Course - Laks – matfisk, interaksjon med merdmiljø og marin teknikk - BI1012
BI1012 - Laks – matfisk, interaksjon med merdmiljø og marin teknikk
Examination arrangement
Examination arrangement: Aggregate score
Grade: Letter grades
Evaluation | Weighting | Duration | Examination aids |
Lab report | 30/100 | ||
School exam | 70/100 | 4 hours | D |
Course content
Introduction to salmon biology and lifecycle part II. Phylogenetic development in fish. Salmonid nutrition. Smoltification, transport, sea-pen farming and slaughter. Introduction to marine technology for understanding aquaculture constructions and analysis/simulation of them, in addition to vessel-based aquaculture operations. Handling and challenges with sea lice and other parasites. Environmental impacts of salmon farming - sustainability.
Learning outcome
• Practical knowledge of animal husbandry and follow-up of a life cycle of salmon from the fry stage to seawater-tolerant fish and thus a good understanding of professional ethics throughout a semester.
• Scientific methodology - sampling of fish as well as training in the conduct of laboratory analyzes to determine the physiological status of the fish.
• Basic knowledge of how aquaculture can affect the marine environment.
• Basic knowledge of sustainable aquaculture and that technology must be compatible with the nutritional and welfare needs of the fish.
• Basic introduction to nutrients, nutritional needs of salmonids and new feed resources.
• Understand and apply marine technical terminology and language, orally and in writing in a basic way.
• Calculate buoyancy, buoyancy distribution, trim, load capacity and initial stability of floating devices - understand the physics behind static and dynamic stability in intact state.
• Basic knowledge of the industrial and technical methods of operation and challenges in commercial farming.
• Important knowledge about fish health, fish welfare, animal husbandry, ethics, and environmental interactions in aquaculture.
• Knowledge of the UN's sustainability goals and assessment of the aquaculture industry in relation to these goals.
• Master biological methods and professional tools for keeping and handling salmon in all life stages.
• Must be able to apply their knowledge to understand and contribute to solutions of biological and operational problems.
• Perform simple laboratory experiments in an efficient manner within requirements for HSE (health, safety and environment), as well as analyze and evaluate results from these.
• Be able to reflect independently on professional issues and challenges and work independently in interdisciplinary teams.
• To have basic knowledge in use of AquaSim.
Learning methods and activities
Lectures and exercises
Practical- and digital exercises: Include smoltification, stress and basal blood analysis. Stability lab that includes various stability criteria in the test tanks. Digital exercises in the use of AquaSim for simulation of aquaculture structures. Exercises will be summarized in reports and will be assessed as 30% of the total grade.
Thematic excursions/projects at commercial aquaculture facilities such as hatcheries, sea-pens and slaughteries. The reports from the excursions will be evaluated as approved/not-approved.
Compulsory assignments
- Excursion
- Attendance Lab
Further on evaluation
The course consists of two assessment components: lab reports (30%) and written exam (70%). Both components are given an individual grade. If both are passed a final grade will be calculated.
In case of fail:
- A final exam is held during the exam period each semester
- A revised version of the lab reports can be resubmitted
Improvement of grade:
- A final exam is held during the exam period each semester
- Follow teaching and lab work again and submit new lab reports
Appealment of grade:
- The written exam and lab reports can be appealed within three weeks after the grade is given.
Specific conditions
Admission to a programme of study is required:
Aquaculture - Engineering (BIHAV)
Recommended previous knowledge
Required previous knowledge
Credit reductions
Course code | Reduction | From | To |
BI1008 | 2.5 | AUTUMN 2023 |
Version: 1
7.5 SP
Study level: Foundation courses, level I
Term no.: 1
Teaching semester: SPRING 2025
Language of instruction: Norwegian
Location: Trondheim
- Marine Technology
- Aqua Culture
- Marine Biology