Program Wednesday 6 November

Program Wednesday 6 November

08:00 - 09:00
Location: Mingling area
09:00 - 10:15
Location: Cosmos 2

09:00 Opening address
Inger Andresen
Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)

09:30 Keynote: The development and management of carbon neutral buildings: Challenges and Opportunities
Anna Denell
Sustainability Director of Vasakronan, Sweden

10:15 - 10:45
10:45 - 12:00
Parallel Sessions
S1: Lessons learnt from design and use of ZEB+
Location: Cosmos 2
Chair: A.G. Hestnes
10:45 Powerhouse Brattørkaia: The northernmost Plus Energy office building in the world
Bjørn Jenssen, Skanska Norway
11:00 Powerhouse Telemark: A plus energy building with a low exergy heating and cooling system
Christofer Tapper, Skanska Norway
11:15 The first ‘NollCO2’ building in Sweden
Alexander Landborn, LINK Arkitektur
11:30 New town hall in Freiburg (D): concept, performance, and energy balance after the first year of monitoring of a large net plus-energy building
Nicolas Réhault, Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems
S2: Policy and business models
Location: Cosmos 1
Chair: A.K. Kvellheim
10:45 Zero energy at the neighbourhood scale: Regulatory challenges regarding billing practices in Norway
Magnus Askeland, SINTEF Energy Research AS
11:00 Influence of emerging technologies deployment in residential built stock on electric energy cost and grid load
Ruslan Zhuravchak, NTNU
11:15 Towards low carbon economy - green bond and asset development
Anssi Koski, University Properties of Finland
11:30 Business models for nZEB renovation of small wooden buildings
Ann Kristin Kvellheim, SINTEF Community
S3: Indoor Environment
Location: Cosmos 3A
Chair: H.M. Mathisen
10:45 Energy and indoor climate measurements in Denmark’s first energy neutral block of flats
Kim B. Wittchen, Aalborg University
11:00 Users’ satisfaction of indoor environmental quality conditions in ZEB+ at high latitudes
Claudia Moscoso, NTNU
11:15 Overheating and daylighting evaluation for free-running classroom designs
Martin Kiil, Tallinn University of Technology
11:30 Activity Based Working Environment – Towards Sustainable Space Use
Suvi Nenonen, Aalto University Campus & Real Estate
S4: Scenarios and potential studies
Location: Cosmos 3C
Chair: R. Holopainen
10:45 Opportunities for Local Energy Supply in Norway: A Case Study of a University Campus Site
Stian Backe, NTNU
11:00 Future energy pathways for a university campus considering possibilities for energy efficiency improvements
Natasa Nord, NTNU
11:15 Estimating the aggregated energy savings from large-scale introduction of zero emission buildings in the Norwegian Building Stock
Nina Holck Sandberg, NTNU
11:30 Use of GIS for energy modelling of Trondheims building stock
Raquel Alonso Pedrero, NTNU
12:00 - 14:00
Lunch and excursion
14:00 - 15:00
Parallel Sessions
S5: Lessons learnt from design and use of ZEB+
Location: Cosmos 2
Chair: T.H. Dokka
14:00 Kilden Barnehage
Ingunn Jensen, LINK Arkitektur
14:15 OBOS climate neutral “Start learning” kindergarten. An assessment of greenhouse gas emissions
Andreas Eggertsen Teder, White Arkitekter
14:30 Hoppet - the first fossil free preschool
Maria Perzon, Bengt Dahlgren AB
14:45 Lia Kindergarten – A plus energy building: First year experience with regard to energy use
Tor Helge Dokka, Skanska Norway
S6: LCA and carbon footprint
Location: Cosmos 1
Chair: H. Birgisdottir
14:00 Assessing building’s absolute environmental sustainability performance using LCA focusing on climate changes impacts
Camilla Andersen, Danish Building Research Institute, Aalborg University
14:15 Life cycle assessment for Zero Emission Buildings – A chronology of the development of a visual, dynamic and integrated approach
Aoife H. Wiberg, NTNU
14:30 Combination of Dynamic Material Flow and Life Cycle Analysis to assess Zero Emission Neighbourhoods
Carine Lausselet, NTNU
14:45 A parametric study of the energy performance and carbon footprint of super-insulation in terrace constructions
Christofer Skaar, SINTEF Community
S7: Energy Flexibility
Location: Cosmos 3A
Chair: I. Sartori
14:00 Keynote: Energy flexibility in buildings – what is the potential and how can it be realized?
Igor Sartori, SINTEF Community
14:15 The FlexNett Simulator
Bernt Bremdal, University of Tromsø
14:30 Energy Flexibility for an Institutional Building with Integrated Solar System: Case Study Analysis
Fatima Amara, Concordia University
14:45 Analysing electricity demand in neighbourhoods with electricity generation from solar power systems: A case study of a large housing cooperative in Norway
Karen B. Lindberg, SINTEF Community
S8: Energy and environment performance simulation
Location: Cosmos 3C
Chair: V. Novakovic
14:00 Simulation vs Measurements – a comparison of calculated and empirical energy data for the Norwegian building Stock
Nina Holck Sandberg, NTNU
14:15 Energy performance evaluation of a nearly Zero Energy Building and the reasons for the performance gap between expected and actual building operation
Hicham Johra, Aalborg University
14:30 Microclimate analysis of a university campus in Norway
Johannes Brozovsky, NTNU
14:45 Performance Evaluation of Low Temperature Heating and High Temperature Cooling Systems in Mediterranean Climate
Henrikki Pieskä, KTH
15:00 - 15:30
15:30 - 16:30
Parallel Sessions
S9: Lessons learnt from design and use of ZEB+
Location: Cosmos 2
Chair: T. Kleiven
15:30 Horten videregående skole
Grethe Brox-Nilsen, LINK Arkitektur
15:45 Horten VGS – Et foregangsbygg innen helhetlig miljøprosjektering
Arnkell Petersen, Erichsen & Horgen AS
16:00 Heimdal videregående skole. Virkelig drift: Hva er beregnet. Hva måler vi?
Tore Wigenstad, Skanska Norge
16:15 Heimdal videregående skole. Dokumentasjon av ZEB-O
Tore Wigenstad, Skanska Norge
S10: LCA and carbon footprint
Location: Cosmos 1
Chair: H. Brattebø
15:30 Life cycle study of an office building with site specific data
Peter Ylmén, RISE
15:45 LCA for Zero-Emission Neighbourhood: Ydalir, a Norwegian case study
Kristi Marie Lund, NTNU
16:00 OmrådeLCA, assessment of area development: Case study of the Zero-Emission Neighbourhood Ydalir
Vidar Yttersian, NTNU / Asplan Viak
16:15 Comparison of different measures for reducing the carbon footprint of the building sector – a rental house case study
Riikka Holopainen, Ecolabelling Finland
S11: Energy Flexibility
Location: Cosmos 3A
Chair: L. Georges
15:30 Using residential buildings to manage flexibility in the district heating network: perspectives and future visions from sector professionals
Kirsten Gram-Hanssen, Aalborg University
15:45 User Engagement With Smart Home Technology For Enabling Building Energy Flexibility in a District Heating System
Simon P. A. Kondrup Larsen, Aalborg University
16:00 Local energy markets as a solution for increased energy efficiency and flexibility
Bernt Bremdal, University of Tromsø
16:15 Validation of a Flexibility Assessment Methodology for Demand Response in Buildings
Sarah O'Connell, National University of Ireland, Galway
S12: Methods and tools for performance prediction
Location: Cosmos 3C
Chair: M. Haase
15:30 Exploring the tools and methods to evaluate influence of social groups on individual occupant behavior with impact on energy use
Masab K. Annaqeeb, NTNU
15:45 Process of Energy Master Planning of Resilient Communities for comfort and energy solutions in districts
Matthias Haase, SINTEF Community
16:00 SIMIEN 7.0 – A revised software package suited for design of plus energy and low emission buildings
Tor Helge Dokka, Programbyggerne
16:15 Development of LCAbyg for the Danish building sector – drivers for the development and application of the tool
Harpa Birgisdottir, Aalborg University
16:30 - 17:00
17:00 - 17:45
Location: Cosmos 2

Keynote: Is Heaven a Place on Earth?
Kjetil Thorsen
Partner of Snøhetta, Norway

Conference dinner

Time and place RSB

Time & place
1st Nordic ZEB+
6 - 7 November 2019
(Post-conference Excursions 8 November)
Clarion Hotel Trondheim
Brattørkaia 1, 7010 Trondheim, Norway
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