Guidelines for Using the Machinery and Hydrodynamic Laboratories at IHB

Guidelines for Using the Machinery and Hydrodynamic Laboratories at IHB

All IHB students are invited to use our labs, in courses, Bachelor- and Master- thesis projects. All lab activities should be according to a plan which is approved by a supervisor.

Before startup the students must succeed the necessary safety training in 3 steps:

  1. General HMS course
  2. A local safety course including familiarization with our labs – (organized by program coordinator)
  3. Special training for the use of different machines – Optional


The main rules for all lab activities:

  1. Make sure that all safety regulations are followed.
  2. All activity should be planned for normal working hours – 8-16
  3. Activity in the labs outside normal working hours, should always be carried out with minimum 2 students present. Outside working hours, machines can only be used under supervision of qualified personnel.
  4. If work involves any hazards, you should make a safe procedure before you start. And you must always use protective gear like goggles, glows, proper clothing and necessary safety distances.
  5. If something unexpected occurs, always report to the lab personnel and/or your supervisor.
  6. Always leave the lab area in the same condition as when you arrived and as you would like to find it when you arrive next time.
  7. The labs are only for lab related activity. Food, drinks and other social activity must be taken outside the lab rooms.
  8. Access: Students will be given general access using their student card to the relevant labs. Access to other labs must be arranged through your supervisor(s).

Opening hours are:

08:00-16:00 – All labs and workshops

Some student labs will be given extended access outside normal working hours (such as Manu-lab and Fab-Lab)


  • Your supervisor should help organize and make appointments for needed assistance

  • Lab personnel will help making things according to appointments with supervisors

The laboratories are situated at Lanterna Building, in Ålesund.

Map of the Machinery and Hydrodynamic Laboratories