Doctoral dissertation
Arvesen, Anders;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Utslipp av klimagasser fra flytrafikk.
Report - Programme for Industrial Ecology (4)
Pettersen, Johan;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Development and application of life-cycle inventory and impact assessment methods.
Doctoral dissertation
Pettersen, Johan;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Overall evaluation of offshore drilling fluid technology: Development and application of life-cycle inventory and impact assessment methods.
Tapir Akademisk Forlag
Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU (251)
Doctoral dissertation
Peters, Glen;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
IKEA - CO2 emission intensities by sector and region.
Larsen, Hogne Nersund;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
En kartlegging av energibruk og klimagassutslipp i Trondheim, med fokus på kommunens egen aktivitet gjennom direkte og indirekte klimagassutslipp.
Trondheim: Industrial Ecology Programme, NTNU.
Briceno, Tania;
Peters, Glen;
Solli, Christian;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Using Life Cycle Approaches To Evaluate Sustainable Consumption Programs: Car-sharing.
Report - Programme for Industrial Ecology (2/2005)
Haas, Willi;
Hertwich, Edgar G.;
Hubacek, Klaus;
Korytarova, Katarina;
Ornetzeder, Michael;
Weisz, Helga.
The Environmental Impacts of Consumption: Research Methods and Driving Forces.
IIASA Interim Report (027)
Reenaas, Marte;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Combined With Gas Turbine Versus Diesel Engine As Auxiliary Power Producing Unit Onboard A Passenger Ferry: A Comparative Life Cycle Assessment And Life Cycle Cost Assessment.
NTNU - Program for industriell økologi
Masters thesis
Pettersen, Johan;
Peters, Glen;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Marine ecotoxic pulse effects in LCIA.
IndEcol working papers (2004/9)
Strømman, Anders Hammer;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Approaches to Avoid Double Counting in Hybrid Life Cycle Inventories.
IndEcol working papers (2004/8)
Bergsdal, Håvard;
Strømman, Anders Hammer;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
The Aluminum Industry - Environment, Technology and Production.
Report - Programme for Industrial Ecology (8/2004)
Strømman, Anders Hammer;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Hybrid Life Cycle Assessment of Large Scale Hydrogen Production Facilities.
IndEcol working papers (3/2004)
Haukland, Eirik;
Hertwich, Edgar G.;
Peters, Glen.
Emissions intensity of Norway's imports and exports.
Industrial Ecology Theses (2)
Masters thesis
Bingh, Lars Petter;
Hertwich, Edgar G.;
Skreiberg, Øyvind.
Opportunities for Utilizing Waste Biomass for Energy in Uganda.
Industrial Ecology Programme, NTNU
Masters thesis
Solli, Christian;
Hertwich, Edgar G.;
Strømman, Anders Hammer.
Fission or Fossil? A Comparative Hybrid Life Cycle Assessment of Two Different Hydrogen Production Methods.
Industrial Ecology Theses (3)
Masters thesis
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Workshop Proceedings: Life-cycle approaches to sustainable consumption: Scope and Feasibility. SETAC-Europe meeting, Prague Congress Center , 21 April 2004.
Report - Programme for Industrial Ecology (7)
Peters, Glen;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
A Comment on �Functions, Commodities and Environmental Impacts in an Ecological-economic Model�.
IndEcol working papers (2)
Peters, Glen;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Production Factors and Pollution Embodied in Trade: Theoretical Development.
IndEcol working papers (5)
Peters, Glen;
Briceno, Tania;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Pollution Embodied in Norwegian Consumption.
IndEcol working papers (6)
Hertwich, Edgar G.;
Strømman, Anders Hammer.
The Environmental Assessment of Direct Hydrogen Fuel Cell Vehicles.
[Mangler utgivernavn]
Steen-Olsen, Kjartan;
Peters, Glen Philip;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Carbon Footprint of Nations - Emissions Worldwide.
Multimedia product
Ivanova, Diana;
Vita, Gibran;
Steen-Olsen, Kjartan;
Stadler, Konstantin;
Melo, Patricia C;
Wood, Richard.
More stuff=more climate change?.
Ivanova, Diana;
Vita, Gibran;
Steen-Olsen, Kjartan;
Stadler, Konstantin;
Melo, Patricia C;
Hertwich, Edgar G..
More stuff = more climate change?.
Hertwich, Edgar G..
What's new in the IPCC report? (Blogg - CarbonFootPrintOfNations.com).
Website (informational material)
Hertwich, Edgar G.;
Gibon, Thomas.
A low-carbon renewable energy future. Is it feasible?.
Website (informational material)
Hertwich, Edgar G.;
Gibon, Thomas.
First-ever global life cycle assessment of renewable energy future.
Website (informational material)
Hertwich, Edgar G.;
Gibon, Thomas.
Global shift to renewable energy found feasible alternative for cleaner air, water.
Website (informational material)
Hertwich, Edgar G.;
Gibon, Thomas.
Natural Gas Not Climate Savior.
Website (informational material)
Hertwich, Edgar G..
Life-cycle impacts analysis of energy options.
Website (informational material)
Hertwich, Edgar G.;
Gibon, Thomas.
Low-Carbon Equals Low-Pollution.
Website (informational material)
Hertwich, Edgar G.;
Gibon, Thomas.
Life-Cycle Study Confirms Global Environmental Benefit of Low-Carbon Energy Technologies.
Website (informational material)
Hertwich, Edgar G..
What's new in the IPCC report.
Website (informational material)
- TEP5100 - Industrial Ecology, Project
- EP8108 - Life Cycle Assessment and Environmental Systems Analysis
- EP8119 - Industrial Ecology and Input Output Analysis
- TEP4222 - Input-Output Analysis, Trade and Environment
- TEP4221 - Python for Sustainability Analysis
- EP8114 - Industrial Ecology and Sustainability
- TEP4930 - Industrial Ecology, Master's Thesis
- TEP4225 - Energy and Environment
- EP8221 - Python for sustainability analysis
LectureHertwich, Edgar G.; Carrer, Fabio; Amini, Sara; Hamilton, Ian; Jatka, Harshavardhan; Sari, Agus. (2024) Material Efficiency for a Low-Carbon Future in Residential Construction in Indonesia . GIZ Indonesia Seminar of the Development of Supporting Instruments for Material Efficiency in Indonesia , Jakarta 2024-02-05 -
LectureHertwich, Edgar G.. (2024) Environmental impacts of resource use. Resource efficiency in the built environment. Miljødirektoratet og Naturvårdsverket Nordic seminar on the Global Resources Outlook by the International Resource Panel , internet 2024-04-24 - 2024-04-24
Academic lectureHertwich, Edgar G.; Koslowski, Maximilian; Rasul, Kajwan. (2024) Using the hypothetical extraction method to understand the role of materials. Institute of Environmental Sciences, Leiden University Earthday lecture , Leiden 2024-04-22 - 2024-04-22
PosterBarre, Francis Isidore; Bouman, Evert Alwin; Hertwich, Edgar; Moran, Daniel Dean. (2024) Mapping socioeconomic exposure to climate change-related events - coastal floods in Norway. Gordon Research Conferences GRC Industrial Ecology , Les Diablerets, Switzerland 2024-05-25 - 2024-05-31
InterviewAkin, Sahin; Hertwich, Edgar G.; Saeed, Mohammed. (2024) الثورة النفطية أسهمت في زيادة البصمة البيئية لمباني دول الخليج (The oil revolution contributed to increasing the environmental footprint of buildings in the Gulf countries) . https://www.natureasia.com/ar/nmiddleeast/article/10.1038/nm https://www.natureasia.com/ar/nmiddleeast/article/10.1038/nm [Internet] 2024-01-11
InterviewHertwich, Edgar G.; Røkke, Nils Anders; Tomasgard, Asgeir; Wyckmans, Annemie Bertha Marcella; Gullbrekken, Lars; Hafner, Armin. (2024) As our energy demands increase, so the planet continues to overheat. But there is still hope. NorwegianSciTech News NorwegianSciTech News [Internet] 2024-11-07
Academic lectureRousseau, Lola Sylvie Annie; Næss, Jan Sandstad; Carrer, Fabio; Amini, Sara; Brattebø, Helge; Hertwich, Edgar. (2024) Reducing material use and their greenhouse gas emissions in the Greater Oslo Area, Norway. Stefan Pauliuk (International Society for Industrial Ecology - Socioeconomic Metabolism section) The ISIE Socioeconomic Metabolism perpetual online conference - Session 17: Scenario modelling of urban metabolism – recent progress and research trends , Online (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z1o0fLKfG1U) 2024-11-06 - 2024-11-06
Academic lectureRousseau, Lola Sylvie Annie; Næss, Jan Sandstad; Carrer, Fabio; Amini, Sara; Brattebø, Helge; Hertwich, Edgar. (2024) Build environments role in defining mobility patterns - Reducing material use and their greenhouse gas emissions in the Greater Oslo. FME ZEN ZEN-Lunch Lecture , Online (https://fmezen.com/category/videos-and-presentations/) 2024-11-13 - 2024-11-13
PosterRousseau, Lola Sylvie Annie; Carrer, Fabio; Amini, Sara; Næss, Jan Sandstad; Brattebø, Helge; Hertwich, Edgar G.. (2024) Transforming the residential buildings in the Greater Oslo: using less materials and getting rid of cars?. Gordon Research Seminar & Gordon Research Conference - Industrial Ecology 2024-05-25 - 2024-05-31
Academic lectureNæss, Jan Sandstad; Mattson, Kim Rainer; Brattebø, Helge; Hertwich, Edgar G.. (2024) Allocation of emissions from waste incineration with energy recovery in life cycle assessments of the built environment. SETAC Europe 26th LCA Symposium 2024-10-22 -
PosterAmini, Sara; Rousseau, Lola Sylvie Annie; Hertwich, Edgar. (2024) Materials and Energy Use in the Norwegian Residential Building Archetypes. Gordon Research Conference Gordon Research Seminar (GRS) and Gordon Research Conference (GRC) , Les Diablerets, Switzerland 2024-05-25 - 2024-05-31
InterviewAkin, Sahin; Hertwich, Edgar G.; Bazilchuk, Nancy Reney. (2023) The energy footprint of architecture built by oil. Norwegian SciTech News Norwegian SciTech News [Business/trade/industry journal] 2023-12-07
PosterKoslowski, Maximilian; Hertwich, Edgar; Wood, Richard John. (2023) In, out, and about – your choice? Substitution of joint-production processes in a sustainable future. International Society for Industrial Ecology 11th International Conference on Industrial Ecology , Leiden, Netherlands 2023-07-02 - 2023-07-05
Academic lectureJiang, Meng; Wang, Ranran; Wood, Richard John; Hertwich, Edgar. (2023) Global Carbon and Material Footprints of Machinery Capital. ISIE 11th International Conference on Industrial Ecology (ISIE) , Leiden 2023-07-02 - 2023-07-05
InterviewHertwich, Edgar G.; Ahtone, Tristan. (2023) In Norway, Indigenous-led protests against a wind farm heat up. Grist Grist [Internet] 2023-03-02
Popular scientific lectureHertwich, Edgar G.. (2023) Hva er industriell økologi?. Gløshaugen Akademisk Klubb Lunsj seminar , Trondheim 2023-11-30 -
Academic lectureNæss, Jan Sandstad; Nygaard Rasmussen, Freja; Pappa, Triantafyllia; Rousseau, Lola Sylvie Annie; Amini, Sara; Hertwich, Edgar G.. (2023) Konferansearrangør: Under utbygging - sirkularitet i det bygde miljø. NTNU Bærekraft og FME ZEN Under utbygging - sirkularitet i det bygde miljø , Trondheim 2023-11-27 - 2023-11-28
Popular scientific lectureHertwich, Edgar G.. (2023) Klimapolitikk, EU, Norge. Utenriksdepartementet og NTNU Responskonferanse om klima, miljø, energi og teknologi , Trondheim 2023-11-15 -
Academic lectureNwagwu, Chibuikem; Akin, Sahin; Hertwich, Edgar. (2023) REDEFINING NIGERIA'S RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS IN THE FACE OF HUMAN DEVELOPMENT AND CLIMATE CHANGE CRISES. The International Society for Industrial Ecology (ISIE) ISIE 2023 , Leiden 2023-07-02 - 2023-07-05
Academic lectureAkin, Sahin; Eghbali, Aida; Nwagwu, Chibuikem; Heeren, Niko; Hertwich, Edgar. (2023) Estimating Embodied and Operational Emissions of Residential Building Stock in Western Asia and Northern Africa: A Comparative Study. The International Society for Industrial Ecology (ISIE) ISIE 2023 , Leiden 2023-07-02 - 2023-12-05
PosterAkin, Sahin; Eghbali, Aida; Nwagwu, Chibuikem; Hertwich, Edgar. (2023) Estimating Resource Use and Related Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Western Asian and Northern African Residential Buildings. NTNU Sustainability Under construction: Circularity in the built environment , Trondheim 2023-11-27 - 2023-11-28
Academic lectureRasul, Kajwan; Wood, Richard John; Schmidt, Sarah Yvonne; Hertwich, Edgar G.. (2023) The trouble with the energy accounts. International Society for Industrial Ecology 11th International Conference on Industrial Ecology , Leiden 2023-07-02 - 2023-07-05
Academic lectureHertwich, Edgar G.. (2023) Europe's energy crisis response and path to net-zero. NTNU Energy Transition Week , Trondheim 2023-03-21 - 2023-03-24
PosterRousseau, Lola Sylvie Annie; Carrer, Fabio; Næss, Jan Sandstad; Hertwich, Edgar G.. (2023) Stocks and flows analysis of settlements in the Greater Oslo - An investigation of Resource Effciency Strategies. NTNU Sustainability and FME ZEN Under utbygging - sirkularitet i det bygde miljø , Trondheim 2023-11-27 - 2023-11-28
PosterRousseau, Lola Sylvie Annie; Carrer, Fabio; Næss, Jan Sandstad; Hertwich, Edgar G.. (2023) Stocks and flows analysis of settlements in the Greater Oslo - An investigation of Resource Effciency Strategies. ISIE 11th conference of the International Society for Industrial Ecology , Leiden 2023-07-02 - 2023-07-05
InterviewBazilchuk, Nancy Reney; Hertwich, Edgar G.. (2023) Energikrisen kan øke europeiske investeringer i grønn energi . Gemini Gemini [Business/trade/industry journal] 2023-02-07
Academic lectureHertwich, Edgar G.. (2023) False Narratives about the European Energy Crisis. International Society for Industrial Ecology 11th International Conference on Industrial Ecology (ISIE 2023) , Leiden 2023-07-01 - 2023-07-05
Academic lectureHertwich, Edgar G.. (2023) Is the methodology for calculating consumption-based emissions good enough for monitoring a target?. SCORAI-ERSCP Transforming consumption-production systems toward just and sustainable futures , Wageningen 2023-07-05 - 2023-07-07
LectureHertwich, Edgar G.. (2023) Using the hypothetical extraction method to understand the role of materials. International Input-Output Association International Input-Output Association Webinar , Online 2023-06-05 -
InterviewHertwich, Edgar G.; Rathmammer, Stefan. (2023) Faktencheck: Statistikpapier enthält Klima-Desinfo. vienna.at vienna.at [Internet] 2023-11-17
InterviewAuer, Matthias; Hertwich, Edgar G.. (2023) „Ein Stück Propaganda“: Wie eine Studie eben nicht die Klimapanik zertrümmert. Die Presse Die Presse [Newspaper] 2023-11-12
Academic lectureAkin, Sahin; Heeren, Niko; Hertwich, Edgar. (2022) Resource consumption of the affluent Arabic countries' residential building stock: A bottom-up approach. The International Society for Industrial Ecology (ISIE) Cutting-edge applications of industrial ecology in the built environment-International Industrial Ecology Day 2022 , Virtual 2022-11-30 - 2022-11-30
PosterKoslowski, Maximilian; Hertwich, Edgar. (2022) Rectangular technology choices - From Leontief and Sraffa to waste. NTRANS NTRANS Research Festival , Røros, Norway 2022-08-24 - 2022-08-26
Academic lectureJiang, Meng; Behrens, Paul; Yang, Yongheng; Tang, Zhipeng; Chen, Dingjiang; Yu, Yadong. (2022) Distinguishing Capital Investment and Consumption of Material Footprint: A Comparative Analysis between Subnational China and Other Nations. EGU EGU22 , Vienna 2022-05-23 - 2022-05-27
PosterJiang, Meng; Zhu, Bing; Hertwich, Edgar. (2022) The Role of Capital Investment in China’s Material Development. ISIE 14th ISIE Socio-Economic Metabolism section conference (ISIE-SEM) , Vienna 2022-09-19 - 2022-09-21
Academic lectureRousseau, Lola Sylvie Annie; Kloostra, Bradley; AzariJafari, Hessam; Saxe, Shoshanna; Gregory, Jeremy; Hertwich, Edgar. (2022) The global and urban material stock of roads. WU Vienna, BOKU Vienna and TU Wien 14th ISIE SEM conference , Vienna, Austria 2022-09-19 - 2022-09-19
Programme managementMortensholm, Stein ; Borg, Anne; Bech Gjørv, Alexandra; Hertwich, Edgar G.. (2022) Hva vil mulighetene i EUs nye politikk og regelverk bety for å skape et levedyktig norsk næringsliv?. Dagens Næringsliv DN Studio Dagens Næringsliv DN Studio [TV] 2022-11-14
Programme managementMortensholm, Stein ; Aamot, Eli; Hertwich, Edgar G.; Røttereng, Jo-Kristian Stræte. (2022) Slik kan vi nå klimamålene og lykkes med grønn omstilling. Arendalsuka Arendalsuka [TV] 2022-08-17
InterviewHertwich, Edgar G.; Bradsley, Daniel; Grubb, Michael; Höhne, Niklas. (2022) A quarter of a century on, what did the Kyoto Protocol on climate change achieve?. The National News of Dubai The National News of Dubai [Newspaper] 2022-12-06
InterviewHertwich, Edgar G.. (2022) Climate change will affect all businesses. A US regulator wants companies to tell shareholders . Swifttelecast Swifttelecast [Internet] 2022-10-14
InterviewHertwich, Edgar G.; Bazilchuk, Nancy Reney. (2022) The EU has the strongest climate law in the world. But it's not enough. 63 degrees North podcast 63 degrees North podcast [Internet] 2022-11-07
Programme participationHertwich, Edgar G.; Lillealtern, Randi; Kleiven, Tommy; Nilsen, Heidi Rapp. (2022) Derfor må vi gjenbruke gamle bygg fremfor å rive . Det store spørsmålene (podcast) Det store spørsmålene (podcast) [Radio] 2022-02-09
Academic lectureHertwich, Edgar G.. (2022) Europe’s path to net zero. NTNU and Sintef 6th annual European Strategy Summit , Brussels 2022-10-13 - 2022-10-14
LectureHertwich, Edgar G.. (2022) Cutting-edge applications of industrial ecology in the built environment. International Society for Industrial Ecology International Industrial Ecology Day , Leiden 2022-11-30 -
InterviewWolfram, Paul; Hertwich, Edgar G.. (2022) US-Studie sieht Klimavorsprung von E-Autos auch in der Vorkette. Elektroauto-news Elektroauto-news [Internet] 2022-01-05
InterviewHertwich, Edgar G.; Zheng, Heran; Meland, Svein Inge. (2022) People over 60 are greenhouse gas emission bad guys. Newswise Newswise [Internet] 2022-03-25
InterviewZheng, Heran; Hertwich, Edgar G.; Claworthy, Ben. (2022) All-consuming baby boomers are the world’s worst polluters ‘with biggest carbon footprint’. The Sunday Times The Sunday Times [Newspaper] 2022-03-27
InterviewZheng, Heran; Hertwich, Edgar G.. (2022) Bad news for baby boomers: People over 60 are now the 'greenhouse gas bad guys' and are responsible for a THIRD of global emissions, study finds. Daily Mail Daily Mail [Newspaper] 2022-03-25
InterviewZheng, Heran; Hertwich, Edgar G.. (2022) Estudo diz que nova geração de idosos emite mais gases de efeito estufa. Yahoo Yahoo [Newspaper] 2022-03-26
InterviewZheng, Heran; Hertwich, Edgar G.. (2022) Climate change: Ageing population in developed countries poses big carbon-reduction challenge for ‘world factories’ like China, Middle East, study finds. South China Morning Post South China Morning Post [Newspaper] 2022-03-11
InterviewZheng, Heran; Hertwich, Edgar G.. (2022) Boomers create more carbon emissions than any other age group, study finds. Metro Metro [Newspaper] 2022-03-25
InterviewZheng, Heran; Hertwich, Edgar G.. (2022) People over 60 account for a third of greenhouse gas emissions. The Hill The Hill [Newspaper] 2022-03-25
InterviewZheng, Heran; Hertwich, Edgar G.. (2022) People over 60 responsible for a third of global emissions: Study . Ahmedabad Mirror Ahmedabad Mirror [Newspaper] 2022-03-25
InterviewMeland, Svein Inge; Zheng, Heran; Hertwich, Edgar G.. (2022) Folk over 60 er klimaverstingene. Gemini.no Gemini.no [Business/trade/industry journal] 2022-03-10
InterviewHertwich, Edgar G.; Zheng, Heran. (2022) Overrasket over hvem som er klimaverstingene. nrk.no nrk.no [Internet] 2022-03-11
InterviewHertwich, Edgar G.; Zheng, Heran. (2022) Store boliger gjør eldre til klimaverstinger. Byggmesteren Byggmesteren [Business/trade/industry journal] 2022-03-15
PosterAkin, Sahin; Heeren, Niko; Hertwich, Edgar. (2021) A GIS-based Bottom-up Building Archetype Development Approach for the Middle Eastern Building Stock. The International Society for Industrial Ecology (ISIE) International Industrial Ecology Day 2021 , Virtual 2021-06-21 - 2021-06-21
Academic lectureHertwich, Edgar G.. (2021) The carbon footprint of materials and the role of materials in climate change mitigation. Tsinghua University The 16th International Conference on Waste Management and Technology , Beijing 2021-06-25 - 2021-06-28
InterviewBazilchuk, Nancy Reney; Hertwich, Edgar G.; Hustad, Johan Einar. (2021) Rapid action can help prevent the worst consequences of global warming. Norwegian SchiTech news Norwegian SchiTech news [Business/trade/industry journal] 2021-08-09
Programme participationHertwich, Edgar G.. (2021) Supply Chain Decarbonization. Decarb Connect Decarb Connect [Internet] 2021-10-05
Popular scientific lectureHertwich, Edgar G.. (2021) Living in the material world - Reducing greenhouse gas emissions from buildings and construction. wedonthavetime.org Circularity and The Race to Zero - Exponential Climate Action Summit III , online 2021-09-23 -
Programme participationHertwich, Edgar G.. (2021) Why do Materials Matter for Global Climate Action? . World Circular Economy Forum World Circular Economy Forum [TV] 2021-04-15
LectureHertwich, Edgar G.. (2021) Circular Economy and Climate Modelling. European Commission Circular Economy and Climate Modelling Knowledge Exchange Session , Brussels 2021-03-23 -
LectureHertwich, Edgar G.. (2021) Material Efficiency Strategies for a Low-Carbon Future. Modeling results of the study. International Society of Industrial Ecology Material Efficiency Strategies for a Low-Carbon Future. A Policy Approach. , Leiden 2021-02-26 -
InterviewHertwich, Edgar G.; Dunne, Daisy. (2021) Greenhouse gas emissions from raw material production ‘doubled in 20 years’. The Independent The Independent [Newspaper] 2021-02-16
Academic lectureHertwich, Edgar G.. (2021) The carbon footprint of materials and the need to model material efficiency. International Society of Industrial Ecology Material Efficiency Strategies for a Low-Carbon Future. An insight into the modelling , web 2021-02-18 -
LectureHertwich, Edgar G.; Lifset, Reid. (2021) Resource Efficiency and Climate Change: Implications for business leaders in housing and mobility . United Nations Environment Programme , Material Efficiency Strategies for Business: Untapped climate solutions for buildings and mobility , web 2021-02-02 -
Popular scientific lectureHertwich, Edgar G.. (2021) Slik kan vi nå klimamålene. Adresseavisen Ungdomens klimatoppmøte , Trondheim 2021-03-18 -
LectureHertwich, Edgar G.; Pauliuk, Stefan. (2020) Resource Efficiency and Climate Change - Material Efficiency Strategies for a Low-Carbon Future. Ecologic Online-seminar: “Identifying aspects and relevance of the climate-resource-nexus” , Berlin 2020-09-29 -
InterviewHertwich, Edgar G.; Rudgard, Olivia. (2020) Live in smaller homes to fix the climate crisis, UN report suggests . The Telegraph The Telegraph [Newspaper] 2020-11-19
LectureHertwich, Edgar G.. (2020) Materialeffektivitet og klimavern - Ressurspanelets rapport. NTNU Sustainability Materialeffektivitet og klima , online 2020-11-24 -
Academic lectureHertwich, Edgar G.. (2020) Resource Efficiency and Climate Change: the contribution of material efficiency to reducing GHG emissions. European Commission Circular Economy Stakeholder Forum , online 2020-11-03 - 2020-11-04
Academic lectureHertwich, Edgar G.; Lifset, Reid. (2020) Resource Efficiency and Climate Change: The new IRP report. United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change Race to Zero Dialogues - Building to net zero togegher , online 2020-11-09 - 2020-11-19
Academic lectureHertwich, Edgar G.. (2020) Circular and Bio-based: towards a carbon neutral and sustainable economy . European Commission European Research and Innovation Days , online 2020-09-22 -
PosterStadler, Konstantin; Pauliuk, Stefan; Myers, Rupert; Heeren, Niko; Majeau-Bettez, Guillaume; Kuczenski, Brandon. (2018) The Industrial Ecology Open Science Project. Digital Infrastructures for Research (DI4R) , Lisbon 2018-10-09 - 2018-10-11
Academic lectureSödersten, Carl-Johan; Wood, Richard; Hertwich, Edgar G.. (2017) Endogenising capital in MRIO models - Implications for consumption-based emission accounting. IIOA 25th International Input Output Conference , Atlantic City 2017-06-19 - 2017-06-23
Academic lectureSimas, Moana; Hertwich, Edgar G.; Wood, Richard. (2017) Is outsourcing decreasing gains in greenhouse gas efficiency in developed nations? A decomposition of energy and labor embodied in trade between 1995 and 2015. 2 2017-06-19 - 2017-06-23
Academic lectureSödersten, Carl-Johan; Wood, Richard; Hertwich, Edgar G.. (2017) Endogenising capital in MRIO models - implications for consumption-based accounting. International Society for Industrial Ecology 2017 Joint Conference ISIE ISSST , Chicago 2017-06-25 - 2017-06-29
Academic lectureSödersten, Carl-Johan; Wood, Richard; Hertwich, Edgar G.. (2017) Endogenisation of capital in MRIO models - A potential future add-on for the IELab?. IELab Conference 2017 , Moreton Bay Research Station, Stradbroke Island 2017-11-26 - 2018-10-28
Academic lectureHertwich, Edgar G.; Wood, Richard. (2017) Indirect emissions and carbon mitigation: Structural analysis of IPCC sectors. 25th International Input-Output Conference 2017-06-19 - 2017-06-23
Academic lectureZheng, Xinzhu; Wang, Ranran; Wood, Richard; Hertwich, Edgar G.. (2017) Metal Footprint in the context of Investment-led Growth: A Global Time-series Analysis. 25th International Input-Output Conference 2017-06-19 - 2017-06-23
Academic lectureSimas, Moana; Hertwich, Edgar G.; Wood, Richard. (2017) Is outsourcing decreasing gains in energy and greenhouse gas efficiency in developed nations? A decomposition of energy and labor embodied in trade between 1995 and 2011. ISIE-ISSST 2017: Science in Support of Sustainable and Resilient Communities 2017-09-25 - 2017-09-29
Academic lectureSödersten, Carl-Johan; Wood, Richard; Hertwich, Edgar G.. (2016) Environmental impacts of capital formation. IIOA 24th International Input Output Conference , Seoul 2016-07-03 - 2016-07-08
Academic lectureVerones, Francesca; Woods, John Sebastian; Veltman, Karin; Huijbregts, Mark A J; Hertwich, Edgar G.. (2016) Advancing marine impact assessment within life cycle assessment (LCA). SETAC Europe SETAC Europe 26th Annual Meeting , Nantes 2016-05-22 - 2016-05-26
PosterSilva Simas, Moana; Wood, Richard; Hertwich, Edgar G.. (2015) Labor and social footprints for life cycle management. International Conference on Life Cycle Management - LCM 2015 , Bordeaux 2015-08-30 - 2015-09-02
Academic lectureArvesen, Anders; Luderer, Gunnar; Pehl, Michaja; Hertwich, Edgar G.. (2015) Applying LCA results in integrated assessment modeling. International Society for Industrial Ecology ISIE 2015: 8th International Conference on Industrial Ecology , Surrey 2015-10-07 - 2015-10-10
Academic lectureKondo, Y; Pauliuk, Stefan; Nakamura, Shinichiro; Nakajima, Kenichi; Wood, Richard; hajime, Ohno. (2015) MaTrace Global: Tracing the fate of materials across regions over time in open-loop recycling. Taking Stock of Industrial Ecology - ISIE Conference 2015 2015-07-07 - 2015-07-10
PosterSimas, Moana; Wood, Richard; Hertwich, Edgar G.. (2015) Labor and social footprints for life cycle management. Life Cycle Management Conference 2015-08-30 - 2015-09-02
Academic lectureSödersten, Carl-Johan; Wood, Richard; Hertwich, Edgar G.. (2015) Endogenising capital in MRIO models - the environmental impacts associated with capital formation. Taking Stock of Industrial Ecology - ISIE Conference 2015 2015-07-07 - 2015-07-10
Academic lectureStadler, Konstantin; Vita Garza, Ricardo Gibran; Hertwich, Edgar G.; Wood, Richard. (2015) The Environmental Impact of Human Needs. The 11th Biennial Conference of the European Society for Ecological Economics 2015-06-30 - 2015-07-03
Academic lectureVita, Gibran; Hertwich, Edgar G.; Stadler, Konstantin; Wood, Richard. (2015) The Environmental Impact of Human Needs. International Input-Output Conference 2015-06-23 - 2015-06-26
Academic lectureStadler, Konstantin; Vita Garza, Ricardo Gibran; Wood, Richard; Hertwich, Edgar G.. (2015) The Environmental Impact of Human Needs. Taking Stock of Industrial Ecology - ISIE Conference 2015 2015-07-07 - 2015-07-10
Academic lectureIvanova, Diana; Stadler, Konstantin; Steen-Olsen, Kjartan; Wood, Richard; Vita Garza, Ricardo Gibran; Hertwich, Edgar G.. (2015) Environmental Impact Assessment of Household Consumption. Taking Stock of Industrial Ecology - ISIE Conference 2015 2015-07-07 - 2015-07-10
InterviewHertwich, Edgar G.; Gibon, Thomas; Arvesen, Anders. (2015) Grønn energi på riktig måte. Adressa Adressa [Newspaper] 2015-12-12
Academic lectureSilva Simas, Moana; Pauliuk, Stefan; Stadler, Konstantin; Wood, Richard; Hertwich, Edgar G.. (2015) What do single footprints tell us? A tale of correlations between environmental footprints. International Society for Industrial Ecology (ISIE) 8th International Society for Industrial Ecology Biennial Conference , University of Surrey 2015-07-07 - 2015-07-10
Academic lectureSilva Simas, Moana; Wood, Richard; Hertwich, Edgar G.. (2015) Labor and social footprints in Industrial Ecology. International Society for Industrial Ecology (ISIE) 8th International Society for Industrial Ecology Biennial Conference , University of Surrey 2015-07-07 - 2015-07-10
Academic lectureSteen-Olsen, Kjartan; Wood, Richard; Hertwich, Edgar G.. (2015) The carbon footprint of Norwegian households 1999-2012. 8th Conference of the International Society for Industrial Ecology 2015-07-07 - 2015-07-10
LectureBouman, Evert; Skar, Christian; Hertwich, Edgar G.. (2015) Optimizing electricity generation on the basis of life cycle impacts. International Society for Industrial Ecology ISIE biennial conference , Guildford, Surrey 2015-07-06 - 2015-07-10
InterviewVan de Weijer, Bard; Hertwich, Edgar G.. (2014) World can run entirely on green power by 2050. DeMorgen.be DeMorgen.be [Internet] 2014-10-07
InterviewHertwich, Edgar G.; Gibon, Thomas. (2014) World of clean energy ‘feasible’ by mid-century. GLOBE-Net GLOBE-Net [Internet] 2014-10-10
InterviewHertwich, Edgar G.; Gibon, Thomas. (2014) Low-carbon energy could double electricity production by 2050. The Financial Express The Financial Express [Newspaper] 2014-10-11
InterviewHertwich, Edgar G.. (2014) Оценены возможности Земли оплатить переход на чистую энергетику. Telegraf Telegraf [Internet] 2014-10-07
InterviewHertwich, Edgar G.; Gibon, Thomas. (2014) 2050年可再生能源或可满足全球电力需求. People`s Daily People`s Daily [Newspaper] 2014-10-20
InterviewGibon, Thomas; Hertwich, Edgar G.. (2014) Die Erzeugung von Ökostrom frisst viel Material. Hamburger Abendblatt Hamburger Abendblatt [Newspaper] 2014-10-07
InterviewHertwich, Edgar G.; Gibon, Thomas. (2014) 2050年可再生能源或可满足全球电力需求. Department of Environmental protection of guangdong province Department of Environmental protection of guangdong province [Internet] 2014-10-22
InterviewHertwich, Edgar G.. (2014) Nyhetsmorgen 14.04.2014 - Professor Hertwich om FNs klimarapport. NRK NRK [Radio] 2014-04-14
InterviewHertwich, Edgar G.. (2014) Politisk kvarter 14.04.2014 - Professor Hertwich om FNs klimarapport. NRK NRK [Radio] 2014-04-14
InterviewBazilchuk, Nancy; Hertwich, Edgar G.. (2014) Én av de 830 forskerne bak klimarapporten. Gemini.no Gemini.no [Internet] 2014-04-07
InterviewHertwich, Edgar G.; Strømman, Anders Hammer; Müller, Daniel Beat. (2014) Kjøper og kaster oss til klimakrise. Adresseavisen Adresseavisen [Newspaper] 2014-04-07
InterviewLie, Øystein; Hertwich, Edgar G.; Strømman, Anders Hammer; Müller, Daniel Beat; Cherubini, Francesco; Gibon, Thomas. (2014) Klimaløsningen. Dagens Næringsliv Dagens Næringsliv [Internet] 2014-04-04
InterviewNikolaisen, Per-Ivar; Hertwich, Edgar G.. (2014) Den farligste klimagassen måles ikke. Teknisk Ukeblad Teknisk Ukeblad [Internet] 2014-03-31
Academic lecturePauliuk, Stefan; Milford, Rachel; Allwood, Julian; Müller, Daniel Beat; Hertwich, Edgar G.. (2014) Managing Global Material Stocks Under Emissions Constraints – A Case Study for Steel. ISDRC ISDRC conference, Trondheim, 2014 , Trondheim 2014-06-18 - 2014-06-20
Academic lecturePauliuk, Stefan; Majeau-Bettez, Guillaume; Müller, Daniel Beat; Hertwich, Edgar G.. (2014) Towards a Unified Accounting and Modelling Framework for Industrial Ecology. ISIE ISIE Asia-Pacific Conference , Melbourne 2014-11-17 - 2014-11-19
InterviewHertwich, Edgar G.; Gibon, Thomas. (2014) Erneuerbare Energien: Materialaufwand macht sich bezahlt. [Internet] 2014-10-07
Popular scientific lectureHertwich, Edgar G.. (2014) Siste nytt fra FNs klimapanel?. Natur og Ungdom Klimaseminaret 2014 , Trondheim 2014-09-20 -
Academic lectureHertwich, Edgar G.. (2014) Integrated life cycle assessment of electricity supply scenarios confirms global environmental benefit of low-carbon technologies. Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies Colloquium , New Haven 2014-09-02 -
InterviewHertwich, Edgar G.; Gibon, Thomas. (2014) Low-carbon energy future is clean, feasible. [Internet] 2014-10-06
PosterPauliuk, Stefan; Deetman, Sebastiaan; Wood, Richard; Kleijn, Rene; Hertwich, Edgar G.. (2014) Critical Material Demand from Household Consumption. NIES EcoBalance Conference , Tsukuba 2014-10-28 - 2014-10-30
Academic lecturePauliuk, Stefan; Deetman, Sebastiaan; Hertwich, Edgar G.; Kleijn, Rene. (2014) Supply of critical raw materials to the European Union: Insights from the DESIRE project. ISIE ISIE Asia-Pacific Conference , Melbourne 2014-11-17 - 2014-11-19
InterviewHertwich, Edgar G.; Gibon, Thomas. (2014) Renewable sources beneficial despite their cost. [Newspaper] 2014-10-25
LectureHertwich, Edgar G.. (2014) Svart eller grønt? Vi velger vår energiframtid nå-FNs siste klimarapport. CenSES annual conference , Oslo 2014-12-04 - 2014-12-05
InterviewHertwich, Edgar G.; Gibon, Thomas. (2014) First-ever global life cycle assesment of renewable energy future. Phys.org Phys.org [Internet] 2014-10-06
InterviewHertwich, Edgar G.; Gibon, Thomas. (2014) First-ever gloabel life cycle assesment of renewable energy future. Eureka Alert Eureka Alert [Internet] 2014-10-06
InterviewHertwich, Edgar G.; Gibon, Thomas. (2014) First-ever global life cycle assesment of renewable energy future. NanoWerk NanoWerk [Internet] 2014-10-06
InterviewHertwich, Edgar G.; Gibon, Thomas. (2014) Renewable energy will reduce air pollution, says first-ever life cycle assesment. Planet Experts Planet Experts [Internet] 2014-10-07
InterviewHertwich, Edgar G.; Gibon, Thomas. (2014) First-ever global life cycle assesment of renewable energy future. Science News Science News [Internet] 2014-10-07
InterviewGibon, Thomas; Hertwich, Edgar G.. (2014) Researchers identify positive consequences of the energy transitions . Focus Online Focus Online [Internet] 2014-10-07
InterviewHertwich, Edgar G.; Gibon, Thomas. (2014) World of clean energy 'feasible' by mid-century. Eco-Business Eco-Business [Internet] 2014-10-13
InterviewHertwich, Edgar G.. (2014) De wereld kan in 2050 volledig op groene stroom draaien. de Volkskrant de Volkskrant [Internet] 2014-10-07
PosterSingh, Bhawna; Ramirez, Andrea; Hertwich, Edgar G.; Strømman, Anders Hammer. (2014) Quality aspect in Life Cycle Assessment - Concept, approach and CCS case example. Gordon Research Conference 2014-06-01 - 2014-06-06
InterviewHertwich, Edgar G.. (2014) Global shift to renewable energy is feasible: Study. Big news network Big news network [Internet] 2014-10-07
InterviewHertwich, Edgar G.. (2014) Cost of materials for renewable energy pays off . Berliner Morgenpost Berliner Morgenpost [Newspaper] 2014-10-08
LectureSingh, Bhawna; Reijers, Rick Hendricus Theodorus Johan; Spek, Mijndert; Schakel, Wouter; Skagestad, Ragnhild; Haugen, Hans Aksel. (2014) Environmental Due Diligence of CO2 Capture and Utilization Technologies – Framework and Application. 12th Greenhouse Gas Technology Conference 2014-10-05 - 2014-10-09
InterviewHertwich, Edgar G.; Gibon, Thomas. (2014) Renewables can supply 100% of world's power by 2050. The Ecologist The Ecologist [Internet] 2014-10-15
InterviewHertwich, Edgar G.; Gibon, Thomas; Arvesen, Anders. (2014) Pust lettere med fornybar energi. Dagens Næringsliv Dagens Næringsliv [Newspaper] 2014-10-16
InterviewHertwich, Edgar G.; Gibon, Thomas. (2014) Global shift to renewable energy found feasible alternative for cleaner air, water. Business Standard Business Standard [Internet] 2014-10-07
InterviewHertwich, Edgar G.; Gibon, Thomas; Bazilchuk, Nancy Reney. (2014) Low-carbon electricity future is clean and feasible. Gemini Gemini [Internet] 2014-10-06
InterviewHertwich, Edgar G.; Gibon, Thomas. (2014) World of clean energy is possible by 2050 say scientists. RTCC News RTCC News [Internet] 2014-10-21
InterviewHertwich, Edgar G.; Gibon, Thomas. (2014) First-ever global life cycle assessment of renewable energy future. Open Science World Open Science World [Internet] 2014-10-08
InterviewHertwich, Edgar G.; Gibon, Thomas. (2014) Renewable energy future possible and preferable. ECOS Magazine ECOS Magazine [Business/trade/industry journal] 2014-10-13
InterviewHertwich, Edgar G.; Gibon, Thomas. (2014) Photovoltaic power offers new hope. Isle of Man Today Isle of Man Today [Newspaper] 2014-10-16
InterviewHertwich, Edgar G.; Gibon, Thomas. (2014) World of clean energy is possible by 2050 say scientists. Factor CO2 Factor CO2 [Internet] 2014-10-13
InterviewHertwich, Edgar G.. (2014) Climate Change: Low Carbon Power Generation Achievable by 2050 Despite Material Costs. International Business Times UK International Business Times UK [Internet] 2014-10-07
InterviewHertwich, Edgar G.; Gibon, Thomas. (2014) Global shift to renewable energy is feasible: Study. Toronto Telegraph Toronto Telegraph [Newspaper] 2014-10-07
InterviewHertwich, Edgar G.; Gibon, Thomas. (2014) World of clean energy 'feasible' by mid-century. Climate News Network Climate News Network [Internet] 2014-10-10
InterviewGibon, Thomas; Hertwich, Edgar G.. (2014) The production of green electricity eats a lot of material. Die Welt Die Welt [Newspaper] 2014-10-07
InterviewHertwich, Edgar G.; Gibon, Thomas. (2014) First-ever Global Life Cycle Assesment of Renewable Energy Future. Science Newsline Science Newsline [Internet] 2014-10-06
LectureReijers, Rick Hendricus Theodorus Johan; Spek, Mijndert; Schakel, Wouter; Skagestad, Ragnhild; Haugen, Hans Aksel; Ramirez, Andrea. (2014) Environmental Due Diligence of CO2 Capture and Utilization Technologies – Framework and Application. 12th Greenhouse Gas Technology Conference 2014-10-05 - 2014-10-09
InterviewHertwich, Edgar G.; Gibon, Thomas. (2014) First Global Life Cycle Assessment Of Renewable Energy Future. Chem.Info Chem.Info [Internet] 2014-10-07
InterviewHertwich, Edgar G.. (2014) Scientists overall capacity of the Earth to pay the transition to clean energy . Lenta.ru Lenta.ru [Internet] 2014-10-07
InterviewHertwich, Edgar G.. (2014) Renewable wins in the long run. Sveriges Radio Sveriges Radio [Radio] 2014-10-07
InterviewHertwich, Edgar G.. (2014) Global shift to renewable energy is feasible: Study. Znews Znews [Internet] 2014-10-07
InterviewHertwich, Edgar G.; Gibon, Thomas. (2014) Can renewables supply 100% of world's power by 2050?. Environmental news network Environmental news network [Internet] 2014-10-16
InterviewHertwich, Edgar G.; Gibon, Thomas. (2014) Low-carbon energy 'could double electricity supply by 2050'. TMC News TMC News [Internet] 2014-10-11
InterviewHertwich, Edgar G.; Gibon, Thomas. (2014) Low-Carbon Energy Future Is Clean, Feasible. Tasnim News Agency Tasnim News Agency [Internet] 2014-10-07
InterviewHertwich, Edgar G.; Gibon, Thomas. (2014) Low-carbon energy ‘could double electricity supply by 2050’. UNB UNB [Newspaper] 2014-10-11
PosterBouman, Evert; Hertwich, Edgar G.. (2014) MFA of silver flows using an Input-Output framework. Gordon Research Conferences Gordon Research Conference in Industrial Ecology , Lucca (Barga) 2014-06-01 - 2014-06-06
Academic lecturePauliuk, Stefan; Wood, Richard; Müller, Daniel Beat; Hertwich, Edgar G.. (2014) Launching the spaceman economy - How much service can we get out of a globally constrained economy?. University of Iceland Biannual conference of the International Society for Ecological Economics , Reykjavik 2014-08-13 - 2014-08-15
PosterGibon, Thomas; Hertwich, Edgar G.. (2014) Impact assessment methods of energy scenarios for climate mitigation. International Society for Ecological Economics International Society for Ecological Economics 2014 – Wellbeing and Equity within Planetary Boundaries , Reykjavík 2014-08-13 - 2014-08-15
Academic lectureSimas, Moana; Wood, Richard; Hertwich, Edgar G.. (2014) Land, energy, and carbon embodied in international trade: Evidences from CREEA model. 22nd IIOA Conference in LISBON 2014-07-14 - 2014-07-17
Academic lectureWood, Richard; Gibon, Thomas; Hertwich, Edgar G.. (2014) Projected future developments of environmental impacts embodied in trade – the next 40 years. ISEE 2014: Wellbeing and Equity within Planetary Boundaries 2014-08-13 - 2014-08-15
Academic lectureMoran, Daniel; Wood, Richard; Hertwich, Edgar G.. (2014) Convergence between the Eora, WIOD, EXIOBASE, and OpenEU’s consumption-based carbon accounts. 22nd IIOA Conference in LISBON 2014-07-14 - 2014-07-17
Academic lectureGibon, Thomas; Hertwich, Edgar G.. (2014) A global environmental assessment of electricity generation technologies with low greenhouse gas emissions. CIRP CIRP Life Cycle Engineering Conference , Trondheim 2014-06-18 - 2014-06-20
Popular scientific lectureHertwich, Edgar G.. (2014) Tiltak og virkemidler for utslippsreduksjon, FNs Klimapanels tredje delrapport. Tekna Ny energi, nye muligheter - Tiltak og virkemidler for utslippsreduksjon , Trondheim 2014-04-24 -
Popular scientific lectureHertwich, Edgar G.. (2014) Climate Change 2014 - Tredje delrapport av FNs klimapanel. Miljødirektoratet Lanseringsmøte , Oslo 2014-04-13 -
Programme participation
InterviewHertwich, Edgar G.. (2014) Vi har ikkje tid til å vente på teknologien. NRK Viten NRK Viten [Internet] 2014-02-13
InterviewSteen-Olsen, Kjartan; Hertwich, Edgar G.. (2014) Ta klimatesten her. NRK Viten NRK Viten [Internet] 2014-02-13
InterviewBazilchuk, Nancy; Hertwich, Edgar G.; Müller, Daniel Beat. (2014) Klimapanelets hovedfunn. Gemini.no Gemini.no [Internet] 2014-04-13
InterviewBazilchuk, Nancy Reney; Tomasgard, Asgeir; Müller, Daniel Beat; Hertwich, Edgar G.; Dahlhaug, Ole Gunnar; Quale, Sverre. (2014) Her er klimaforskernes råd. forskning.no forskning.no [Internet] 2014-04-13
InterviewBazilchuk, Nancy Reney; Hertwich, Edgar G.; Müller, Daniel Beat. (2014) Key findings from IPCC. Gemini.no Gemini.no [Internet] 2014-04-13
InterviewBazilchuk, Nancy Reney; Hertwich, Edgar G.; Müller, Daniel Beat. (2014) Urgent need to phase out coal power. Science Nordic Science Nordic [Internet] 2014-04-13
InterviewTomasgard, Asgeir; Müller, Daniel Beat; Hertwich, Edgar G.; Dahlhaug, Ole Gunnar; Quale, Sverre; Undeland, Tore Marvin. (2014) Her er klimaforskernes råd. Gemini.no Gemini.no [Internet] 2014-04-13
InterviewBazilchuk, Nancy Reney; Hertwich, Edgar G.. (2014) Svindyrt å ikke bremse utslippene nå. forskning.no forskning.no [Internet] 2014-04-13
InterviewHertwich, Edgar G.. (2014) Vi kan ikke vente på et mirakel. Dagsavisen Dagsavisen [Internet] 2014-04-14
InterviewHertwich, Edgar G.; Strømman, Anders Hammer. (2014) FNs klimarapport: Toget er klart til avgang. Norsk institutt for luftforskning Norsk institutt for luftforskning [Internet] 2014-04-16
InterviewHertwich, Edgar G.. (2014) Air pollution will decrease with cooler climate. Guardian Liberty Voice Guardian Liberty Voice [Internet] 2014-04-18
InterviewBazilchuk, Nancy Reney; Hertwich, Edgar G.. (2014) Beskriver hvordan vi kan redde planeten. forskning.no forskning.no [Internet] 2014-04-09
InterviewHertwich, Edgar G.. (2014) Cool climate, clean planet: Research suggests cooling action will clean air. Science Daily Science Daily [Internet] 2014-04-13
InterviewBazilchuk, Nancy Reney; Hertwich, Edgar G.; Gibon, Thomas; Cherubini, Francesco. (2014) A global challenge. Gemini.no Gemini.no [Internet] 2014-04-13
InterviewHertwich, Edgar G.; Bazilchuk, Nancy Reney. (2014) Cool climate - clean planet. Gemini.no Gemini.no [Internet] 2014-04-13
InterviewBazilchuk, Nancy Reney; Hertwich, Edgar G.; Müller, Daniel Beat. (2014) Kjølig klima – ren planet. Gemini.no Gemini.no [Internet] 2014-04-13
Programme participationHertwich, Edgar G.; Strømman, Anders Hammer. (2014) Innføring i nye rapporter fra FNs klimapanel. Miljødirektoratet Miljødirektoratet [Internet] 2014-03-07
InterviewNikolaisen, Per-Ivar; Hertwich, Edgar G.. (2014) Norsk petroleum kan få klimasmell. Teknisk Ukeblad Teknisk Ukeblad [Internet] 2014-05-05
Programme participationHertwich, Edgar G.; Strømman, Anders Hammer. (2014) Lansering av FNs klimapanels tredje delrapport. Miljødirektoratet Miljødirektoratet [Internet] 2014-04-13
LectureSilva Simas, Moana; Wood, Richard; Hertwich, Edgar G.. (2014) Labor embodied in trade: Labor and energy productivity and implications for GHG emissions. International Input-Output Association 22nd International Input-Output Conference , Lisboa 2014-07-14 - 2014-07-18
PosterSilva Simas, Moana; Wood, Richard; Hertwich, Edgar G.. (2014) The "Bad Labor" Footprint: Social impacts associated to internationally traded goods. Gordon Research Conference in Industrial Ecology , Lucca 2014-06-01 - 2014-06-06
Academic lectureHertwich, Edgar G.; Girod, Bastien; van Vuuren, Detlef P.. (2013) Globale klimamål og fremtidig forbruksnivå - hvor stor omlegging krever "togradersmålet"?. Det Norske Videnskaps-Akademi Klimamøte i Vitenskapsakademiet , Oslo 2013-03-18 -
PosterDominguez-Ramos, Antonio; Singh, Bhawna; Zhang, Xiangping; Hertwich, Edgar G.. (2013) Environmental sustainability assessment of carbon capture and utilization: Electro-chemical reduction of carbon dioxide to formate based products. 7th Trondheim CCS Conference 2013-06-04 - 2013-06-06
PosterSingh, Bhawna; Hertwich, Edgar G.; Strømman, Anders Hammer. (2013) Carbon dioxide Capture and Storage : Extending life cycle indices to assess material requirements and environmental implications. 2013 ISIE Conference 2013-06-25 - 2013-06-28
PosterSingh, Bhawna; Ramirez, Andrea; Eldrup, Nils Henrik; Hertwich, Edgar G.; Strømman, Anders Hammer. (2013) EDDiCCUT – Environmental Due Diligence of CO2 Capture and Utilization Technologies. 7th Trondheim CCS Conference 2013-06-04 - 2013-06-06
Popular scientific lectureHertwich, Edgar G.. (2013) Global outsourcing av landbruk gjennom internasjonal handel. Framtiden i våre hender studentlag, Trondheim 2050 - en bærekraftig verden , Samfunnetm Trondheim 2013-03-01 -
Academic lectureHertwich, Edgar G.; Singh, Bhawna; Dominguez Ramos, Antonio. (2013) Life Cycle Assessment of CCS And CCU. European Commission - DG Climate Action CO2 re-use workshop , Brussels 2013-06-07 -
Academic lectureHertwich, Edgar G.. (2013) Decoupling Economic Growth from Air Pollution and Climate Change. European commission - DG Environment Cleaner Air for All - Green Week , Brussels 2013-06-04 - 2013-06-07
Academic lectureSteen-Olsen, Kjartan; Owen, Anne; Hertwich, Edgar G.; Lenzen, Manfred. (2013) Effects of sectoral aggregation on CO2 multipliers. 21st International Input-Output Conference 2013-07-07 - 2013-07-12
Academic lectureHertwich, Edgar G.; Wood, Richard; Grytli, Tuva. (2013) Macroeconomic Assessment in LCSA: When and How?. UNEP/SETAC Life Cycle Initiative Life Cycle Sustainability Assessment , Göteborg 2013-08-29 -
Academic lectureGibon, Thomas; Hertwich, Edgar G.; Wood, Richard. (2013) AN ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FRAMEWORK WITH SYSTEMATIC REGIONAL AND TIME SCENARIOS. Chalmers University of Technology LCM 2013 , Göteborg 2013-08-26 - 2013-08-28
PosterBouman, Evert; Øberg, Martha Marie; Hertwich, Edgar G.. (2013) Life Cycle Assessment of Compressed Air Energy Storage (CAES). LCM 2013 2013-08-25 - 2013-08-28
Academic lectureGibon, Thomas; Hertwich, Edgar G.. (2013) Low-carbon technologies for electricity production: environmental benefits, risks, and trade-offs. International Society for Industrial Ecology ISIE biennial conference , Ulsan 2013-06-25 - 2013-06-28
PosterBouman, Evert; Ramirez, Andrea; Gibon, Thomas; Hertwich, Edgar G.. (2013) Environmental assessment of fossil fuel power generation with carbon capture and storage. ISIE biennial conference 2013-06-25 - 2013-06-28
PosterWood, Richard; Gibon, Thomas; Hertwich, Edgar G.. (2013) Modelling Sustainable Consumption and Production – scenarios of emissions reduction using THEMIS. Radical Emissions Reduction Conference 2013-12-10 - 2013-12-11
PosterSilva Simas, Moana; Wood, Richard; Hertwich, Edgar G.. (2013) Climate-Labour trade-offs in global production chains. ISIE 7th International Society for Industrial Ecology Biennial Conference , Ulsan 2013-06-25 - 2013-06-28
Academic lectureHertwich, Edgar G.; Weinzettel, Jan; Steen-Olsen, Kjartan. (2013) Industrial Ecology: Footprints at different scales. Norwegian Directorate for Nature Management Trondheim Biodiversity Conference 7 , Trondheim 2013-05-27 - 2013-05-31
Academic lectureHertwich, Edgar G.. (2012) Sociometabolic models for assessing the contribution of technology to sustainability. Technoport Forening Technoport Renewable Energy Conference 2012 , Trondheim 2012-04-16 - 2012-04-18
Academic lectureHertwich, Edgar G.; Fischer-Kowalski, Marina; Swilling, Mark. (2012) Global Resource Use and Decoupling. Nordic Council of Ministers Nordic Conference on Green Economic Growth , Oslo 2012-03-01 -
Academic lectureHertwich, Edgar G.; Steen-Olsen, Kjartan; Weinzettel, Jan. (2012) Carbon Footprints with a consideration of the Philippines. Environmental Management Bureau, Philippines Environmental Management Conference , Timberland 2012-03-15 - 2012-03-16
InterviewHertwich, Edgar G.; Normannsen, Sølvi Waterloo. (2012) Mer snakk om klima. Universitetsavisa Universitetsavisa [Internet] 2012-04-16
Academic lectureGibon, Thomas; Hertwich, Edgar G.. (2012) A methodology for scenario modelling in hybrid input-output analysis and the future of low-carbon energy technologies. SETAC SETAC 6th World Congress , Berlin 2012-05-20 - 2012-05-24
InterviewHertwich, Edgar G.; Meland, Svein Inge. (2012) - Forbruket må ned. Adresseavisen Adresseavisen [Newspaper] 2012-04-18
Academic lectureGibon, Thomas; Hertwich, Edgar G.; Bergesen, Joseph. (2012) A methodology for scenario modelling in hybrid input-output analysis and the future of energy technologies. Technoport 2012 , Trondheim 2012-04-16 - 2014-04-16
Academic lectureSteen-Olsen, Kjartan; Weinzettel, Jan; Hertwich, Edgar G.. (2012) The Land and Water Counterparts of International Trade. Industrial Ecology Gordon Research Seminar , Les Diablerets 2012-06-16 - 2012-06-17
Academic lectureSteen-Olsen, Kjartan; Weinzettel, Jan; Cranston, Gemma; Galli, Alessandro; Hertwich, Edgar G.. (2012) Carbon, Land, and Water Footprint Accounts for the European Union: Consumption, Production, and Displacements through International Trade. The International Input-Output Association The 20th International Input-Output Conference , Bratislava 2012-06-24 - 2012-06-29
Academic lectureMajeau-Bettez, Guillaume; Strømman, Anders Hammer; Hertwich, Edgar G.. (2012) Implications of the Functional Unit Approach to Lifecycle Assessment. Gordon Research Seminar 2012 , Les Diablerets 2012-06-16 - 2012-06-17
Academic lectureWood, Richard; Gibon, Thomas; Hertwich, Edgar G.. (2012) Sustainability assessment of prospective technologies: Macro-perspectives on sustainability objectives. Technoport - Renewable Energy Research Conference 2012-04-16 - 2012-04-18
Academic lectureHertwich, Edgar G.; Steen-Olsen, Kjartan. (2012) Consumption based approaches: Does the accounting for embodied emissions stand up?. Zentrum für Europäische Wirtschaftsforschung and CICERO Consumption Based Approaches to Climate Policy , Mannheim 2012-03-06 - 2013-03-07
InterviewHansen, Gard Hopsdal; Ibenholt, Tone; Tomasgard, Asgeir; Hertwich, Edgar G.; Kasa, Sjur. (2012) Havvind dankes ut av olje. Forskningsrådet Forskningsrådet [Internet] 2012-02-13
Popular scientific lectureJohnson, Leo; Underdal, Arild; Al Maskari, Shaikha; Yoshikawa, Hiroyuki; Gawel, Antonia; Hertwich, Edgar G.. (2012) Post Durban, pre-Rio and Quatar and what about Kyoto? The locking door enigma. Technoport Technoport Summit , Trondheim 2012-04-16 - 2012-04-18
Academic lectureGibon, Thomas; Hertwich, Edgar G.; Bergesen, Joseph; Suh, Sangwon; Saurat, Mathieu. (2012) A methodology for scenario modelling in hybrid input-output analysis and the future of low-carbon energy technologies. Gordon Research Conferences Gordon Research Conference of Industrial Ecology , Les Diablerets 2012-06-18 - 2012-06-21
Academic lectureHertwich, Edgar G.; Gibon, Thomas; Wood, Richard. (2012) Sociometabolic models for assessing the contribution of technology to sustainability. Technoport Technoport - Renewable Energy Research Conference , Trondheim 2012-04-16 - 2012-04-18
PosterSteen-Olsen, Kjartan; Wood, Richard; Weinzettel, Jan; Hertwich, Edgar G.. (2012) Environmental Pressures Embodied in Consumption – a Comparison Using Two Different Global MRIO Models. The Third ISIE Asia-Pacific Meeting , Tsinghua University, Beijing 2012-10-20 - 2012-10-21
InterviewSingh, Bhawna; Strømman, Anders Hammer; Hertwich, Edgar G.. (2012) CCS has health and ecosystem benefits, but depletes natural resources. Recycling Portal Recycling Portal [Internet] 2012-09-14
InterviewHertwich, Edgar G.; Lien, Marius. (2012) Internet på tomgang. Morgenbladet Morgenbladet [Newspaper] 2012-10-12
Academic lectureArvesen, Anders; Birkeland, Christine; Hertwich, Edgar G.. (2012) Assessing the life cycle environmental impacts of offshore wind power – a Norwegian case study. Technoport renewable energy research conference 2012 , Trondheim 2012-04-16 - 2012-04-18
PosterMajeau-Bettez, Guillaume; Strømman, Anders Hammer; Hertwich, Edgar G.. (2012) Should We Scale-up LCA? Thinking Outside the Functional Unit Box. Gordon Research Conference on Industrial Ecology , Les Diablerets 2012-06-17 - 2012-06-22
Academic lectureSteen-Olsen, Kjartan; Weinzettel, Jan; Hawkins, Troy Robert; Wiedmann, Thomas; Galli, Alessandro; Ewing, Brad. (2011) Ecological, Water and Carbon Footprints Calculated by a Multi-Regional Input-Output Model – Framework and Data Integration. International Society for Industrial Ecology 6th International ISIE Conference , Berkeley, California 2011-06-07 - 2011-06-10
Popular scientific lectureCherubini, Francesco; Strømman, Anders Hammer; Hertwich, Edgar G.. (2011) Accounting for the climate impact of CO2 emissions from biomass combustion in LCA. ELCAS 2011 , Nisyros Island 2011-06-19 - 2011-06-21
PosterWeinzettel, Jan; Steen-Olsen, Kjartan; Galli, Alessandro; Ercin, Ertug; Hertwich, Edgar G.. (2011) Global Carbon, Ecological and Water Footprints Calculated by a Multi-Regional Input-Output Model. International Society for Industrial Ecology 6th International ISIE Conference , Berkeley, California 2011-06-07 - 2011-06-10
Popular scientific lectureCherubini, Francesco; Strømman, Anders Hammer; Hertwich, Edgar G.. (2011) What is the climate impact of CO2 emissions from bioenergy?. 19th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition , Berlin 2011-06-06 - 2011-06-10
Popular scientific lectureHertwich, Edgar G.. (2011) Building a Green Economy Simulator. Technoport Technoport Talks 2011 , Trondheim 2011-05-10 -
Academic lectureHertwich, Edgar G.; Arvesen, Anders; Singh, Bhawna; Gibon, Thomas. (2011) Environmental Due Diligence for CO2 mitigation. International Society for Industrial Ecology 6th International Conference on Industrial Ecology: Science, Systems and Sustainability , University of California, Berkeley 2011-06-07 - 2011-06-10
Academic lectureHertwich, Edgar G.. (2011) Assessing the environmental impact of the large-scale penetration of low-carbon energy technologies. TERI University TERI University Guest Lecture , New Delhi 2011-11-23 -
Academic lectureArvesen, Anders; Hertwich, Edgar G.. (2011) Environmental implications of large-scale adoption of wind power: A scenario-based life cycle assessment. International Society for Industrial Ecology 6th International Conference on Industrial Ecology , Berkeley, California 2011-10-07 - 2011-10-10
Popular scientific lectureHertwich, Edgar G.. (2011) Forbruk og utslipp: Kina og oss. Framtiden i våre hender Frokostmøte: Forbruk og klimagassutslipp , Oslo 2011-11-10 -
Academic lectureMajeau-Bettez, Guillaume; Strømman, Anders Hammer; Hertwich, Edgar G.. (2011) Evaluation of process- and Input-Output-based Life Cycle Inventory Data with Regard to Truncation and Aggregation Issues. 45th LCA Discussion Forum: Environmentally-extended input-output-analysis and LCA , Ittigen 2011-09-15 -
Academic lectureMajeau-Bettez, Guillaume; Strømman, Anders Hammer; Hertwich, Edgar G.. (2011) Evaluation of Aggregation Uncertainty and Truncation Bias in Life Cycle Assessment and Input-Output Datasets. International Society for International Ecology Symposium on Industrial Ecology for Young Professionals (SIEYP II) , Berkeley, California 2011-06-11 -
PosterMajeau-Bettez, Guillaume; Strømman, Anders Hammer; Hertwich, Edgar G.. (2011) Evaluation of Process- and Input-Output-Based Inventories for Environmental Assessment of Production and Consumption Activities. International Society for Industrial Ecology ISIE2011 -- 6th International Conference on Industrial Ecology , Berkeley, California 2011-06-07 - 2011-06-10
InterviewHertwich, Edgar G.; Peach, Sara. (2011) Consumer Electronics Outrank Refrigerators As Contributors To Climate Change. Chemical & Engineering News Chemical & Engineering News [Internet] 2011-09-08
InterviewHertwich, Edgar G.; Pedersen, Noralv. (2011) Kvar heim slepp ut 15 tonn Co2. NRK Dagsnytt NRK Dagsnytt [Radio] 2011-10-31
Academic lectureArvesen, Anders; Hertwich, Edgar G.. (2011) Environmental implications of large-scale adoption of wind power: A scenario-based life cycle assessment. International Society for Industrial Ecology ISIE 2011: 6th International Conference on Industrial Ecology , Berkeley 2011-06-07 - 2011-06-10
PosterLarsen, Hogne Nersund; Hertwich, Edgar G.. (2010) Implementing city-level consumption-based ghg accounting: the case for norway. erscp-emsu 2010-10-25 - 2010-10-29
InterviewHertwich, Edgar G.; Price, Amanda. (2010) Germans' carbon footprints are shrinking. DW-World.de DW-World.de [Internet] 2010-12-14
Popular scientific lectureHertwich, Edgar G.. (2010) Karbonfotspor og klimaansvar. Thor Heyerdahl Institute and NTNU Thor Heyerdahl International Day , Trondheim 2010-10-27 -
Academic lectureHertwich, Edgar G.. (2010) The Environmental Impacts of Product and Materials: Results for South Africa. Stellenbosch University, Sustainability Institute Material flow analysis and its relevance for the southern African context , Stellenbosch University, Sustainability Institute 2010-11-20 -
Academic lectureHertwich, Edgar G.. (2010) China's pollution and us. The Norwegian Government Green economy – why should developing countries embrace it? , Oslo 2010-11-08 -
Academic lectureSopha, Bertha Maya; Klöckner, Christian; Hertwich, Edgar G.. (2010) The influence of the social network structure on the diffusion of heating system in Norway. In Ernst, A. and Kuhn, S. (Eds) 2010. Proceeding of 3th World Congress on Social Simulation WCSS 2010, Kassel, Germany: Center for Environmental Systems Research, University of Kassel. 3th World Congress on Social Simulation WCSS 2010 2010-09-06 - 2010-09-09
PosterSingh, Bhawna; Strømman, Anders Hammer; Hertwich, Edgar G.. (2010) Comparative impact assessment of CCS portfolio: Life cycle perspective. 10th International conference on Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies , Amsterdam 2010-09-19 - 2010-09-23
InterviewHertwich, Edgar G.; Peters, Glen; Grønli, Kristin Straumsheim. (2010) Fattige forurenser for rike. forskning.no forskning.no [Internet] 2010-03-19
InterviewHertwich, Edgar G.; Meland, Svein Inge. (2010) NTNU-professor tok gull for artikkel. Adresseavisen Adresseavisen [Newspaper] 2010-03-12
InterviewHertwich, Edgar G.; Grønli, Kristin Straumsheim; Peters, Glen. (2010) CO2-importen større enn eksporten. forskning.no forskning.no [Internet] 2010-03-19
Academic lectureArvesen, Anders; Hertwich, Edgar G.. (2010) Hybrid life-cycle assessment of wind power. Centre for Renewable Energy Renewable energy research conference 2010 - Beyond 2020 , Trondheim 2010-06-07 - 2010-06-08
Academic lectureCherubini, Francesco; Peters, Glen Philip; Berntsen, Terje Koren; Strømman, Anders Hammer; Michelsen, Ottar; Hertwich, Edgar G.. (2010) Biogenic CO2 emissions and their contribution to climate change. European Commission, Joint Research Centre Expert Workshop on Temporary Carbon Storage for use in Life Cycle Assessment & Carbon Footprinting , Ispra 2010-10-07 - 2010-10-08
Academic lectureCherubini, Francesco; Peters, Glen Philip; Berntsen, Terje Koren; Strømman, Anders Hammer; Michelsen, Ottar; Hertwich, Edgar G.. (2010) Bioenergy and its actual mitigation of climate change: does carbon neutral mean climate neutral?. Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona 7th Biennial Workshop on Advances on Energy Studies - Can we break the addiction to fossil energy? , Barcelona 2010-10-18 - 2010-10-22
InterviewHertwich, Edgar G.. (2010) Prima Klima im Treibhaus Erde?. wissenschaft-online.de wissenschaft-online.de [Internet] 2010-06-03
InterviewHertwich, Edgar G.. (2010) Landwirtschaft frisst die Erde auf. Pressetext Pressetext [Internet] 2010-06-02
InterviewHertwich, Edgar G.; Carus, Felicity. (2010) UN urges global move to meat and dairy-free diet. The Guardian The Guardian [Newspaper] 2010-06-03
InterviewHertwich, Edgar G.. (2010) Deutschland erreicht EU-Klimaziel. EurActive.de EurActive.de [Internet] 2010-06-03
InterviewHertwich, Edgar G.. (2010) Fossil-Fuel Use and Feeding World Cause Greatest Environmental Impacts: UNEP Panel. Science Daily Science Daily [Internet] 2010-06-02
InterviewHertwich, Edgar G.; Notaras, Mark. (2010) Agriculture and food systems unsustainable. Our World 2.0 Our World 2.0 [Internet] 2010-06-30
InterviewHertwich, Edgar G.. (2010) La agricultura y el combustible fósil dañan el medio ambiente. Los Tiempos Los Tiempos [Newspaper] 2010-06-05
Academic lectureArvesen, Anders; Hertwich, Edgar G.. (2010) Hybrid life cycle assessment of wind power. The European Academy of Wind Energy 6th PhD Seminar on Wind Energy in Europe , Trondheim 2010-09-30 - 2010-10-01
Academic lectureSopha, Bertha Maya; Klöckner, Christian; Hertwich, Edgar G.. (2010) Agent-based Modelling of Heating System Adoption in Norway: Scenario Analysis. Centre for Renewable Energy Renewable Energy Research Conference , Trondheim 2010-06-07 - 2010-06-08
Academic lectureSopha, Bertha Maya; Klöckner, Christian; Hertwich, Edgar G.. (2010) Agent-Based Modeling of Heating System Adoption and Diffusion in Norway: A Methodological Proposal. The European Assoc. for the Study of Science and Technology The EASST 2010 Conference , Trento 2010-09-02 - 2010-09-04
InterviewHertwich, Edgar G.; Doyle, Alister. (2010) Go veggie, cut fossil fuels to aid planet - study. Reuters Reuters [Internet] 2010-06-02
InterviewHertwich, Edgar G.. (2010) Er kümmert sich um das Sorgenkind Weltklima. Oberösterreichische Nachrichten Oberösterreichische Nachrichten [Newspaper] 2010-07-22
InterviewHertwich, Edgar G.. (2010) Ambiente. Onu: Per salvare il pianeta niente più latte e carne. La Stampa.it La Stampa.it [Internet] 2010-06-05
InterviewHertwich, Edgar G.; Betts, Kellyn. (2010) ES&T’s 2009 Best Papers. Environmental Science & Technology Environmental Science & Technology [Newspaper] 2010-03-11
InterviewHertwich, Edgar G.. (2010) Agriculture, Food Production Among Worst Environmental Offenders, Report Finds. Science Daily Science Daily [Internet] 2010-06-09
PosterSingh, Bhawna; Strømman, Anders Hammer; Hertwich, Edgar G.. (2010) Energy scenarios and life cycle assessment: Application to carbon capture and storage. Industrial Ecology- From analysis to design Gordon Research Conference , New London 2010-07-11 - 2010-07-16
Academic lectureHertwich, Edgar G.. (2009) The Carbon Footprint of Nations, with special attention to China. Tsinghua University, Dep. Environmental Sci. and Engineering Tsinghua Forum on the Environment , Beijing 2009-11-11 -
Academic lectureHertwich, Edgar G.. (2009) Greening Consumption and Greening Production. The Ministry of the Environment, P.R.China International Forum on China's Green Economy , Beijing 2009-11-06 - 2009-11-07
Academic lectureHertwich, Edgar G.. (2009) Assessment of Environmental Impacts of Materials and Consumption. United Nations Environment Programme UNEP/OECD Workshop on Sustainable Resource and Materials Management - Linking National and International Initiatives on Methodology and Assessment , OECD Conference Centre, Paris 2009-12-01 -
Academic lectureLarsen, Hogne Nersund; Hertwich, Edgar G.. (2009) Developing local Carbon Footprint based indicators using Input-Output Analysis. 5th International Conference of the International Society for Industrial Ecology 2009-06-21 - 2009-06-24
Academic lectureLarsen, Hogne Nersund; Hertwich, Edgar G.. (2009) Managing cities and local communities: the use of life-cycle thinking through carbon footprint-based indicators. Fifth Urban Research Symposium, "Cities and Climate Change: Responding to an Urgent Agenda" 2009-06-28 - 2009-06-30
InterviewHertwich, Edgar G.; Angeli, Thomas. (2009) Man kann nicht sagen: Bitte verdient weniger!. Beobachter Natur Beobachter Natur [Newspaper] 2009-09-18
InterviewHertwich, Edgar G.. (2009) Carbon Footprint Calculator Enables First-ever Country By Country Comparison. Science Daily Science Daily [Internet] 2009-06-26
InterviewHertwich, Edgar G.; Angeli, Thomas. (2009) Wir handeln «grün», wo es am bequemsten ist. Beobachter Natur Beobachter Natur [Newspaper] 2009-09-18
InterviewHertwich, Edgar G.; Hirt, Ursula. (2009) Shopping beeinflusst CO2-Bilanz. ETH Life ETH Life [Internet] 2009-06-15
InterviewHertwich, Edgar G.; Pelly, Janet. (2009) Consumer culture keeps carbon emissions high. Environmental Science & Technology Environmental Science & Technology [Newspaper] 2009-08-15
InterviewHertwich, Edgar G.. (2009) Footprints of Nations: No more hiding outsourced carbon. Greenbang Greenbang [Internet] 2009-06-22
InterviewHertwich, Edgar G.; Collett, Albert. (2009) Kina slår i bordet med norsk forskning. forskning.no forskning.no [Internet] 2009-06-20
InterviewHertwich, Edgar G.; Speicher, Christian. (2009) Der klimatische Fussabdruck des Konsums. Neue Züricher Zeitung Neue Züricher Zeitung [Newspaper] 2009-06-17
InterviewPeters, Glen; Hertwich, Edgar G.; Andresen, Steinar. (2009) Redd miljøet med kinobesøk. Verdens Gang Verdens Gang [Newspaper] 2009-06-15
InterviewHertwich, Edgar G.; Guggenbühl, Hanspeter. (2009) Neue Daten trüben Schweizer Klimabilanz. St. Gallner Tagblatt St. Gallner Tagblatt [Newspaper] 2009-08-13
InterviewHertwich, Edgar G.; Peters, Glen. (2009) Carbon footprint calculator enables first-ever country by country comparison. Alpha Galileo Alpha Galileo [Internet] 2009-06-22
InterviewHertwich, Edgar G.; Laukenmann, Joachim. (2009) Shoppen killt das Klima - eine völlig andere klimabilanz zeigt: co2-emissionen steigen mit dem Wohlstand. Sonntagszeitung Sonntagszeitung [Newspaper] 2009-07-19
InterviewHertwich, Edgar G.. (2009) - Kan hjelpe med enkle klimatiltak. Agderposten Agderposten [Newspaper] 2009-11-24
InterviewHertwich, Edgar G.; Astrid S., Dypvik. (2009) Svindlar på kvotemarknaden. Dag og Tid Dag og Tid [Newspaper] 2009-12-18
Academic lectureArvesen, Anders; Grytli Tveten, Åsa; Hertwich, Edgar G.; Strømman, Anders Hammer. (2009) Life-cycle assessments of wind energy systems. European Wind Energy Association European Offshore Wind 2009 Conference & Exhibition , Stockholm 2009-09-14 - 2009-09-16
Academic lectureSingh, Bhawna; Strømman, Anders Hammer; Bolland, Olav; Hertwich, Edgar G.. (2009) Life cycle assessment of carbon dioxide capture and storage: Post-combustion capture from natural gas fired power plant. Gas Technology Centre NTNU-SINTEF and BIGCO2 R&D project. 5th Trondheim Conference on CO2 Capture, Transport and Storage , Trondheim 2009-06-16 - 2009-06-17
PosterSopha, Bertha Maya; Skjevrak, Geir; Hertwich, Edgar G.; Klöckner, Christian. (2009) Will Wood Pellet Heating System be Less Adopted?. Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation 5th International Conference on Industrial Ecology , Lisbon 2009-06-21 - 2009-06-24
Academic lectureThortveit, Lars; Hertwich, Edgar G.; Solli, Christian. (2008) Carbon Accounting in Environmental Reporting Systems - A potential for knowledge transfer in the Norwegian SME market. Sustainable Consumption Research Exchange (SCORE!) Network Sustainable Consumption and Production: Framework for action , Brussels 2008-03-10 - 2008-03-11
Academic lectureHertwich, Edgar G.. (2008) Measuring the resource intensity of production and consumption. Organisation for Economic Development Cooperation (OECD) OECD/UNEP conference on resource efficiency , Paris 2008-04-23 - 2008-04-25
Academic lectureHertwich, Edgar G.; Peters, Glen. (2008) The Carbon Footprint of Nations. University of California International Seminar on Energy and Resource Productivity , Santa Barbara 2008-11-17 - 2008-11-18
Academic lecturePettersen, Johan; Hertwich, Edgar G.; Paulsen, John Eirik; Jensen, Bjørnung; Omland, Tor Henry. (2008) Examples of application of uncertainty in life-cycle interpretation of offshore drilling fluid technology. Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry SETAC Europe 2008 , Warsaw 2008-05-25 - 2008-05-29
Academic lectureHertwich, Edgar G.; Larsen, Hogne Nersund; Pettersen, Ida Nilstad; Solli, Christian. (2008) Climate Calculators and Expert Systems. Sustainable Consumption Research Exchange (SCORE!) Network Conference of the Sustainable Consumption and Production: Framework for action , Brussels 2008-03-10 - 2008-03-11
InterviewHertwich, Edgar G.; MOLBERG, BÅRD OVE. (2008) Vil ha skatt på forbruk. Bergens Tidene Bergens Tidene [Newspaper] 2008-05-14
InterviewHertwich, Edgar G.; Müller, Reidar. (2008) Et liv på sparepluss. A-magasinet A-magasinet [Newspaper] 2008-08-12
InterviewHertwich, Edgar G.. (2008) - Kritikken mot biodrivstoff er dobbeltmoralsk. NTBtekst NTBtekst [Newspaper] 2008-04-28
InterviewHertwich, Edgar G.; Arvesen, Anders. (2008) Mer forurensning fra fly enn antatt. NTBtekst NTBtekst [Newspaper] 2008-01-15
InterviewHertwich, Edgar G.; Arvesen, Anders; Fuglehaug, Wenche. (2008) Fly forurenser mer enn antatt - Flytrafikken vil eksplodere frem til 2020 Nordmenns flyforsøpling doblet på 12 år. Aftenposten Aftenposten [Newspaper] 2008-01-15
InterviewHertwich, Edgar G.; MOLBERG, BÅRD OVE. (2008) CO{-2}-utslipp øker. Adresseavisen Adresseavisen [Newspaper] 2008-05-14
PosterSingh, Bhawna; Hertwich, Edgar G.. (2008) Life cycle assessment of carbon capture and storage : Post-combustion capture from natural gas fired power plant. Østfoldforskning and 2025 Design 2008 NorLCA symposium , Fredrikstad 2008-05-20 - 2008-05-21
Academic lectureStrømman, Anders Hammer; Solli, Christian; Zhang, Xiangping; Hertwich, Edgar G.. (2007) Mongstad, a new Kalundborg?. ISIE The 4th international conference of the international society for industrial ecology , Toronto 2007-06-17 - 2007-06-20
Academic lectureHertwich, Edgar G.; Aaberg, Martin. (2007) Life-Cycle Assessment of Carbon Dioxide Capture and Storage and Enhanced Oil Recovery. South China University of Technology First International Symposium on Sustainable Chemical Product and Process Engineering , Guangzhou 2007-09-25 - 2007-09-28
Academic lectureHertwich, Edgar G.. (2007) Energy and Industrial Ecology at NTNU. Tsinghua University Guest Lecture - Department of Environmental Science and Technology , Beijing 2007-09-24 - 2007-09-24
Academic lectureZhang, Xiangping; Strømman, Anders Hammer; Preisig, Heinz A.; Dones, Ivan; Solli, Christian; Hertwich, Edgar G.. (2007) Modeling-based method: early planning and design of an Eco-industrial Park. International Society of Industrial Ecology 2007 International Society of Industrial Ecology Conference , Toronto 2007-06-17 - 2007-06-20
Academic lectureZhang, Xiangping; Strømman, Anders Hammer; Solli, Christian; Hertwich, Edgar G.. (2007) Mongstad Future Energy Park –Flexible Options for New Fuels in a Carbon-Constrained world. International Society of Industrial Ecology 2007 International Society of Industrial Ecology Conference , Toronto 2007-06-17 - 2007-06-20
Academic lecturePettersen, Johan; Hertwich, Edgar G.. (2007) Uncertainty as decision support in life-cycle interpretation. International Society for Industrial Ecology (ISIE) International Society for Industrial Ecology (ISIE) Conference 2007 , Toronto 2007-06-17 - 2007-06-20
Academic lectureHertwich, Edgar G.. (2007) Sustainable Consumption - Household environmental impacts. Antai College of Economics & Management, Jiao Tong Universit Course , Shanghai 2007-09-17 - 2007-09-21
Academic lectureHertwich, Edgar G.; Peters, Glen. (2007) Klimatiltak og global varehandel. Norges Vassdrags- og Energidirektoratet NVE Energidagene , Holmenkollen Park Hotell, Oslo 2007-10-17 - 2007-10-18
InterviewHertwich, Edgar G.. (2007) NTNU-forskere vil bli hørt om klimapolitikk. Universitetsavisa Universitetsavisa [Internet] 2007-03-12
InterviewHertwich, Edgar G.. (2007) - Tidens miljøbløff. Eksperter om klimatiltakene. Dagbladet Dagbladet [Newspaper] 2007-03-15
Academic lectureLarsen, Hogne Nersund; Hertwich, Edgar G.. (2007) Lokal klimahandling; erfaringer fra Trondheim kommune. KS Høstkonferansen i Steinkjer 2007-11-22 - 2007-11-23
PosterMyrvang, Martin; Evjemo, Jan Ove; Strømman, Anders Hammer; Solli, Christian; Hertwich, Edgar G.. (2007) Options for Aquaculture and Drying Processes in the Mongstad EIP. International Society for Industrial Ecology ISIE Conference 2007 , Toronto 2007-06-17 - 2007-06-21
PosterLarsen, Hogne Nersund; Hertwich, Edgar G.. (2007) Local Climate Action; Counting Challenges. 3rd International Conference on Life Cycle Management 2007-08-27 - 2007-08-29
PosterPettersen, Johan; Hertwich, Edgar G.. (2007) Metal ecotoxicity as a separate LCIA category. Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) SETAC-Europe 17th Annual Meeting , Porto 2007-05-20 - 2007-05-24
Academic lectureHertwich, Edgar G.. (2006) The Rebound Effect, Marginal Expenditure and Sustainable Consumption. Aalborg University Nordisk PhD kurs: Bridging Environmental and Economic Assessments for Decision Support , Gammel Vraa Slott 2006-09-15 - 2006-09-22
Academic lectureReenaas, Marte; Solli, Christian; Hertwich, Edgar G.; Strømman, Anders Hammer. (2006) Life Cycle Assessment of Wood Based Heating in Norway. NorLCA 2006-10-09 - 2006-10-10
Academic lectureHertwich, Edgar G.. (2006) Towards a concrete sustainable consumption policy: What can we learn from examples?. European Environment Agency and TNO SCORE! Workshop 1: Perspectives on Radical Changes to SCP , Copenhagen 2006-04-20 -
Academic lectureHertwich, Edgar G.; Peters, Glen. (2006) Household Environmental Impact Assessment: Principles and illustrative assessments. Gordon Research Conferences Gordon Research Conference on Industrial Ecology , Oxford 2006-08-06 - 2006-08-11
Academic lecturePeters, Glen; Hertwich, Edgar G.. (2006) Consumption and the rebound effect: An E2 anlaysis. 2nd International Conference on Quantified Eco-Efficiency 2006-06-28 - 2006-06-30
Academic lecturePeters, Glen; Liu, Jingru; Hertwich, Edgar G.; Wang, Rusong. (2006) Drivers for energy consumption in Chinese households. Ninth Biennial Conference of the International Society for Ecological Economics 2006-12-15 - 2006-12-18
Academic lecturePeters, Glen; Aasness, Jørgen; Holck-steen, Nina; Hertwich, Edgar G.. (2006) Environmental impacts and household characteristics: An econometric analysis of Norway 1999-2001. Sustainable Consumption and Production: Opportunities and Threats 2006-11-23 - 2006-11-25
Academic lecturePeters, Glen; Hertwich, Edgar G.. (2006) Trade and the environment: Implications for climate change policy. Ninth Biennial Conference of the International Society for Ecological Economics 2006-12-15 - 2006-12-18
InterviewHertwich, Edgar G.. (2006) Calculating the environmental impacts of household consumption. Environmental Science and Technology Environmental Science and Technology [Newspaper] 2006-03-09
InterviewPeters, Glen; Hertwich, Edgar G.. (2006) Hvert år "slipper du ut" 5,7 tonn CO2. VG VG [Newspaper] 2006-11-28
PosterPettersen, Johan; Hertwich, Edgar G.. (2006) Marine ecotoxicity of metals and minerals in LCA. Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry SETAC-Europe 16th Annual Meeting 2006 , Den Haag 2006-05-07 - 2006-05-11
PosterSolli, Christian; Strømman, Anders Hammer; Hertwich, Edgar G.. (2006) Fission or Fossil: Life Cycle Assessment of Hydrogen Production. P2005 conference , Trondheim 2006-02-09 - 2006-02-10
PosterStrømman, Anders Hammer; Solli, Christian; Hertwich, Edgar G.. (2006) Hybrid Life Cycle Assessment of Natural Gas Based Fuel Chains For Transportation. P2005 conference , Trondheim 2006-02-09 - 2006-02-10
InterviewHertwich, Edgar G.. (2005) Tar in 11 Mrd i kvoteavgifter. NRK P2 Dagsnytt NRK P2 Dagsnytt [Radio] 2005-08-04
PosterPeters, Glen; Hertwich, Edgar G.. (2005) Pollution Embodied in Trade: Implications for Global Climate Change. International Input-Output Association 15th International Input-Output Conference , Beijing 2005-06-27 - 2005-07-01
PosterPeters, Glen; Hertwich, Edgar G.. (2005) Emissions embodied in Norwegian consumption. Energidagen 2005 , Trondheim 2005-03-02 -
PosterStrømman, Anders Hammer; Solli, Christian; Peters, Glen; Pettersen, Johan; Hertwich, Edgar G.. (2005) Comparative hybrid life cycle assessment of natural gas based fuel chains for transportation. SETAC Europe SETAC Europe 15th annual meeting , Lille 2005-05-22 - 2005-05-26
Academic lectureSolli, Christian; Strømman, Anders Hammer; Hertwich, Edgar G.. (2005) Life cycle assessment of hydrogen production. NTNU The 18th international conference on efficiency, cost, optimization, simulation and environmental impact of energy systems , Trondheim 2005-06-20 - 2005-06-22
PosterSolli, Christian; Strømman, Anders Hammer; Hertwich, Edgar G.. (2005) Fission or fossil: Life cycle assessment of hydrogen production. International society for industrial ecology Third International Conference of the International Society for Industrial Ecology , Stockholm 2005-06-12 - 2005-06-15
Academic lectureHertwich, Edgar G.; Peters, Glen. (2005) Feasibility and Scope of Life-Cycle Approaches to Sustainable Consumption - Keynote Presentation. International Institution f Production Engineering Research 12th CIRP Life Cycle Engineering Seminar , Grenoble 2005-04-03 - 2005-04-05
Academic lectureHertwich, Edgar G.; Ornetzeder, Michael. (2005) Environmental Benefits of Car-free Housing: A Case in Vienna. NTNU, SIFO, UNEP, SNTT Sustainable Consumption: The Contribution of Research , Oslo 2005-02-10 - 2005-02-12
Academic lecturePeters, Glen; Hertwich, Edgar G.. (2005) Producer or consumer responsibility for climate change? Implications for households and energy intensive industry. Industrial Ecology Programme Energy and Industrial Ecology Workshop , Trondheim 2005-05-11 - 2005-05-11
Academic lecturePeters, Glen; Hertwich, Edgar G.. (2005) Pollution Embodied in Norwegian Consumption. Sustainable Consumption: The Contribution of Research , Oslo 2005-02-10 - 2005-02-12
Academic lecturePeters, Glen; Hertwich, Edgar G.. (2005) Energy and Pollution Embodied in Trade: The Case of Norway. NTNU The 18th international conference on efficiency, cost, optimization, simulation and environmental impact of energy systems , Trondheim 2005-06-20 - 2005-06-22
Academic lecturePeters, Glen; Hertwich, Edgar G.. (2005) The Global Dimensions of Norwegian Household Consumption. ERSCP2005: 10th European Roundtable on Sustainable Consumption and Production , Antwerp 2005-10-05 - 2005-10-07
Academic lectureReenaas, Marte; Strømman, Anders Hammer; Kandra, Harpreet Singh; Hertwich, Edgar G.. (2005) Livsløpsanalyse av vedovner. Norsk Bioenergiforening Bioenergy 2005 , Trondheim 2005-10-25 - 2005-10-27
Academic lectureStrømman, Anders Hammer; Solli, Christian; Hertwich, Edgar G.. (2005) Hybrid Life Cycle Assessment of Natural Gas Based Fuel Chains For Transportation. Program for Industriell Økologi, NTNU Energy and Industrial Ecology , Gløshaugen, NTNU 2005-05-11 -
Academic lectureStrømman, Anders Hammer; Hertwich, Edgar G.; Duchin, Faye. (2005) The Global Value Chain Impacts of Increased Chinese Demand on Aluminium. International Input-Output Association 15th International Input-Output Conference , Beijing 2005-06-27 - 2005-07-01
Academic lectureStrømman, Anders Hammer; Hertwich, Edgar G.. (2004) Hybrid Life Cycle Assessment of Natural Gas Based Fuel Chains end End Use in Transportation. NTNU Jubileums konferanse for Industriell Økologi , Trondheim 2004-03-31 -
Academic lectureHertwich, Edgar G.. (2004) The Environmental Benefit of Car-free Housing Projects: A Case in Vienna. Society for Non-Traditional Technology The Third International Workshop on Sustainable Consumption , Tokyo 2004-10-21 - 2004-10-22
Academic lectureHertwich, Edgar G.. (2004) Investigating household consumption: combining quantitative and qualitative methods. Leeds University International Workshop on Driving Forces of and Barriers to Sustainable Consumption , Leeds 2004-03-05 - 2004-03-06
Academic lectureHertwich, Edgar G.. (2004) Consumption & the Rebound Effect: An Industrial Ecology Perspective. Society for Non-Traditional Technology The 6th International Conference on EcoBalance , Tsukuba 2004-10-25 - 2004-10-27
Academic lectureStrømman, Anders Hammer; Hertwich, Edgar G.. (2004) Hybrid Life Cycle Assessment of Natural Gas Based Fuel Chains end End Use in Transportation. Yale University Gjesteforelesning Ved Yale University , New Haven 2004-05-15 -
Academic lectureHertwich, Edgar G.. (2004) Key methods in Industrial Ecology: Life-cycle Assessment and Input-Output Analysis. Slovak University of Technology Workshop on Industrial Ecology , Bratislava 2004-12-10 - 2004-12-10
Academic lectureHertwich, Edgar G.. (2004) Using Life-cycle Methods for Sustainable Consumption. University of Leeds International Workshop on Driving Forces of and Barriers to Sustainable Consumption , Leeds 2004-03-05 - 2004-03-06
PosterPettersen, Johan; Hertwich, Edgar G.. (2004) Lagrangian fate and exposure assessment for marine aquatic ecotoxic impacts in LCIA. Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) SETAC-Europe 2004 , Prague 2004-04-19 - 2004-04-22
Academic lectureHertwich, Edgar G.; Erlandsen, Kristin; Aasness, Jørgen; Sørensen, Knut Holtan; Hubacek, Klaus. (2003) Pollution embodied in import and export and its relevance for the environmental profile of Norwegian households. 2nd International conference of the International Society for Industrial Ecology , University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA 2003-07-02 -
Academic lectureHertwich, Edgar G.. (2003) Consumption and the rebound effect: The consideration of information and communication technology. Environmental Assessment in the Information Society: Joint SETAC Europe, ISIE meeting and LCA Forum , Lausanne 2003-12-04 -
Academic lectureHertwich, Edgar G.. (2003) The environmental profile of Norwegian households: The role of import and location of energy-intensive industry. STRATEGIES FOR SUSTAINABLE ENERGY TECHNOLOGY , Trondheim 2003-11-21 -
Academic lectureHertwich, Edgar G.. (2003) The Seeds of Sustainable Consumption Patterns. pp 3-10 in: Proceedings, 1st International Conference on Sustainable Consumption Tokyo 19-20 March, The Society for Non-Traditional Technology and National Institute for Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, Japan. Proceedings, 1st International Conference on Sustainable Consumption Tokyo 19-20 March, The Society for Non-Traditional Techn logy and National Institute for Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, Japan. , Japan 2003-03-20 -
Academic lectureHertwich, Edgar G.; Erlandsen, Kristin; Sørensen, Knut Holtan; Aasness, Jørgen; Hubacek, Klaus. (2003) Household environmental profiles for Norway: import and export. Industrial Ecology for a Sustainable Future. 2nd meeting of the International Society for Industrial Ecology, Ann Arbor, USA, 29 june - 2 july 2003. , USA 2003-07-02 -
Academic lectureHertwich, Edgar G.. (2003) Life-cycle approaches to sustainable consumption. UNEP/AIST workshop on Life-cycle based policy tools for sustainable consumption, United Nations Environment Programme, Paris, 3-4 March 2003. , Paris 2003-03-04 -
Academic lectureHertwich, Edgar G.. (2003) Sustainability and Risk Analysis: Tracking and communicating chemical releases. World Congress on Risk, Mini-Symposium on "Support for Businesses Seeking Sustainable Practice", 25 June 2003. , Brussel 2003-06-25 -
Academic lectureStrømman, Anders Hammer; Hertwich, Edgar G.. (2003) Hybrid Life Cycle Assessment of natural gas based fuel chains and end use in transportation. ISE4IE Industrial Ecology for a sustainable future , Michigan 2003-06-29 - 2003-07-02
Academic lectureHertwich, Edgar G.. (2002) Life-cycle approaches to sustainable consumption. Life-cycle approaches to sustainable consumption. , Luxenburg, Austria 2002-11-22 -
Academic lectureHertwich, Edgar G.. (2002) The environmental impacts of consumption. 12 Annual Meeting , Vienna, Austria 2002-05-16 -
Academic lectureHertwich, Edgar G.; Erlandsen, Kristin; Sørensen, Knut Holtan; Aasness, Jørgen; Hubacek, Klaus. (2002) Pollution embodied in Norway's import and export and its relevance for the environmental profile of households. Workshop: Life-cycle approaches to sustainable consumption. , Luxenburg, Austria 2002-11-22 -
Academic lectureHertwich, Edgar G.. (2002) Life Cycle Assessment of Products. Sustainability, Materials, Products and Services Dialogue Golden Gate Club, San Francisco: The Natural Step , San Francisco, USA 2002-03-01 -
Academic lectureStrømman, Anders Hammer; Hertwich, Edgar G.. (2002) Hybrid life cycle analysis with MonteCarlo simulation of a large scale hydrogen production facility. SETAC 12. Annual Meeting , Vienna, Austria 2002-05-16 -
Academic lectureHertwich, Edgar G.. (2002) Household consumption as driver: Assessment methods and policy goals. Greenhouse Gas Initiative. , International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis 2002-05-02 -
Academic lectureVogstad, Klaus-Ole; Strømman, Anders Hammer; Hertwich, Edgar G.. (2002) Multiple Product Systems Environmental Assessment Combining Hybrid LCA & Linear Programming. SETAC's 12th Annual conference , Vienna, Austria 2002-05-16 -
Academic lectureHertwich, Edgar G.; Erlandsen, Kristin; Sørensen, Knut; Aasness, Jørgen; Hubacek, Klaus. (2002) Pollution embodied in Norway's import and export and its relevance for the environmental profile of households. pp. 63-72. In: Edgar G. Hertwich (ed.) Life-cycle approaches to sustainable consumption. Workshop proceedings, 22 November 2002. Interim Report IR-02-073. International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, Laxenburg, Austria. AIST, SNTT, IIASA Interim Report IR-02-073. International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, Laxenburg, Austria. , Laxenburg 2002-11-22 -
Academic lectureStrømman, Anders Hammer; Hertwich, Edgar G.. (2002) Hybrid Life Cycle Analysis with Monte Carlo Simulation of a Large Scale Hydrogen Production Facility. SETAC Europe Annual Meeting 2002, Vienna - Austria , Vienna 2002-05-14 -
Academic lectureStrømman, Anders Hammer; Hertwich, Edgar G.. (2002) Environmental Evaluation of Two Waste Incineration Strategies for Central Norway. Joint SETAC Europe and ISIE meeting 10th LCA case studies symposium Industrial Ecology Society: From Theory to Practice , Barcelona 2002-04-12 -
Academic lectureVogstad, Klaus-Ole; Strømman, Anders Hammer; Hertwich, Edgar G.. (2002) Life Cycle Impact Assessment of Multiple Product Systems: Using EIO and LCA in a LP Framework. SETAC EUROPE Annual Meeting 2002 , Wien 2002-05-15 -
Popular scientific lectureHertwich, Edgar G.; Strømman, Anders Hammer. (2002) A preliminary LCA of hydrogen production and use in fuel cell vehicles. Renewable and appropriate energy laboratory colloquium , University of California, Berkeley, USA 2002-03-05 -
Academic lectureBergsdal, Håvard; Strømman, Anders Hammer; Hertwich, Edgar G.. (2002) Environmental Assessment of Two Waste Incineration Strategies for Central Norway. Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) SETAC 10th LCA Case Studies Symposium , Barcelona 2002-12-02 - 2002-12-04
PosterBrekke, Andreas; Hertwich, Edgar; Hanssen, Ole Jørgen. (2001) LCA - Methods and Application: A course in Life Cycle Assessment. From basic science to decision-making: "The Environmental Odyssey". 11th Annual Meeting of SETAC Europe , Madrid, 6-10 mai 2001
PosterVogstad, Klaus-Ole; Strømman, Anders Hammer; Hertwich, Edgar G.. (2001) Environmental impact assessment of multiple product sys- tems: Using EIO and LCA in a LP framework. The Science & Culture of Industrial Ecology. ISIE 2001 Meeting , Nordwijkerhoud, The Netherlands 2001-11-14 -
PosterVogstad, Klaus-Ole; Solbjørg, Ole K.; Strømman, Anders Hammer; Hertwich, Edgar G.. (2001) A generic LP network LCA model with the extension of input- output tables to study waste management policies. 4th International NTVA Industrial Ecology Seminar , Lerchendal Gård, Trondheim, Norway 2001-06-15 -
PosterStrømman, Anders Hammer; Hertwich, Edgar G.. (2001) Energy and Environmental Problemsolving. SETAC Europe Annual Meeting , Madrid 2001-05-08 -
PosterStrømman, Anders Hammer; Hertwich, Edgar G.. (2001) LCA of Hydrogen Production from a Steam Methane Reforming Plant with CO2 Sequestration and Deposition. The Science and Culture of Industrial Ecology , Leiden (NL) 2001-08-11 -
PosterVogstad, Klaus-Ole; Strømman, Anders Hammer; Hertwich, Edgar G.. (2001) Environmental Impact Assessment of Multiple Product Systems: Using EIO and LCA in a LP Framework. the 1st International Conferece for Industrial Ecology : The Science and Culture of Industrial Ecology , Leiden (NL) 2001-07-11 -
PosterStrømman, Anders Hammer; Hertwich, Edgar G.. (2001) Life Cycle Assessment of Hydrogen Fuel Chain and End Use in Norway. 4th NTVA Industrial Ecology Seminar and Workshop, Lerchendal gard , Trondheim 2001-06-04 -
PosterStrømman, Anders Hammer; Hertwich, Edgar G.; Vogstad, Klaus-Ole; Hustad, Johan Einar. (2001) Energy and Environmental Problemsolving. 4th NTVA Industrial Ecology Seminar and Workshop , Trondheim 2001-06-04 -
Academic lectureHertwich, Edgar; McKone, Thomas E.. (2001) The atmospheric scale height and spatial range of multimedia pollutant fate models. Annual meeting of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry Europe , Madrid, Spania, 6-10 May, 2001
Academic lectureHertwich, Edgar; Mateles, Sarah F.; Pease, William S.; McKone, Thomas E.. (2001) Who are the worst toxic polluters? Human Toxicity Potentials for Life Cycle Assessment and Screening of Manufacturing Emissions. The 7th European Roundtable on Cleaner Production , Lund, Sverige, 2-4 May, 2001
Academic lectureHertwich, Edgar G.; Strømman, Anders Hammer. (2001) Hydrogen Production and Fuel Cell Cars: A Life-Cycle Assessment. The Science & Culture of Industrial Ecology. ISIE 2001 Meeting , Leiden, Nederland 2001-11-14 -
Academic lectureStrømman, Anders Hammer; Hertwich, Edgar G.. (2001) Life Cycle Assessment of Hydrogen Fuel Chain and End Use in Norway. SETAC Europe Annual Meeting , Madrid 2001-05-08 -
Academic lectureHertwich, Edgar G.; Strømman, Anders Hammer. (2001) Hydrogen Production and Fuel Cell Cars: An Exploratory LCA. The Science and Culture of Industrial Ecology , Leiden(NL) 2001-07-11 -
Academic lectureHertwich, Edgar. (2000) Considering the Future Value of Environmental Absorption Capacity - A Case Study of Cadmium in Agricultural Soils. 3rd biannual meeting of the European Society for Ecological Economics , Vienna, Austria, May 3-5, 2000
Academic lectureHertwich, Edgar; McKone, T.E.. (2000) Sensitivity of the Spatial Range of POPs in Multimedia Models. SETAC World Congress , Brighton, UK, May 23, 2000
Academic lectureHertwich, Edgar. (2000) Using model uncertainty analysis to improve the assessment of toxic chemicals in LCA. SETAC World Congress , Brighton, UK, May 23, 2000
Academic lectureHertwich, Edgar. (2000) Judging environmental harm: What evidence should be included?. UNEP/EPA workshop on LCA sophistication , Brighton, UK, May 26, 2000
PosterHertwich, Edgar. (2000) The Resource Economics of Environmental Absorption Capacity - A Case study of Cadmium in Agricultural Soils. SETAC World Congress , Brighton, UK, May 22, 2000
Popular scientific lectureHertwich, Edgar; Hammitt, James K.. (1999) A Decision-Analytic Framework for Life-Cycle Impact Assessment. Society for Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) 20th Annual Meeting , Philadelphia, Pa., 14.-28.11.1999
Popular scientific lectureHertwich, Edgar. (1999) The assessment of toxic chemicals in LCA. LCA brukerforum , Oslo 22.9.1999 og Trondheim 26.10.1999
Popular scientific lectureHertwich, Edgar; McKone, Thomas E.. (1999) The Spatial Range of Pollutants in Multimedia Models - Implications for Potential Dose Calculations. Society for Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) 20th Annual Meeting , Philadelphia, Pa., 14.-28.11.1999
Academic lectureHertwich, Edgar. (1999) A Theoretical Foundation for LCA. , ETH Zürich, Sveits, 3.11.1999 1999-11-03 -
Academic lectureHertwich, Edgar. (1999) Updating the plant model in CalTOX - literature research and model modification. , Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, 11.11.1999
Academic lectureHertwich, Edgar. (1999) Fate & Exposure Analysis in LCIA. SETAC working group on life-cycle impact assessment (WAI2), WAI2 meeting , Brüssel, Belgia, 3.12.1999