For Supervisors

For Supervisors

Open Call for new PhD-course in Global health

Deadline is October 1 2019
Submit your proposal via e-mail to coordinator Elin Yli Dvergsdal

The main objective of the Research School is to build capacity in global health by a strong national team to meet the challenges within education and research, and addressing relevant global health challenges. Norwegian Research School of Global Health is continuously updating the course portfolio, and we aim to offer and support PhD-courses that fall within the research school and Globvac mission.

If you are currently coordinating or carrying an idea for a PhD course, workshop, or seminar within this broad interpretation of global health, you can now apply for support through our call for course proposals. The research school has a strong focus on being inclusive and transdisciplinary, and course proposals allowing for attendees from several disciplines will be particularly welcome.

What can you apply for?

  • Financial support for preparation and implementation, including invited international speakers.
  • Administrative assistance during planning and implementation of the course.

Travel- and accommodation grants for our members (PhD students) in order to travel to other cities to attend the course – will be covered by NRSGH. This should be calculated but kept as a separate post in the budget.

Guidelines and requirements for research school courses

The course should:

  • Fall within the broad interpretation of global health that is the research school and Globvac mission.
  • Be taught at PhD level, either completely or partly (can be combined with teaching at Master level)
  • Be available for attendees travelling from other regions of Norway. It should thus be offered as an intensive course, with one or a few meetings.
  • Include an exam or evaluation if supposed to qualify as an ECTS-giving course. This is voluntary for workshops and seminars.
  • Be available to English-speaking students.
  • Norwegian institution organizing in a Nordic country.
  • Max budget: 100 000 Nok.

Additional strength is:

  • If two or more Norwegian or Nordic intuitions are organizing the course.


The course proposal needs to include the following information

  1. Proposed course name
  2. Responsible researcher
  3. Email address
  4. Affiliation
  5. Institution
  6. Other researchers/teachers involved
  7. Plans for invited, international lecturers
  8. Location of the course; institution, city and country
  9. Suggested time (course start and -end)
  10. Short course description (max. two pages)
  11. Suggestion for course program/timetable (if possible)
  12. Attending students: prerequisites and target group
  13. Suggestion for number of ECTS and/or number of hours
  14. Minimum and maximal number of students.
  15. Tentative budget – travelling expenses for participants must be kept as a separate post
  16. Comments or additional information
  17. Look at the possibility to be a NorDoc-course (Nordic PhD-course)


Download proposal template

The call in Pdf format

Questions can be directed to
Elisabeth Darj, scientific director: , tel: 918 97 729 or
Elin Yli Dvergsdal, coordinator: , tel: 918 97 681

Please submit your proposal via e-mail to Elin Yli Dvergsdal before October 1, 2019