X-ray Physics

X-ray Physics

Several researchers in the X-ray physics lab. Photo


The X-ray physics group is Norway’s leading research unit in X-ray physics and imaging. It is associated with the Centre of Excellence (CoE) PoreLab.

Development of experimental methods, instrumentation and applications of advanced X-ray Scattering and Imaging techniques is the core interest of the group.

Our current project portfolio is related mainly to advanced imaging with focus on time-resolution, contrast enhancement, X-ray microscopy and computational methods.

Studies of porous media and mesoscale physics are central, with strong links to geophysics, biophysics and material science.

X-Ray Physics group

Computed Tomography

Nikon HT225 microfocus CT-scanner, equipped with a variety of transmission and reflection targets. The CT scanner operates with attenuation contrast, and is versatile operating with samples from a few mm, with nominal resolution ~1-2 μm, up to samples that are 10-15 cm diameter. The setup is equipped with a robust sample stage that can take loads up to 50 kg, allowing for operations with complex sample environments.

If you want to book the tomography lab, use the link below to see when the lab is available. Then make an appointment with the staff engineer.

Tomography lab booking system


X-ray Diffraction and Scattering


The custom built X-ray scattering setup is equipped with a rotating anode source, Pilatus 1M detector and Huber sample stage . The setup  is suitable for both SAXS and WAXS analysis with an opportunity to use a variety of custom built sample environments.


X-ray Radiography

A custom-built setup designed for in situ imaging of evolving microstructures/phase fronts in thin radiographic cells. The system consists of a VISCOM XT9100 microfocus source (Mo, Ag or Cu), and a Vosskuhler CCD-camera, equipped with a SCINT-X pixeled scintillator, optimized for 17 keV radiation. The nominal performance characteristics of the setup is about 4-μm spatial resolution with frame rates up to 6 per second. The facility is unique, with only one similar setup in operation worldwide.


Fourier Microscopy

A custom built optical microscope based on Fourier Ptychography that uses a computational routine to obtain an image of higher resolution than that permitted by the optics. The computationally reconstructed images are quantitative i.e. the phase information is also retrieved.  The instrument offers a large field of view and high resolution. The resulting spatial resolution is 700nm and the field of view is 3 X 3mm. 


Access to Large Scale Infrastructures

The Research group are frequent users of these synchrotron radiation facilities

Within NTNU the research group have access to:



FRINATEK (Research Council of Norway), 2020-2024

3D- imaging of biomineralisation at the nanoscale using time resolved X-ray imaging and scattering.

Project Leader: Dr. Basab Chattopadhyay (NTNU, Norway)

Consortium Partners: Prof Yves H. Geerts (ULB, Belgium),  Dr. Yuriy Chushkin (ESRF, France), Prof. Ragnvald Mathiesen (NTNU), Prof. Dag Breiby (NTNU), Dr. Narayanan Theyencheri (ESRF, France), Prof. Reider Lund (UiO, Norway), Prof. Alain Gibaud (Le Mans University, France).



NANO2021 (Research Council of Norway), 2020-2024

Combined X-ray and neutron tomography for the understanding of flow in porous media

Project Leader: Prof. Dag Breiby (NTNU)

Consortium Partners: Prof. Ragnvald Mathiesen (NTNU),  Prof. Francois Renard (UiO), Prof. Erik Johannessen (USN), Prof. Knut E. Aasmundtveit (USN)



FRINATEK(Research Council of Norway), 2018-2022

Computational and experimental framework for time resolved X-ray tomography

Project Leader: Prof. Dag Breiby (NTNU)

Consortium Partners: Prof. M. Nadeem Akram(USN, Norway),  Prof. Anne Elster (NTNU), Dr. Andreas Menzel (PSI, Switzerland), Prof. Alain Gibaud (Le Mans University, France)



NANO2021 (Research Council of Norway), 2018-2021

Quantitative computational optical and X-ray microscopy schemes for monitoring mesostructured and porous objects in real time

Project Leader: Prof. Dag Breiby (NTNU)

Consortium Partners: Prof. M. Nadeem Akram(USN, Norway),  Prof. Anne Elster (NTNU), Dr. Andreas Menzel (PSI, Switzerland), Prof. Alain Gibaud (Le Mans University, France)


Cutting Edge

PETROMASK2 (Research Council of Norway), 2018-2021

Advanced methods for analysis of shale cuttings

Supervisor: Prof. Dag Breiby (NTNU)

Project Lead: Dr. Pierre Cerasi , Dr. Cathrine Ringstad, Dr. Malin Torsæter  (SINTEF Industry)


Previous projects


  • RECX - National research infrastructure for X-ray scattering and imaging (RCN: INFRASTRUKTUR)
  • Towards coherent imaging of working catalyst nanoparticles (RCN: SYNKROTRON)
  • ColdWear (RCN: KMB)
  • Expériences et simulation de clichés GISAXS de films minces mésoporeux ou fonctionnalisé  (RCN: Aurora)
  • RAtional DEsign of blends for bulk heterojunction SOLar cells - RADESOL (M-ERA.NET , EU funded research)

Publications of Ragnvald Mathiesen

Publications of Dag W. Breiby 

Publications of Basab Chattopadhyay


Master's project

Several Master's projects available

Interested students should get in touch with the PIs.


PhD and postdoc positions are posted on https://www.jobbnorge.no/  




Post-doctoral candidates interested in submitting applications for Marie Sklodowska Curie Action (MSCA) Individual Fellowships are invited to contact the PIs directly. The NV-faculty of NTNU provides support for preparation of grant applications through the FINS initiative.