libraries - science - events


The Natural Science Library organizes regular exhibitions and has its own exhibition space. The exhibitions are often created in cooperation with students and staff at the Faculty of Natural Sciences. We also work together on exhibitions with other NTNU environments.

Lunchtime lectures on various topics are also organized from time to time, in connection with book launches.

Practical information on how we can help you to communicate your research to a wider audience

03 Jan 2022

Mini calevent portlet


libraries - science - contactbox


Natural Science Library

Høgskoleringen 5, Gløshaugen
Phone: +47 73 59 51 27


Opening hours

Monday–Sunday: 06:00–24:00 (with NTNU access card)

Library staff present:
Monday–Thursday: 10:00–18:00
Friday: 10:00–15:00

The virtual library - get help from the NTNU University Library.

Follow the library on social media:

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