

Boy with kite. Photo.

At the moment the Research School have NO grants left. The only activiy that will be funded this spring is PhD-Conference 24-27 April. 

Please contact the NRSGH Coordinator if you have any question.

Travel- and accommodation grant in Norway

Travel- and accommodation grants are available to all NRSGH members who participate in PhD courses in Norway outside of their home institution 

Normally, the travel grants cover travelling expenses and are limited to 3000 NOK for the roundtrip, including public transportation to/from the airport. Please not that private transportation and pr.diem (food and drinks) is not included.

You have to make the arrangement of hotel accommodation by yourself. Maximum rate pr night are 1200 NOK. 

In the award letter, all the details information will be described. NRSGH will reimburse your expenses after the event, according to the conditions specified in the award letter. You need to get the award letter BEFORE the course/workshop/conference start. No approval of grants will be given retrospectively.

Apply for NRSGH travel grant 

Travel reports from course in Norway

NRSGH International Training Grant

NRSGH offers individual travel grants of up to 10 000 NOK for participation in international courses, workshops, seminars, conferences and summer schools. The aim of these grants is to allow our members to benefit from international expertise and training opportunities, and to expand their international networks. Please note that the grant is only intended for training that cannot be achieved in Norway. Members who are applying for grants attending relevant International conferences, must have submitted and approved abstract.

The board of NRSGH will clarifies that the grant is for;

  • Travel from Norway and abroad to attend International conference with approved abstract, PhD-courses that are not given in Norway or research training in a collaboration University (visit research network)
  • Travel on the same continent to attend International conference with approved abstract. 
  • Course fee for international online courses will be supported with max 5000 Nok pr student.  

The call for international training grant is open throughout the year.

Applications should be submitted at least eight weeks before the international activity will start. Only complete applications, which fulfill the guidelines will be considered. The international training grant does not cover per diem expenses.You need to get the award letter BEFORE the congress, conference, workshop or course start. No approval of grants will be given retrospectively.

The NRSGH board recommends the following list of international courses: 

Apply for International Grants 

Reports from International Training Grant