Start of studies

Sustainable Chemical and Biochemical Engineering - Master's programme

Start of studies

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Welcome as a new student at NTNU! Here you can see what happens during the first period of study.

Two females dressed in traditional norwegian costume stands on a stage and exudes joy while speaking to an audience. Photo.
Foto: Kai T. Dragland/NTNU

Welcome to start of studies at NTNU 2024

Welcome to start of studies at NTNU 2024

Meet your student association

Prior to the matriculation ceremony, feel free to meet your student association  and watch the Matriculation ceremony together.
Sign up in advance for more information and join together with other master students. For more information, see further down under “Your buddies and your student association”.

Time: TBA by your student association
Location: TBA by your student association

Matriculation ceremony for all new students

The ceremony will include musical performances, speeches and you will get a glimpse into life as a student at NTNU.

Time: 14.00 (2pm)
Location: Behind the main building 


Orientation week for international students

During the Orientation week, you will get to know NTNU, your city and other international students in fun ways, and learn everything you need to know to get started in Norway and settle in at NTNU. The Office of International Relations arranges the orientation week.

Orientation Week - NTNU in Trondheim

"Fadderuke" kick-off for all new students

Join "fadderuke" kick-off hosted by Studentersamfundet and get a social start of studies. All new students can participate

Time: Tuesday August 13, from 14:00 (2pm) 
Location:  Elgeseter park


The Faculty of Natural Sciencesthe Department of Chemical Engineering, the Department of Chemistry and the Department of Biotechnology and Food Science and   is excited to welcome you as a new student!   

Welcome ceremony

Time: 11.00 (11pm) 
Location: R1 in Realfagbygget 

Welcome ceremony by the Faculty of Natural Sciences. 

Orientation meeting

Time: 14:00  (2pm)
Location:  K26 in Realfagbygget 

Orientation meeting by the program council of the MSc Sustainable Chemical and Biochemical Engineering program.

Physical HSE-training is mandatory for all students at the Faculty of Natural Sciences. The training for the 2-year master students is run on the 16th of August and is set to run in English.  

Time: meet 10.45 (10.45am) for registration
Finished approx 13.00 (1pm)
Location: Outside of Realfagbygget, south side.

To follow the course, you must register on Studweb, course code HMS0003.  You must register both for exam and for tuition.  

For more details and information on the HSE-trainings please refer to this webpage.   

You will not be able to get access to any of NTNUs labratories prior to the completion of this course.  

Meet your buddies

The buddies at the Faculty of Natural Sciences (NV) help new 2-year master students get to know NTNU. The buddies are two master students who work as buddies and they will arrange several information meetings and social activities to help you get to know other students and get familiar with NTNUs websites, campuses, Trondheim, etc.

To keep updated, please join the Facebook group for 2-year master students at NV which is officially launched from July 1st: Buddy 2024 – Faculty of Natural Sciences

Do you have questions regarding start of studies, coming to Trondheim etc.? You can ask in the Facebook group or send the buddies an e-mail:  

Your student association 

A lot of the social and academic life at NTNU revolves around special student association which in Norwegian are called linjeforeninger (literally "area-of-study-associations").

Your student association is called Høiskolens Chemikerforening (HC) and will hold a buddy welcome week ("Fadderuka") filled with social events to help you adapt to student life in Trondheim. 


You can easily get to campus by public transport

Public transport in Trondheim (

Find your way on campus

The MazeMap app will guide you to the different buildings and lecture rooms on campus.

Download the MazeMap app for Android (Google Play) and iPhone (AppStore).

NTNU has various part-time classes to help you learn Norwegian as a second language, including a free online course. 

Exchange students can join a 3-week intensive summer course

Course timetables - If  there is no timetable, please contact the department responsible for the course

Many students are in need of adaptations during the course of their studies, for shorter or longer periods of time. If you have any kind of special needs, we would love to help you with adaptations to ensure your study is as successfull as possible.

Special needs students or students with disabilities can also get help with individual accommodations.

For more information about who to contact, deadlines, the various support services, courses, groups and adaptation possibilities at NTNU, please refer to this page. 


Krysspublisert artikkel - ikke endre - ID: 1314987238

For new international students

Register for courses, create a user account, connect to wireless network etc.

Arrival checklist

Krysspublisert artikkel ID: 1331633354