NEW dates: Workshop 2.-3. September, 2021

NEW dates: Workshop 2.-3. September, 2021

– Long term monitoring tools for historical buildings in time of climate change: from data collection to an adaption plan

About the workshop

The workshop “Long term monitoring tools for historical building in time of climate change: from data collection to an adaptation plan” is organized in the framework of the SyMBoL (Sustainable Management of Heritage Buildings in a Long-term Perspective) Project, coordinated by the Norwegian University of Science and Technology.

The workshop’s main aim is to provide a complete overview of hazards and risk prone areas affecting the main materials of historic buildings. Nowadays, even the most careful management strategy, adopted at Heritage sites in relation to the maintenance and/or conservation of historic buildings, cannot be separated from understanding the effect of climate change on heritage material at a local level.

With this in mind, practical, fast and easy-to use methods for evaluating, monitoring and managing the long-term conservation condition of historic buildings, are needed.  This type of information can make the difference when planning and implementing strategies for the optimal preservation of such structures. Particularly, the workshop will focus on the utilization of non-destructive techniques for long-term monitoring purposes.

The workshop aims to offer stakeholders a clear overview about some of the most updated and promising scientific methods for surveying and assessing the state of conservation of historical buildings materials. This knowledge will help them in:

  • Discriminating among the rose of existing technique for long-term need and challenges,
  • Improving their ability to recognize different typology of decay
  • Acquire/improve skills in data interpretation 
  • Improving management strategy considering the detrimental effects due to Climate Change on structures.

Additionally, a session devoted to the Final meeting of the SyMBoL Project will be an integral part of the workshop, including presentations about the project results from all the partners (NTNU, NIKU, PAN, GCI).

The workshop is addressed to heritage scientist, conservators, restorers, experts on climate/environmental field that are working with Cultural Heritage, managers and/or owners of historical buildings and heritage sites.

More information at the official page of the conference

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