Department of Biology

Faculty of Natural Sciences

Department of Biology

Department of Biology

Three students looking at an aquarium with fish in a laboratory

There is a great need for more knowledge about nature's diversity, relationships and mechanisms in order to understand life on Earth. The Department of Biology (IBI) contributes with research and teaching to increase our knowledge of nature at all levels, from genes to ecosystems.

We prioritize global challenges within: climate, biodiversity, pollution and sustainable utilization of natural resources.

The Department of Biology is one of eight departments at the Faculty of Natural Sciences

About the Department of Biology




  About us

Postal address

Department of Biology, NTNU
NO-7491 Trondheim, Norway

Visiting address

Realfagbygget D1-137
Gløshaugen - Høgskoleringen 5


What is Biology?

  What is Biology at NTNU?

Equal Opportunities Committee at IBI

Equal Opportunities Committee at IBI