Ocean Week 2023
Ocean Week is the annual conference hosted by NTNU Oceans, one of NTNU’s four strategic research areas. The conference is a vital part of NTNU’s effort to contribute to Norway’s role as an ocean nation.
As the signature event of NTNU Oceans, the purpose of Ocean Week is to lay foundations for groundbreaking interdisciplinary ocean research and for collaboration across sectors to solve the sustainability challenges of the Oceans.
The conference is always held in the first week of May.
A week full of highlights
Ocean Week 2023 - From Seas of Data to an Ocean of Knowledge - is history. Thank you everyone for joining and contributing in various ways, in Trondheim, Ålesund, Gjøvik and at Svalbard!
Watch some of the highlights in the video.

Conference Chair:
Siri Granum Carson
Conference secretariat & communication:
Eva Hilde Murvold
Live Oftedal
Guro Wang Øverli (Gjøvik)
Medya Temelli Fenerci (Ålesund)

Clarion Hotel Trondheim
NTNU, Gjøvik Campus, auditorium K105
Campus Ålesund, Sundebygget, Smia
Opplev "Havboka" på Ocean Week:
Spilles i Atlanterhavsparken, Ålesund 28. april og 29. april.
Ocean Week på Gjøvik: Oppdrag Mjøsa på Mjøsmuseet
Åpent arrangement, 4. mai
Ocean Week on Svalbard: Making Use of Arctic Science
May 22-26, University Centre in Svalbard
Ocean Week on Svabard, open meeting: Sustainability and resource extraction on Svalbard
May 24, UNIS, Lassegrotta Large auditorium.
Program committee Ocean Week 2023
Trondheim: Alexandra Neyts, Kjell Olav Skjølsvik, Murat van Ardelan, Mathew K. Avarachen, Thomas Brandt, Jennifer Baumann, Martin Føre, Tore Aunaas (SINTEF Ocean), Beate Kvamstad-Lervold (SINTEF Ocean), Ute Brönner (SINTEF Ocean), Frode Halvorsen (Ocean Autonomy Cluster).
Gjøvik: Jørn Wroldsen, Eirik Selnæs Sivertsen
Ålesund: Hans Petter Hildre, Anne Seth
Svalbard: Arthur Mason, Dan Kammen (UC Berkeley)
Previous Ocean Weeks hosted by NTNU Oceans have received visits and contributions from leading scientists, artists, industry and business representatives, diplomats, politicians, activists, and even royals.
Take a look here on what we have done at previous Ocean Week Conferences.
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