

Bygninger, foto

The 2nd Transnational Project Meeting for TRANSIT was held on June 4 and June 5, in Weingarten, Germany and hosted by Pädagogische Hochschule Weingarten.  All partners were represented.    
The agenda of the meeting was to follow up local workshops and mapping exercise on induction and set up the plan for the International Intensive Programme 1: “Doing transition”, to be arranged in Bielefeld in September 2024.

The workshops in Bielefeld will draw on the results of Wp2 in the project, so discussions about the country reports and the international report was on the agenda the two days. Evaluation and dissemination of TRANSIT was also given some time to discuss.

The International report provides a comparative analysis of teacher trainings systems, highlighting their similarities and differences. Through this examination, strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats were identified across countries. Based on this cross-national analysis, the report recommends thematic focuses for the intensive program.

Method and approaches to work with the thematic focuses in TRANSIT are cooperative learning and playful learning.

After day 1 we had a guided stroll through Ravensburg.