National projects - NTNU Oceans
- Overview
- Research areas
Research activities
- NTNU Pilot programmes
- National research centres
- International projects
- National projects
- Centres of Expertise
- Pilot Programme on Deep Sea Mining
- Taskforce sea lice
- Pilot programme on Aquaculture - environmental interactions
- Pilot programme on Arctic marine environment
- IEA-HIA Task 39
- Pilot programme on Norway as a sea nation
- Pilot programme on Responsible Ocean Research and Innovation
- Facilities
- Ocean School of Innovation
- Contact
- ActionOceanPlasticWaste
- About NTNU Oceans
- LightLife
30 Oct 2023
National and Regional Projects
National and Regional Projects
Marine and maritime activities are corner stones of the Norwegian economy. Main funding sources are The Research Council of Norway, regional funds and the industry itself.
Major projects with contributions from NTNU Oceans:
- 3ROceans - The high sees and the deep oceans: Representations, resources and regulatory governance (2016-2020)
- Aquaculture industry and learning - Identify characteristics and dynamics promoting learning cultures in the aquaculture industry as part of the knowledge society
- Arctic ABC - Arctic Ocean ecosystems: Applied technology, Biological interactions and Consequences in an era of abrupt climate change (2015-2019)
- Autosea - Sensor fusion and collision avoidance for autonomous surface vehicles
- Boom or bust - Ice-algal and under-ice phytoplankton bloom dynamics in a changing Arctic icescape (2015-2018)
- Brazilian-Norwegian Subsea Operations Consortium (2016-2019)
- Brohode Havbruk - Regional knowledge collaboration in the aquaculture sector
- CHASES - Studying how land-use change and other human activities may alter life history strategies in salmonids and community ecosystem services (2016-2020)
- CircA - Circadian rhythms of Arctic zooplankton from polar twilight to polar night - patterns, processes and ecosystem implications
- CLEANFEED - Nutritional demands and feeding for optimal health and survival of cleaner fish (2017-2020)
- D2V - Design to verification
- DigiSal - Discovering connections between salmon genes and fish feed (2016-2019)
- DROPS - Dynamic Response of Offshore Pipelines on the Seabed
- IDeCON - Integrated Design and COntrol of Offshore HVDC grids (2016-2019)
- LEEDS - Low Emission Energy Ships
- MACROSEA - A knowledge platform for industrial macroalgae cultivation (2016-2019)
- Marine Disposal of Mine Tailings: Impacts on Pelagic Ecosystem Components in Norwegian Fjords
- Marine Night - Polar night studies in the Arctic
- MarMine - Exploration of minerals and metals on the Norwegian continental shelf
- MIRA - MIcrobially produced Raw materials for Aquafeed (2014-2018)
- MUDSCRIPE - Multi-disciplinary study of critical imaging parameters and variables for environmental monitoring (Statoil)
- NextGenIMR - Next Generation subsea inspection, maintenance and repair operations. See video about the project.
- PROMAC - Energy efficient PROcessing of MACroalgae in blue-green value chains (2015-2018)
- PWC-Arctic Effects of dispersed oil droplets and produced water components on growth, development and reproduction of Arctic pelagic copepods (2015-2018)
- RENSVEL - Cleaner fish welfare: operational indicators (2015-2018)
- SDSN Northern Europe - A network that links knowledge to action for society’s achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals
- Sensitivity of fish to seismic sound - How response and sensitivity to noise from petroleum exploration activities vary among highly valued fish species.
- SIMOSYS - Design stage handling of uncertaint
- SimVal - Sea Trials and Model Tests for Validation of Shiphandling Simulation Models
- SISVI - Sustainable Innovation and Shared Value creation in Norwegian Industry (2014-2018)
- Sea trout ethology and ecology
- SMILA - Mechanisms for salmon lice infection in aquaculture, and between wild and cultivated salmon stocks (2016-2019)
- Strategier for å begrense spredning av PD på sjølokaliteter med laksefisk
- Sustainfarmex - Towards sustainable fish farming at exposed marine sites
- Taskforce Salmon Lice - mechanisms of salmon lice spreading using ecological, metabolic and genetic tracing methods
- The Nansen LEGACY - A multidisciplinary initiative to understand and predict the natural and human influences on the Barents Sea ecosystem beyond the present ice edge (2018-2023)
- UTC - Rolls-Royce University Technology Centre