Centre for Sport Facilities and Technology

Centre for Sport Facilities and Technology

The SIAT administration is localized at the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, at the Faculty of Engineering at NTNU. You can contact us by using kontakt@siat.ntnu.no.

We are building sport facilities for over 4 billion NOK every year in Norway, and the demand for knowledge within the field of sport facilities is increasing. Sport facilities often have to follow strict requirements regarding function, quality, installations and equipment. In addition, the amount of other requirements in regards to competitiveness, cost reduction, energy efficiency, safety and environment are increasing. Yet there are no relevant education within the field of planning, building and operating sport facilities today.

Our aim is to bring forth scientific knowledge and technological solutions through research, education and dissemination. 

We work closely with the Ministry of Culture and The Norwegian Olympic and Paralympic Committee and Confederation of Sports. 




Contact us


Visiting address:
Høgskoleringen 7A, Trondheim

Postal address:
Centre for Sport Facilities and Technology
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
7491 Trondheim