



– Ecology, Behaviour, Evolution and Biosystematics
House Sparrow. Photo
Photo: Per Harald Olsen

Research in Ecology, Behaviour, Evolution and Biosystematics is a strong component of the department of Biology with a long history of excellency. The research projects conducted in this group span over a wide spectrum form theoretical to applied research, where ecology and evolution are strongly integrated. Typical questions addressed by these projects are:

What are the effects of environmental variation on population dynamic, species distribution and phenotypic plasticity? What factors affect mating systems in animals and plants and what are the consequences of human-induced environmental variation on these factors? What are the relative contributions of adaptation and phylogenetic constraints on species distribution, morphological and genetic diversity? How behavior and life history traits can be used in conservation practices? How can we preserve wildlife under divergent interest among stakeholders?

Methods of investigation used to answer these questions range from field observations, lab experiments, to molecular analyses or mathematical modeling.  The integrative approach combining ecology and evolution gives to most of our research projects a strong profile in Conservation Biology. Great care is taken to balance applied and theoretical knowledge in the various courses.