Where does earlier students work now?

Where does earlier students work now?

Alicia Noëllie Saes-Louarn

Doctorate fellow researcherAlicia Noëllie Saes-Louarn. Foto

The work is very enriching and allows me to understand better research and academia in general.

Name: Alicia Noëllie Saes-Louarn

Employer: ARENA (UiO)

Education: Master's degree in European Studies

What do you do at work?

I am doing my doctorate, it is part of the COMPLEX project which studies the effect of secondary EU law into national laws.

What do you like best about your job?

The flexibility, the never ending acquisition of knowledge, my colleagues. The work is very enriching and allows me to understand better research and academia in general.

How did you get this job, and how is your career journey after graduating?

I applied to the job offer soon after graduation, I got the job in September, so only about 2/3 months after finishing the master’s degree at NTNU.

How do you use your skills learned from your studies in your job?

This master’s degree taught me a lot, I had excellent professors, and especially Lise Rye that was my thesis supervisor. This master has taught me practical things like how to do a policy analysis and as well as how to improve my research and writing skills.

What is your best career advice for current students?

To think about it early on, what would you like to do, in what sector and start to adapt your learning towards it, same for your internship and try to create your network of people.