
Work Package 2


Illustration FundationsThis work package seeks to identify and address gaps in the state-of-the-art in securing cyber-physical systems and systems in critical sectors through the modeling of services and dependencies, enhanced understanding of advanced attacks, and both challenges as well as opportunities presented by dynamic cyber-physical environments from industrial systems and critical sectors relying not only on technological aspects but also ensuring that human aspects are given due consideration.
Tasks for the first 48 months of the center have been planned; these are listed below. These may be extended in time and/or new tasks will be established according to the input received from WP1, WP3, and WP4.

Tasks within Work Package 2

Tasks within Work Package 2

Graph models for understanding dependencies and interdependencies as well as flows of resources in critical infrastructures have been studied quite extensively and have recently gained new interest in the study of supply chains. However, modern infrastructure networks are rarely static, but rather will experience changes in their topology and, moreover, may not be completely known. This renders insights based on static models largely obsolete or wrong. The ability to obtain dependency insights dynamically also for large networks would allow targeted responses and resilience mechanisms and would be widely applicable.


  • Study and develop graph models as well as algorithms on graphs commonly employed for determining dependencies and flows as well as graph metrics and how such models and algorithms can be employed and be made more efficient in graphs with constraints on subgraphs.
  • The above models and algorithms are to be investigated for the ability to preseve partial results or obtain efficient update mechanisms where graphs are changed locally.


Task Leader T2.1, Stephen Wolthussen ;

Tesfaye Zerihun SINTEF Energi;

Ph.D, Yana Bilous 

Partners involved:

  • NTNU
  • SINTEF Energi
  • SINTEF Digital
  • Elvia (Hafslund)

Cyber-physical systems (CPS), particularly industrial control systems (ICS) at present do not have mature monitoring and intrusion detection systems in place that would provide adequate assurance of the absence of subversion attacks. Attackers may, however, seek to compromise multiple devices and entities in industrial control systems ranging from human machine interface (HMI) workstations to programmable logic controllers (PLCs), and then to co-ordinate attacks consisting of individually difficult to detect steps, or to provide other advantages such as enhanced persistence and ability to compromise anew after configuration changes as well as complex communication architectures for command and control serving to obfuscate


  • Develop a model for required and desired behaviour of cyber-physical systems and manifestations in state variables or explicit measurements with emphasis on synchronisation primitives in CPS based on process algebraic constructs.
  • Develop a model of distributed, co-operating and concurrent adversaries within the framework of the model developed under (1) emphasising the communication and co-operation requirements among the adversary’s activities.
  • Validation of models developed in (1) and (2) in the context of at least one case study. Where possible this is to occur in conjunction with T2.3.


Task Leader T2.2, Stephen Wolthussen.

Postdoctoral researcher, James Wright.

Partners involved:

  • NTNU
  • SINTEF Energi
  • SINTEF Manufacturing
  • Yara.

It is important to look at the human side of security when doing digital transformation. The task will be the foundation for more research later in the SFI. Will try to contribute to the following potential innovation: better understanding of fast learning with the use of laboratories, catapult centers and learning factories to real life problems. Making the Cyber Security activities integrated part of the ordinary value creating activities. Move away from a single focus of human as a liability.

• Cyber Security – a natural part of continuous improvement in value creating activities.

• Cyber Security – support competitive advantages – a new capability.

• Cyber Security – as tool for the workforce and teams. • Put Cyber Security into the successful Nordic Collaborative Model


  • Investigate methodologies for conducting high quality research in modern laboratories.
  • Enhance double loop learning and reflection processes when using labs through action research.
  • Investigate how to organize for better cyber-security when totally new skills and processes dominate the work.
  • Show how cyber-security can help accelerating innovation processes.
  • Find possible correlations between cognitive reflection levels and security awareness levels at individuals, that is, weaknesses and vulnerabilities of employees when attacks occur.
  • Learn from other ongoing projects, like Serious games – FAbL project for effective usage of VR/AR in learning organization; SFI Manufacturing – digital tools enhance productivity, quality and sustainability; Hydro – Incredible productivity.


Task Leader T2.4, Halvor Holtskog

Godfrey Mugurusi NTNU;

Christina Marie Mitcheltree SINTEF Manufacturing

Ph.D, Julie Langedahl Leirmo

Partners involved:

  • NTNU
  • Hydro Primary Metal
  • SINTEF Manufacturing
  • Sykehuset Innlandet
  • Kongsberg Group

Digital twins have evolved from passive monitoring and state estimation systems to integrated sociotechnical mechanisms that are essential for strategic modeling and planning, as well as operational real-time monitoring and control of cyber-physical systems. For these functionalities to be supported, it is important for the digital twins to retain fidelity and synchronization with the production systems they are linked to. Furthermore, digital twins have the potential to support functions related to incident detection, response and recovery. To make this feasible, the integration of necessary capabilities into the system development lifecycle is essential.


This activity will closely coordinate with T2.2 (Modeling distributed subversion attacks in cyber physical systems), T2.3 (Digital Twin Security Models and Mechanisms), and T3.3 (Cyber Physical Range). The task will contribute to:

  • Modeling static and dynamic semantics of cyber physical systems in digital twins to support cyber-attack diagnostics.
  • Recognizing and qualifying cyber-attacks to understand their potential consequences for a Cyber Physical System (CPS).
  • Conducting efficient and targeted incident management decision support.


Task Leader T2.7, Vasileios Gkioulos;

Ph.D, Konstantinos Kampourakis

Partners involved:

  • NTNU
  • SINTEF Energi
  • Norsk Hydro
  • NC- Spectrum
  • Sykehuset Innlandet
  • Siemens
  • Elvia AS
  • Kongsberg Gruppen
  • Equinor AS

Modern control systems rely on being at least partially predictive while digital twins also must maintain a state model of the targeted cyber-physical system. In addition to other threats, any adversary able to interfere with communication channels may disrupt or break processes in a number of ways, not least of which through simple and difficult-to-defend denial of service type attacks also from within an OT environment. In many industrial environments, even a relatively short disruption of a process can result in severe quality degradation, time-consuming re-start and re-calibration requirements, or other damage and financial impact, making it highly interesting to determine whether direct denial of service or the triggering of a safety system will actually result in harm and thereby meet an adversary’s objectives.

The proposed project will, based on work undertaken in Task 2.2 and drawing also on results from Task 2.3, develop algebraic methods to determine whether and to what extent protocol-mediated interactions in cyber-physical systems are susceptible to breaches of security, safety, and liveness guarantees.

To this end the project will develop a mapping of selected semantics found in manufacturing automation protocols as well as the semantics of composition for sequences and event-based composition. This will allow the investigation of (partial) automation of the identification of possible vulnerabilities as well as efficient means of mitigating these.

This will enable a more evidence-based approach to determining risk as required by IEC 62443-3-2 and aspects of the Directive (EU) 2022/2555 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 14 December 2022 on measures for a high common level of cybersecurity across the Union, amending Regulation (EU) No 910/2014 and Directive (EU) 2018/1972, and repealing Directive (EU) 2016/1148 (NIS2 Directive)


  • Define formal and operational semantics for security, safety, and liveness (SSL) properties in a - calculus variant based on results of Task 2.2.
  • Develop a mapping of the semantic elements onto selected field bus protocols (PROFINET, IEC 61158 with real-time and security extensions specified in IEC 61874 and functional safety properties specified in IEC 61508) as well as general process automation in IEC 61850 with security extensions as specified in IEC 62351.
  • Investigate selected attacks originating from within OT components or communication channels on OT systems to determine whether such attacks may breach one or more of the SSL properties.
  • Investigate mechanisms to (partially) automate mechanisms for proof of SSL property maintenance or their breach in a given configuration.


Task Leader T2.8, Stephen Wolthusen

Partners involved:

  • NTNU
  • Norsk Hydro
  • Yara

Digital twins have evolved from passive monitoring and state estimation systems to integrated sociotechnical mechanisms that are essential for strategic modelling and planning, as well as operational real-time monitoring and control of cyber-physical systems. In order to support these functionalities, the operation of digital twins relies heavily on maintaining fidelity and synchronisation with the production systems to which they are targeted. This is particularly important in safety-critical systems, from power station generators to manufacturing systems or production facilities in the oil and gas industry, and healthcare.


Task T2.9 focuses on the development of digital twin mechanisms aimed at optimizing the vulnerability management process within industrial control systems (ICS). The task will prioritize the creation of suitable models that enable real-time analysis and decision-making. Particular emphasis will be placed on patch management, with the goal of establishing specific criteria, processes, and algorithms to guide the prioritization and execution of patches. These algorithms will leverage the digital twin to simulate different patching scenarios, assess potential impacts, and optimize patching schedules to minimize disruptions while enhancing security. This task will provide a framework for using digital twins to improve both the safety and efficiency of the patch management process. To develop and analyze digital twin methodologies and extend collaboration with private and public sectors within NORCICS and beyond to enhance cybersecurity in healthcare and build a foundation for use case related to digital twins for healthcare. The results of this task will be fed to T3.14.



Task Leader T2.9, Vasileios Gkioulos;

Stephen Wolthusen NTNU;

Habtamu Abie NR;

Sandeep Pirbhulal NR;

Ph.D, Jessica Heluany  NTNU.


Partners involved:

  • NTNU
  • SINTEF Energi
  • NR
  • Norsk Hydro
  • NC- Spectrum
  • Sykehuset Innlandet
  • Elvia


Digital twins have evolved from passive monitoring and state estimation systems to integrated sociotechnical mechanisms that are essential for strategic modeling and planning, as well as operational real-time monitoring and control of cyber-physical systems. In order to support these functionalities, the operation of digital twins relies heavily on maintaining fidelity and synchronization with the production systems to which they are targeted. This is particularly important in safety-critical systems, from power station generators to manufacturing systems or production facilities in the oil and gas industry.


This activity will closely coordinate with T2.2 (Modeling distributed subversion attacks in cyber physical systems), T2.9 (Digital Twin Security Models and Mechanisms), and T3.3 (Cyber Physical Range). The task will contribute to:

  • Modeling static and dynamic semantics of cyber physical systems in digital twins to support cyber attack
  • Recognizing and qualifying cyber-attacks to understand their potential consequences for a Cyber
    Physical System (CPS).
  • Conducting efficient and targeted incident management decision support.



Task Leader T2.10, Vasileios Gkioulos;

Ph.D, Gizem Erceylan  NTNU

Every year all employees using ICT in their job at Hydro take part in learning programs that include security training, in most cases e-learning programs. All employees, and not only security personnel have to respond to incidents and make decisions related to safety and security. A high level of awareness and a very good understanding of threats and incidents that can happen, is vital for the company. Education and training are necessary, but it is not easy to motive all employees to take e-learning courses seriously. Hydro has started to use e-learning programs with gamified simulation training with a platform developed by the company Attensi. There is a need for research that can document and study the effects of the training, when to use different training modules etc.

In this task, we will use an interactive assessment approach that includes experiments and tests and evaluations in iterations. The e-learning software tool is provided by Attensi, the content and provided by Hydro, NR with the test-methods, measurements, and data-analysis.



The objective to study the security awareness of employees that take part in the e-learning training. The overall research question concerns weaknesses and vulnerabilities of employees, and how to develop better skills and maintain these skills. The objective is to contribute to the educational program, how it can be improved, and study the effects based on real cases/scenarios.



Task Leader T2.11, Ingvar Tjøstheim NR;

Svetlana Boudko NR

Pål Aune Skretting Hydro