Bioenergy's role in a sustainable future (BEST)

Research project

Bioenergy's role in a sustainable future (BEST)

We will study bioenergy’s role in a sustainable future, assessing environment, technology, supply chains and uncertainty.

Research activity

About BEST

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has shown that bioenergy can play a poplar-grovecritical role in meeting the targets of the Paris climate agreement. At the same time, there are concerns that future bioenergy use will cause significant ecological damages, supply chain emissions and emissions induced by land use. In this project, we will evaluate the role of bioenergy in the context of 1.5 ºC and 2 ºC climate targets.

We will combine life cycle assessment (LCA) and dynamic energy-land use modelling in order to analyse the climate and environmental impacts of a diverse set of bioenergy technology alternatives, and of global bioenergy deployment pathways. This will help identify what future optimal bioenergy deployment pathways should look like, and to find win-win solutions. A secondary objective is to develop an efficient, flexible and transparent LCA model and tool incorporating future scenarios for bioenergy deployment.

NTNU and LIST will be responsible for life cycle assessment model development and applications, using the future-oriented life cycle assessment model THEMIS. PIK will carry out global land use management and energy scenario modelling, using the integrated assessment model framework REMIND-MAgPIE. Through the combination of THEMIS and REMIND-MAgPIE, we will develop capabilities to analyse a very large number of technology combinations and scenarios, taking into consideration regional variations and future technological progress.

Project timeline

Project timeline

