Projects - NTNU Smart Sustainable Cities
Projects, Programmes and Networks
Selection of projects, programmes and networks we are currently involved in. You can read more about completed projects here.

Re-Value – Re-Valuing Urban Quality & Climate Neutrality in European Waterfront Cities
Duration: 2023-2026
Funded by: EU Horizon Europe, Cities Mission
Role: Project coordination, work package lead on Impact Model, contributions on M&E and strategy
Re-Value demonstrates how climate neutrality and urban quality can be aligned by re-valuing cities’ connection to their waterfronts, strengthening co-benefits and mitigating potential adverse impacts.

NEB-STAR – New European Bauhaus Stavanger
Duration: 2022-2025
Funded by: EU Horizon Europe, Cities Mission, New European Bauhaus
Role: Project coordination and work package lead on Impact Model
NEB-STAR will showcase how Stavanger, a first-generation NEB Lighthouse, will cooperate with twinning cities Prague and Utrecht to provide experimentation, demonstration, insight and guidance on NEB principles in urban transitions and in territorial transformation plans.

CrAFt – Creating Actionable Futures
Duration: 2022-2025
Funded by: EU Horizon Europe, Cities Mission
Role: Project coordination
An EU-funded coordination and support action for New European Bauhaus transformations towards climate-neutral, beautiful and inclusive cities.

Duration: 2018-2023
Funded by: EU H2020, SCC-01 programme
Role: Project coordination, work package lead on collaboration and learning
Developing feasible and realistic demonstration projects in climate-friendly and sustainable urban environments towards Positive Energy Blocks and Districts. Lighthouse Cities are Trondheim and Limerick, with Follower Cities of Sestao, Alba Iulia, Písek, Võru, Smolyan.

European Energy Research Alliance – Smart Cities Joint Programme (EERA JPSC)
Duration: 2010 -
Funded by: EC, NTNU
Role: Programme coordination
Developing new scientific methods, concepts and tools designed to support European cities in their transformation into smart cities.

Duration: 2020-2023
Funded by: EU H2020 ERASMUS+
Role: Leading work package & project contributions
European Universities of Technology Alliance: The Alliance of seven leading Universities of Technology shaping the future of Europe and driving transformation in science and society.

Duration: 2021-2024
Funded by: RCN and project partners
DatSam – Data-driven co-creation: methods and tools for sustainable innovation and societal development (Datadrevet samskaping) investigates innovation and co-creation methods towards the SDGs in the public sector. Partners are Ålesund and Bærum municipalities, NTNU, and the Offshore Simulation Center (OSC).

HEU NUP – Horizon Europe Norwegian Urban Partnership
Duration: 2020-2022
Funded by: RCN
HEU NUP showcases Norwegian experience and competency in co-creation and open urban innovation, as key drivers towards a climate-neutral Europe.

Afurada Living Lab
Duration: 2021-2024
Funded by: EEA Grants
Role: Knowledge transfer
The Afurada Living Lab in the city of Vila Nova de Gaia, specifically in the old parish of São Pedro da Afurada, demonstrates local climate change adaptation and mitigation measures and low carbon technology solutions in cities.

The Research Centre of Zero Emission Neighbourhoods in Smart Cities (FME ZEN)
Duration: 2017-2024
Role: Project contributors
Developing solutions for buildings and urban areas that will help the zero-emission society to be realized.