5 Extras - NoW
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5.2 Verbs 3 & 4
5.2 Verbs 3 & 4
Group 3 | |
Infinitive: | å greie to manage |
Present tense: | greier |
Past tense: | greide (= grei + de) |
Group 4 | |
Infinitive: | å bo to live |
Present tense: | bor |
Past tense: | bodde (= bo + dde) |
5.5 Facts about Trondheim
5.5 Facts about Trondheim
Fakta om Trondheim
Trondheim er Norges tredje største by. Den ligger i Midt-Norge. Olav Tryggvasson, en norsk vikingkonge, grunnla Trondheim i 997. Nidarosdomen er veldig viktig for byen. Tusenvis av pilegrimer har gjennom historien kommet til katedralen. Trondheim har ca. 185 000 innbyggere (2015), blant dem rundt 30 000 studenter.
The city of Trondheim is the third largest city in Norway. It is situated in the middle of the country. Olav Tryggvasson, a Norwegian Viking king, founded Trondheim in the year 997. The Nidaros Cathedral is very important to the city. Throughout the history, thousands of pilgrims have come to visit the cathedral. Trondheim has approximately 185.000 inhabitants (2015), among them about 30.000 students.
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