E-learning at TOPOCOM - Topological Solitons in Ferroics for Unconventional Computing
Distance E-learning resources
The TOPOCOM training of the Doctoral Candidates consists of different elements to ensure an intersectoral, interdisciplinary and international training environment. In addition to, e.g., career development plans, training resources of local graduate schools, technical training through working groups, and network-wide training events, TOPOCOM offers selected e-learning resources.
The content is free to access for everyone and will be expanded and updated throughout the lifetime of the network project.
Research and Fundamentals
Petaspin - A youtube channel offering recorded talks from specialist about a broad range of topics related to magnetism is run by the non-profit organization PetaSpin in support of scientific research in many fields of engineering and applied physics related to magnetism and spintronics.
Seminars, early career talks, and plenary lectures on magnetism and related topics are accessible free of charge via the webpage of the European Magnetism Association. The content and offers represent an excellent opportunity to gain an overview of certain research areas relevant to TOPOCOM.
OpenPlat – infinite learning - This open-access page represents an online learning tool with a focus on the field of spintronics, supported by the Graduate School of Excellence Mainz. Students are encouraged to self-pace the learning process and to dig into references to enhance the learning experience (log in as “Guest”).
Experimental Techniques
AFM master class – A webinar series about different topics related to the application of atomic force microscopy (AFM), which is provided by Nanosurf to elevate your understanding and practical skills, ranging from foundational principles of AFM to advanced applications.
Technological Applications
MicroElectronics Training, Industry and Skills - The training materials and webpage is provided by the METIS consortium and offers curricula, training content, and courses in the different key areas of microelectronics.