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The Natural Science Building, entrance. Photo.
Photo: Nils Kristian Eikeland/NTNU

Welcome to

The Natural Science Library

The library works closely with the Faculty of Natural Sciences and covers the research areas of the faculty. Our main areas are biology, physics, chemistry and chemical technology.

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Available workspaces

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The library offers


Books, journals, newspapers.


Group rooms, reading and working stations, PC, printing.

Events and exhibitions

Exhibitions, book presentations.

Borrow from the library

Information about borrowing, library card, borrowing rules and prices.

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UB Opening hours

Opening hours

The Natural Science Library

Big building.Photo

The Natural Science Library

Sentralbygg 1, Alfred Getz' v. 3

Opening hours: Monday–Sunday 6–23
Library staff present: Monday–Thursday 10–17 / Friday 10–14
Unstaffed during lunch: 11.45–12.15

Use your NTNU-card for access outside of staffed opening hours.

Makerverkstedet U1

Opening hours and events: see MAKE NTNU

NTNU-card required for access.

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Events and courses