
VET2304 - Practical Training - International Practice Placement


Examination arrangement

Examination arrangement: Practical training
Grade: Passed / Not Passed

Evaluation Weighting Duration Examination aids
Practical training 100/100

Course content

The primary objective of practical training is to provide students with tangible experience and contribute to the development of skills and an understanding of the significance of their future professional roles, but in a different cultural setting. In order to achieve this, students should be able to:

  • Execute a practice based on knowledge and experience in foreign environments
  • Evaluate what constitutes relevant knowledge and skills in the local cultural context
  • Carry out a practice relevant to the requirements of the field of social work
  • Make assessments in accordance with respect and understanding
  • Collaborate with staff, clients, and their close associates, including family and others
  • Acquire knowledge about international agreements, conventions concerning individuals with disabilities, and their rights
  • Gain insight into global health issues, social challenges, and social policies

Learning outcome


Upon completion and passing of VET2304, the student should

  • Possess knowledge of how social inequality and social issues such as neglect, violence, abuse, bullying, substance abuse, and socio-economic problems impact health, living conditions, and quality of life (K)
  • Have extensive knowledge of inclusion, equality, and non-discrimination, regardless of gender, ethnicity, religion, belief, culture, disability, diagnosis, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, and age. This enables the candidate to contribute to ensuring equal services for all groups in society (K)
  • Possess comprehensive knowledge of environmental work, environmental therapeutic work, habilitation and rehabilitation work, especially within various service areas for individuals with developmental disabilities, dementia, substance addiction, mental disorders, and various physical impairments (K)
  • Be familiar with political and administrative decision-making processes, the most common models for organizing and managing welfare services, and the role of health and social workers as health and social policy actors (K)
  • Have extensive knowledge of communication, interaction, and collaboration, and understand how language and culture influence these aspects (K)


Upon completion and passing of VET2304, the student should

  • Be able to apply updated knowledge about the health and welfare system, laws, and regulations in their service provision, as well as professional ethical guidelines to ensure fair and competent services to assistance recipients (F)
  • Be able to apply professional knowledge as a contribution to public health, through health promotion and disease prevention in a lifespan perspective (F)
  • Be able to apply relevant methods in assessment and investigative work to identify users' goals and needs and document this as a basis for interventions in environmental therapeutic work (F)
  • Be capable of planning and implementing habilitation and rehabilitation processes in collaboration with patients, users, relatives, and other collaborating actors
  • Be able to reflect on their own professional practice, such as relational, communication, and guidance skills, and adjust them under supervision

General Competence

Upon completion and passing of VET2304, the student should

  • Have insight into the interconnections between health, education, employment, and living conditions, and can apply this knowledge to contribute to public health and work inclusion
  • Be able to communicate key professional content on environmental therapy, habilitation, and rehabilitation effectively, both in writing and orally, to contribute to the development of best practices.
  • Be capable of planning, implementing, documenting, and evaluating interventions and service design based on users' goals and needs, independently and in collaboration with users and others, in accordance with professional guidelines and ethical requirements.
  • Be able to reflect on professional and ethical issues in environmental therapeutic work, habilitation, and rehabilitation.
  • Have insight into professional, ethical, and legal challenges and be able to reflect on dilemmas in the execution of environmental therapy, habilitation, and rehabilitation.

Learning methods and activities

Written guidelines related to the country and practical placement will be provided. It should be noted that changes in learning methods and activities may occur.

Compulsory assignments

  • Oppstartsskjema
  • Praksisoppgave(r)
  • Final report - logg
  • Tverrpraks
  • Guidence conversations

Further on evaluation

The practical training exam is an ongoing assessment. Academic and formal requirements are detailed in the general and specific sections of the practice booklet. Compulsory assignments must be approved for the practical training exam to be considered passed.

  • Participation in assessment discussions
  • Self-assessment document
  • Practical assignment(s)
  • Tverrpraks (multidisciplinary practice)

Participation in assessment discussions includes preparation for the practical training, mid-term evaluation, supervision during the practical training, and debriefing with the teacher afterward. Students opting for practical training abroad should allocate more time for preparations. Upon return, students are required to conduct a debriefing session with a teacher.

The self-assessment document, including the learning plan, must be submitted on Blackboard within 2 weeks of the start of the practical training. Students are expected to write a log throughout the entire practical training period, forming the basis for the report and self-evaluation.

During the practical training period, students are tasked with organizing a workshop for and with employees and users of services at the practice site. A report in English for the workshop must be written and submitted.

Upon return, students must write a report evaluating the preparation, practice exchange, and return. This report will be presented to fellow students at NTNU.

Approval of the multidisciplinary practice (tverrpraks) is a prerequisite for the approval of the practical training exam.

Compulsory assignments are only valid for the semester in which the approval is given. Participation in multidisciplinary practice is valid for up to 5 terms.

If a student receives a failing grade on the practical training exam, the entire practice period must be repeated in the next regular practice period, under the course code VET2303. Students have the opportunity to present him/herself for the practical training exam twice.

More information about the practical training and absence can be found in the Guidelines for implementation and assessment of practical studies - MH, NTNU.

Specific conditions

Admission to a programme of study is required:
Social Education (HSGVEB)

Required previous knowledge

The subject has a study right requirement, which means that the course is reserved for students who have been admitted to a bachelor's degree in social education at NTNU in Trondheim (HSGVEB). VET1004 Practice 1, VET2002 Practice 2 and VET2005 Practice 3 must have been passed to be qualified for VET2304 Practical training 4.

Credit reductions

Course code Reduction From To
HVER302P 15.0 AUTUMN 2020
More on the course



Version: 1
Credits:  15.0 SP
Study level: Third-year courses, level III


Term no.: 1
Teaching semester:  AUTUMN 2024

Term no.: 2
Teaching semester:  SPRING 2025

Language of instruction: Norwegian

Location: Trondheim

Subject area(s)
  • Social Education
Contact information
Course coordinator: Lecturer(s):

Department with academic responsibility
Department of Mental Health