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null Professor Dierk Raabe appointed Honorary Doctor at NTNU

Professor Dierk Raabe was appointed Honorary Doctor at NTNU at the NTNU Doctoral Awards Ceremony  November 18th. Dierk Raabe is a Director at Max Planck Institute for  Iron Research in Düsseldorf, Germany, and he is also a Professor at RWTH Aachen. His interests are in sustainable metallurgy, hydrogen, microstructures, alloy design, computational materials science and atom probe tomography.  He has received the Leibniz award and two ERC Advanced Grants. Raabe is also a member of the SFI PhysMet Scientific Advisory Committee.

The appointment of Dr. Raabe as Honorary Doctor will be a valuable asset for NTNU and facilitate and strengthen collaboration with Prof. Raabe and his colleagues at the Max-Planck Institute within areas of great importance to NTNU, SFI PhysMet and our industrial partners.

Rector and a man at a ceremony. Photo
Dr. Raabe and NTNU Rector Anne Borg at the NTNU Doctoral Awards Ceremony November 18th 2022. Photo: Thor Nielsen

Rector giving a man an honor in a big room full of people. Photo

Group photo of many people dressed up in front of a building. Photo
The new NTNU doctors and the Honorary Doctor in front of Hovedbygningen, Gløshaugen November 18th (Dr.Raabe no 9 from the left, first row). Photo: Thor Nielsen

Dr. Raabe's research combines experiments and simulations to study thermomechanical processes in materials. In recent years, Dr. Raabe has also taken a strong interest in how materials science and technology can contribute to the development of more sustainable metal production and sustainable metal-based materials and products. This includes primary production methods with reduced energy consumption and CO2 emissions, more recycling, scrap-based alloy development, as well as materials with better properties and a longer service life.

He recently was the prime author of a comprehensive review in Progress in Materials Science:  Making sustainable aluminum by recycling scrap: The science of “dirty” alloys, which addresses these issues along the whole process chain.

Seminar on sustainable materials and materials processing

A man giving a lecture. Photo
Guest lecture by Dierk Raabe at the seminar November 17. Photo: SFI PhysMet

On November 17, SFI PhysMet organized an all-day seminar in connection with the appointment of Professor Raabe. The main topic of the seminar was Sustainable Materials and Materials Processing. The seminar opened with a guest lecture by Dr. Raabe, on the topic ‘Sustainable metals’, with focus both on steel making and aluminium. This was followed by talks from NTNU and SINTEF researchers within the field of material science and engineering, partially in the context SFI PhysMet, but also a broader presentation of the experimental and modelling activities in the physical metallurgy environment at NTNU and SINTEF, with a special attention to sustainable materials development and processing. The seminar also  included a presentation from SFI CASA, in which several of the key researchers in SFI Physmet have been involved . More than 50 researchers, students and industry partners attended the seminar.  

Three poeple in a group photo
Centre director Knut Marthinsen and co-director Marisa Di Sabatino with Dr. Raabe at SFI PhysMet. Photo: SFI PhysMet

We are looking forward to the further collaboration with Professor Dierk Raabe and his colleagues at the Max Planck Institute for Iron Research.

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