Team - SoRoSol - Applied physics and didactic physics - Department of Physics
06 Apr 2016
SoRoSol project organization and team
SoRoSol project organization and team
The following principal investigators at NTNU and SINTEF are involved
- Turid Worren Reenaas, Associate Professor Department of Physics, NTNU (Project manager).
Involved in research on intermediate band materials and intermediate band solar cells (IBSCs), both theoretically and experimentally. - Ursula Gibson , Professor Department of Physics, NTNU.
Experience in PVD of ZnS and related materials, optical characterization of materials, and fabrication of solar cells. - Irina T. Sorokina, Professor Department of Physics, NTNU.
Researching the physics of the new laser materials and develops ultrashort pulsed lasers based on these materials, with particular focus on novel transition-metal doped II-VI compound materials, such as ZnS:Cr. - Knut H. Sørensen, Professor Department of interdisciplinary studies of culture, NTNU.
Researching sustainable energy strategies, public engagement with sustainable energy technologies, public policy-making with respect to sustainable energy, and interdisciplinary knowledge practices. - Bjørn K. Myskja, Associate Professor Department of Philosophy, NTNU.
Researching the ethics and politics of new technologies, with particular focus on the issues of trust and lay people engagement. - Rune Nydal, Associate Professor Program for applied ethics, Department of Philosophy, NTNU.
Researching the philosophy and ethics of technology, with particular focus on the nature of large scale scientific programs and the institutional integration of ethics in these. - Cécile Ladam, Dr., SINTEF Materials and Chemistry.
Experience in material synthesis by PLD for PV applications, and extensive knowledge of nanoscale materials characterization. The emphasis has been on materials and devices for 3rd generation solar cells including IBSC. - Kristin Hirsch Svendsen, Associate Professor Department of Industrial Economics and Technology Management, Division of Health Environment and Safety.
Main competence in Industrial Hygiene and risk assessment of chemical exposure, NTNU. - Annik Magerholm Fet, Professor Department of Industrial Economics and Technology Management, NTNU.
Researching environmental management methodologies, performance indicators and their applications on different system levels (organisations, products and extended supply chain networks), implications of sustainable strategies on product development.
Post docs working in the project
- Heidrun Åm, Postdoctoral Fellow Department of interdisciplinary studies of culture, NTNU (Nov 1. 2012-June 30. 2014).
- Xiaodong Yang, Postdoctoral Fellow Department of Physics, NTNU (Oct 20. 2010 - April 19. 2013).
Master students involved (2012-2014)
- Benjamin Hope, Applied Physics and Mathematics (Master programme)
- Joakim Larsen, Applied Physics and Mathematics (Master programme)
- Peter Kristoffersen, Applied Physics and Mathematics (Master programme)
- Heidi Hauge, Materials Science and Engineering (Master programme)
- Anne Elisabeth Thorstensen, Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology (Master programme)
- Carl Philip Heimdal, Applied Physics and Mathematics (Master programme)
- Peter Kusterle, Applied Physics and Mathematics (Master programme)
- Anne Jarmot Hvatum, Science and Technology Studies (Master programme)

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