Nearly Zero Energy Neighborhoods ZenN (2013-2017)

Nearly Zero Energy Neighborhoods ZenN (2013-2017)

EU funded FP7 Nearly Zero Energy Neighbourhoods (ZenN) has been running from 2013 to 2017. The main aim of this project is to reduce energy usage in existing buildings and neighbourhoods. Project teams followed technical and non-technical drivers of the ZEB renovation process including one year of monitoring in operation in the targeted residential areas. The project focuses on all diverse stakeholders involved e.g. building owners, architects, engineers and end-users, thereby developing different perspectives of how ZEB renovation is understood.

NTNU Smart Sustainable Cities group has been involved in several workpackages and had a leading role in WP4 -Non-Technical drivers including Architectural and Cultural Heritage; Stakeholder Awareness and Behaviour; Economic and Ownership Structures; and  Legislation, Governance and Policy.

For more information on the ZenN‐project, visit the project website.




