Terms of use - Center for Advanced Microscopy (CAM)
Terms of use and user information
Center for Advanced Microscopy (CAM)
Terms of use and user information
The imaging facility offers services for both internal and external users who have accepted our terms of use and have been trained on the instruments they intend to use.
Terms of use
- Only authorized and properly trained users will have access to the labs and the instruments.
- All work at the imaging facility must be performed according to the health, safety and environmental (HSE) policy at NTNU.
- Training for a particular instrument is available by appointment only. Schedule for consultation and training with responsible personnel.
- The usage of the instruments will be charged by the hours booked, according to the price list. We will need the following information: your full name, email, account or project number.
- After training, users will be given access to the online booking system. The booking rules must be followed.
- Assistance with imaging or experiments is given as long as the user needs it. Contact responsible personnel to schedule an appointment.
- Instrument demonstrations, teaching and facility tours must be scheduled and approved by responsible personnel.
- Authorized users must notify responsible personnel when bringing students or visitors into the lab. Only authorized and trained users are allowed to operate the instrument!
- The imaging facility should be properly acknowledged in any presentation, poster, paper or publication resulting from work done using the instruments or other resources. Please use the sentence
“The imaging was performed at the Center for Advanced Microscopy, the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)”.
General rules
The following rules apply when using the instruments:
- NO FOOD OR BEVERAGES ARE ALLOWED in the room at any time!
- Preparation of the sample and disposal must take place in a proper preparatory lab, as described in your risk assessment documents.
- Turn instrument on and off as demonstrated during training and as described in the user manual. Do not turn on components you will not use.
- Operate the instrument as described in the user manual. If you are unsure of any procedure, contact responsible personnel.
- Do not use gloves when operating the instrument or the computer, or when touching furniture, drawers and door handles. This is due to the risk of contamination.
- The instrument is for data acquisition only! Do not use the acquisition computer to check email, surfing the internet, install software etc.
- Data cannot be stored on the local hard disk of the acquisition computer for a longer time.
- You are responsible for your own data, and we may delete files without warning (!) if space is required for experiments.
- Please either move your data (rather than copy) or delete the files after you have saved them elsewhere. You are allowed to store reference files for reloading settings. Remember to clearly label your folders on the acquisition computer.
- Scan your USB stick or external hard drive for viruses to make sure it is virus-free, before you introduce it into the acquisition computer!
- You can have access to the offline software and image processing software at the computer workstation in the “Hjørne-rom” B4-163.
- You are responsible for the instrument during the experiment and for disposing the sample in the proper container in your lab!
- Clean any oil or water objective you have used, according to instructions given during training. Use lens tissue!
- Leave the instrument and the room clean and ready for the next user.
- Always report problems, damages or accidents (for example spills) immediately to responsible personnel.
- Always fill in the logbook after use and record problems, damages or accidents.
- Any misuse of the facility will result in immediate prohibition.
During the training, you will have more information about the rules related to the specific instrument.
Booking rules
After the training, you will be an authorized user and you will be given a username and a password to access the online booking system.
The following booking rules apply:
- Booking of the instrument before use is mandatory.
- Please consider your schedule carefully and do not book excessive time!
- Reserve the instrument preferably for maximum 4 hours a day, before or after lunch. Time-lapse experiments exceeding 4 hours should, if possible, be scheduled after 16:00 or in the weekend.
- Start the session punctually.
- Access is restricted to authorized users only! Persons who are not registered or trained are not allowed to operate the instrument but may observe an experiment together with an authorized user.
- You are responsible for the instrument while booked and you have to be present during operation of the instrument.
- Cancel a reservation as early as possible, always earlier than 24 hours before your planned session.
- If you don’t show up as planned, you will be charged for the entire unused reservation.
- It is your responsibility to check whether the equipment has been left on for you! This might be the case if you are booked as the last user of the day.
- If you finish early, check the booking calendar and notify the next user.
- If someone is booked after you and you are sure this person will show up, leave the system on. Keep lasers in standby to prolong their lifetime. If you turn off the mercury or xenon lamp, write a note indicating the time you turned it off. All arc lamps must be kept on for 30 minutes and need to cool for 30 minutes before being reignited.
- If you are the last user of the day, switch off the system according to instructions given during training.
- When you reserve an instrument, you agree to abide by these rules.
- It is mandatory to fill in the logbook after use and to report problems, accidents etc.