Completed degree
Completed degree
Completed degree
Students who have completed a bachelor's degree, master's degree or a Ph.D. at NTNU can apply for an active student status which gives access to open courses (ref. § 3-1 (3) of NTNU's regulations). This is only available for students who have completed their degree at NTNU.
You can apply for an active student status via Søknadsweb.
Apply for an active student status
To have your student status reactivated you have to register an application in Søknadsweb. You can find the admission under 'Admission to courses' > 'Completed degree'.
Application deadlines
Autumn semester: 1 September (you can apply from the middle of May)
Spring semester: 15 January (you can apply from the middle of November)
You do not have to submit any documentation. Your application will only be processed if you are registered with a degree at NTNU.
International degrees
If you have completed an international degree at NTNU you can only take courses in English, unless you have documentation showing that you fullfill the Norwegian language requirements.
After you have registered your application, you will receive an email from us asking you to provide a list of courses you wish to take.
Response to your application
You will not receive a specific response to your application. If you have completed a degree at NTNU your student status will be reactivated before the start of the semester. Please check Søknadsweb or Studentweb if you want to know if your application has been processed.
You student status will be reactivated for 2 semesters. You have to register for courses and pay the semester fee within the given deadlines. Contact The Admissions Office by telephone or e-mail if you have questions about the admission.
Contact us
Contact us
+47 73 59 77 00
Postal address:
Student and Academic Division
Admissions Office
N-7491 Trondheim
Tuition fees
Tuition fees
Tuition fees will be charged to international students with citizenship from outside the EU/EEA or Switzerland.
NTNU does not offer any scholarships that cover tuition fees.
For more information please visit NTNU's web page about the tuition fees.