Department of Ocean Operations and Civil Engineering

Faculty of Engineering

Department of Ocean Operations and Civil Engineering



Does climate and environment engage you? Are you creative and interested in technology? Do you want to become an engineer, be able to lead maritime operations or have a maritime officer education? The Department of Ocean Operations and Civil Engineering in Ålesund offer studies in two of the largest industries in Norway, maritime and construction. Check out our studies below. 

Do you want to know more about how it is to be a student in Ålesund? Read more here.

Contact us

Contact us

Head of Department: Hans Petter Hildre

Visiting address: 4th floor, A-block, Larsgårdsvegen 2, Ålesund

Postal address: NTNU i Ålesund, Postboks 1517, 6025 Ålesund

Telephone and e-mail: 

Studies and courses


Laboratories and simulators