Department of Energy and Process Engineering (EPT)
Faculty of Engineering
Department of Energy and Process Engineering

The Department of Energy and Process Engineering (EPT) is an international driving force within education and research on the total energy chain from resource to customer. We work on how to produce energy which can be used by man and machine in a sustainable way, taking into consideration health, climate changes and available resources.
EPT is one of the largest departments at the Faculty of Engineering
Visiting address: Kolbjørn Hejes v 1B, Varmeteknisk lab, floor no. 3, NO-7034 Trondheim, Norway.
Postal address: NTNU, Institutt for energi- og prosessteknikk, Postboks 8900, Torgarden, NO-7491 Trondheim, Norway.

Research at the Department of Energy and Process Engineering