Organisation - Centre for Emerging Pedagogies in Higher Education
organisation and activities
TRANSark is a joint research and development Centre between the Faculty of Architecture and Design (AD), Unit of Educational Development (UNIPED) and the Department of Product Design (IPD), with links to educational programs in Scandinavia and Europe. Furthermore, the Centre has establsihed an International Scientific Committee to provide critique and advice on research progress, whilst the Steering Committee monitors overall progress relative to the Centre's ambitions. The Centre is hosted by AD, under the direction of Associate Professor Gro Rødne, with Professor Leif Martin Hokstad (UNIPED) as deputy leader.
The TRANsark pilots each have their own focus areas and targets, be they academic courses or extra-curricular student projects. However, Pilot 4 will utilise the other pilots as both sources and targets for research, by providing them with the theoretical framework for developing and testing new pedagogies.
TRANSark will utilise the experiences and ideas from both students and teaching staff as the basis for development of pilot projects and evaluation of the initiatives undertaken. Pilot projects will be assessed in and developed through several channels. Not only will findings be published, but TRANSark aims to establish frequent pedagogical forums to encourage active partcipation in pedagogical discussions by both staff and students. The student perspective will be developed and defined by a Student Think Tank, consisting of the student teaching assistants. Furthermore, TRANSark will implement a pedagogical reflection course at for students at both the beginning and end of every semester, hosted by the Student Think Tank. These initiatives are aimed at ensuring that the pilot projects developed are rooted in the exchange of ideas between students and teachers, and that NTNU can develop a culture for pedagogical reflection at all levels.