about broset
In Trondheim there are continuous plans for development of new housing areas. In the autumn of 2007, the local authorities of Trondheim selected the area Brøset to be developed as “a sustainable neighborhood”.
This political goal corresponded well with a vision developed during spring 2007 by an interdisciplinary group of researchers, planners and governmental institutions for creating a carbon neutral settlement in Trondheim. The project group included the disciplines of industrial ecology, architecture and planning, engineering, social sciences and humaniora and consists of researchers both from NTNU and SINTEF Building and Infrastructure. The group also included representatives from the municipality of Trondheim.
Brøset is an area of 350 da, owned partly by the Norwegian state (Statsbygg) and partly by the county of Sør-Trøndelag. A preliminary estimation showed that it is possible to build about 1200 new dwellings at Brøset. Initially, the state and the county proposed to sell Brøset to the highest bidder without any restrictions. In April 2008, however, the local authorities of Trondheim decided that the municipality should be in charge of the planning process of Brøset. Trondheim may even buy the land (or parts of it) in order to control the development of the area. This provides a good starting point for achieving the vision set out for the area: To create a carbon neutral neighbourhood in Trondheim that combines low energy demand with a socially sustainable living environment. The latter implies that the settlement should be accessible for all kinds of residents, including low income and other vulnerable groups.
Due to political decisions, Brøset never came reality. In this page one can find selection of documents related to Brøset, together with similar, relevant examples from other countries.
For further information, contact Annemie Wyckmans