Course - Internship Project - BT3090
BT3090 - Internship Project
Examination arrangement
Examination arrangement: Aggregate score
Grade: Letter grades
Evaluation | Weighting | Duration | Examination aids |
Written report | 25/100 | ||
Oral exam | 75/100 | 1 hours | A |
Course content
The course is part of EM program MSAQUAH and is given by NTNU that receives all ECTS, but the procedures is common for all partners implementing Internship Project Comprehensive (separate course description).
All learning lines of EM AquaH include a mandatory internship within relevant socio-cultural/economic and professional environments in non-academic partners/associations. This professional practice module will normally involve a working load of 7.5 ECTS at NTNU, which corresponds roughly to 200 h. This internship aims at acquainting the student with the real working environment through practical training, teamwork, and individual learning.
The AquaH Program Secretariat will be responsible for collecting a list of potential internship hosts from all partners, including associate and industry partners. Students are encouraged to contact specific companies of interest to them for internships subjects. The AquaH Steering Committee will examine whether the proposed internships meet the required scientific content. An agreement will be drafted and signed by the student, the host and the AquaH Program Coordinator. The agreement will in detail explain the rights and duties of the student and the professional partner, it will describe the content of the project and the criteria for scoring the internship. Projects will be carefully planned and discussed with the student and his supervisor well before the start. Once starting, the host will foresee practical support and advice on how the internship can be practically undertaken. The internships will be part of the NTNU course catalogue.
NTNU has included the Norwegian Seafood Federation (<100 member companies in Central Norway) and a national Centre of Expertise, the NCE Aquatech Cluster (107 partners, most companies) through which internship partners can be identified and mobilised. Besides, SINTEF Ocean and the Norwegian Veterinary Institute (NVI) which is an associated partner, can host internship students. International organizations like WorldFish can provide both internship and thesis project opportunities, in Africa and Asia. The associate partner universities UMT, KU and CTU, through their affiliation with the ASEAN-FEN network of leading SE Asian universities, can mobilize a vast network of potential hosts among research and industry partners in the Southeast Asian region.
The course may later become a part of MSOCEAN. The content will then be the same
Learning outcome
Knowledge is an understanding of theories, facts, concepts, principles and procedures in subjects, disciplines and professions. After finishing the Internship project, candidates will have knowledge on:
- How to approach and discuss project cooperation with external partners in aquaculture
- How the health management actors in the industry might use research to obtain knowledge
- Methods used in research in aquaculture health
- Analyzing, synthesizing and presenting project results to partners and advisers
Skills: Ability to apply knowledge to solve problems, including cognitive, practical, creative and communicative skills. After finishing the Internship Project, candidates will based on their knowledge be able to:
- Propose scientific projects to help solving health problems in aquaculture.
- Communicate with health actors and in clear words describe disorders to support expert diagnosis
- Select methods for use in research and assessment of health state
- Together with advisers, plan a small research project related to specific aquaculture health issue.
General competence: Be able to apply knowledge and skills independently in different situations in education and professional contexts by showing cooperation ability, accountability, ability to reflect and critical thinking. After finishing AquaHealthClub, candidates will based on their knowledge and skills be able to:
- Better see the industry perspectives and challenge of aquaculture health managements
- See earlier gained theoretical knowledge and skills in broader scientific and societal perspectives
- Inspire and occasionally lead a multidisciplinary team in scientific project on aquaculture health.
- Communicate practical challenges of aquaculture management issues beyond the health sector in a societal and public perspective
Learning methods and activities
Students must carry through a planned scientific research project with external private or associated partner. All learning lines of EM AquaH (MSAQUAH) include this mandatory internship project undertaken in a non-academic partners/associations. This course involve work in the external partner premises and in offices or laboratories of NTNU during final data analysis and writing. The course involves a working load of 200 h, giving 7.5 ECTS. This internship aims at acquainting the student with the real working environment through practical training, teamwork, and individual learning. The forms of learning will likely be very different for students.
Further on evaluation
The course evaluation for the MSAQUAH students staying at NTNU will follow normal procedures, with contact students appointed from start student groups. Both the students and the course manager can bring up topics. Other universities will apply their procedures, but the is also a standardized EM program evaluation carried out for course evaluation.
At the end, the students must communicate their results and conclusions in written report and in an oral presentation to project owner and advisers in the university. The presentation will involve discussion/defense as part of an oral exam, resulting in normal grades A-F and 7.5 ECTS if passed. The written report will count 25% of the final grade, the scientific approach and the results communicated orally counts 75%.
Specific conditions
Admission to a programme of study is required:
Health Management in Aquaculture (MSAQUAH)
Recommended previous knowledge
All students taken up in the EM AquaH master program according to procedures established can be taken up, these students will always have a first semester at UGent.
Required previous knowledge
Admission require that students has passed the below 7 courses of the present EM AquaH master program given in the 1st semester in the University of Gent:
Marine fish larviculture (3 ECTS), Diseases in aquaculture (6 ECTS), Viral disease management (3 ECTS), Fish and shellfish immunology (4 ECTS), Aquatic microbial community management (3 ECTS), Aquaculture genetics (6 ECTS), Applied statistics (5 ECTS)
All students will normally have passed these courses.
Course materials
Teaching material is provided by advisers from industry and university upon start of the specific student research project.
Version: 1
7.5 SP
Study level: Second degree level
Term no.: 1
Teaching semester: AUTUMN 2024
Language of instruction: English
Location: Trondheim
- Aqua Culture
- Biology
Department with academic responsibility
Department of Biotechnology and Food Science