Ocean Week 2019 – Other events
SIGN UP - Price Per Person, 1900.- NOK, all included
The Norwegian Salmon Industry started off at the islands of Hitra & Frøya.
The Mid-Norwegian region is still one of the most productive areas in Norway, thanks to very suitable natural conditions and to people with entrepreneurial capacities.
Innovative solutions and disruptive technologies are being rapidly implemented in aquaculture farms and hence contribute to tackle the challenges on the sector. Participants at the excursion will get the chance to visit a state-of-the-art salmon cage farm at sea and a fish processing plant. The latter was established only in 2018 and has taken into use a variety of automated systems along the processing chain.
Join us for a visit to the idyllic islands! Enjoy its unique seafood, meet the local business people, and feel the touch of aquaculture out on a sea cage.
MAY 8 | 16:30 | Departure from the Trondheim Coastal Express Terminal: Travel to Hitra by boat and further to Frøya by bus (arrival 19:15). Check in at Hotel Frøya. |
20:30 | Dinner at the Hotel Frøya restaurant, Sistranda | |
MAY 9 |
08:00 - 13:30 | Aquaculture Site Excursion in Hitra (Lerøy Seafood) |
13:50 | Departure from Hitra by boat | |
15:30 | Arrival in Trondheim |
SIGN UP - Price 1900.-NOK per person (transport & meals included)
Max number of attendees 12 - first come first served!
MARITIMT FORUM Midt-Norge inviterer til møte
KNM «HELGE INGSTAD» OG «VIKING SKY» I FOKUS…….. Om berging, beredskap og teknologi som middel til å unngå katastrofer
Sted: Scandic Nidelven Hotell
Tid: Tirsdag 7. mai kl. 17.00-19.00 med påfølgende måltid for de som ønsker.
Hvordan kan teknologien hjelpe oss?
Christine Spiten, Cofounder Blueye Robotics og fremtredende, internasjonal miljøforkjemper og teknolog
En bergingsaksjon med krav til kompetanse, tålmodighet og samspill med værgudene.
Anders Penna, Head of Operations, BOA Management
Hvor godt rustet er vi den dagen tilfeldighetene ikke er på vår side?
Johan Marius Ly, beredskapsdirektør i Kystverket
Påmelding: Innen mandag 6. mai kl. 15:00 på epost: wollert@maritimt-forum.no
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