Study abroad - Music, Communication and Technology (MCT) - 2 year master's programme
Music, Communication and Technology
Music, Communication and Technology
There are many opportunities to study abroad as part of your Master's in Music, Communication and Technology, and we encourage you to consider the possibility of taking a semester or a summer abroad.
Being a MCT-student, you effectively become a student both at NTNU and UiO, and you can apply to exchange programmes at both universities, which leaves you with many options. In addition to this, both departments have bilateral agreements tailered to students of Musicology and Music Technology, which we urge you to take a look at.
Students of Music, Communication and Technology are encouraged to take a semester abroad during the third semester, or in the summer. The student adviser can assist you in choosing where to go, what courses to take, as well as in what you need to do to make sure that the courses are approved as part of your Master's degree in Music, Communication and Technology.
See the pages about exchange possibilities at the University of Oslo.