Summary - SoRoSol - Applied physics and didactic physics - Department of Physics
Summary of the SoRoSol research project
Summary of the SoRoSol research project
Summary of the SoRoSol research project
This project aims to develop socially robust solar cells by engaging in integrated interdisciplinary research.
To achieve this we combine three research tasks, and involve the research group in a common reflexive process over the processes and results of these research tasks. We furthermore engage in a self-reflexive analysis of this interdisciplinary work process, in order to identify to what extent it influences the process of technology development.
The second research task involves studies of the health, safety and environmental aspects of the life cycle of solar cells made of these materials, including a preliminary assessment of exposure scenarios from manufacturing to recycling/disposal.
The third research task identifies stakeholders potentially engaged in these technologies and studies their concerns and arguments in order to engage these concerns and arguments in the development process of solar technology relevant at the laboratory level. This part of the project combines empirical studies and normative approaches, seeking to increase the accountability of implicit and explicit assessments made in the research project.
Finally, we study the effects of the interdisciplinary reflection process by documentation and reflection on the interdisciplinary discussions in the project and on potential changes in technology design and values in the different disciplines within the research group.
Inside the PLD chamber
Inside the PLD chamber

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