About us

About us

The National Center for Manufacturing Research was formally opened on May 4, 2017.

MANULAB - Kick-start for the center´s activity

The Research Council awarded a grant of NOK 100 million to MANULAB - a new infrastructure for research on product manufacturing. The new research infrastructure is in addition to Gjøvik, located in Oslo, Trondheim and Ålesund. The Faculty of Engineering at the Department of Product Production and Construction Technology will be the focus of that effort. There will be equipment in all four places, but these should be linked together to work as a common virtual lab. It will be done with cameras, sensors and the Internet of Things-functionality.

Read the press release in Oppland Arbeiderblad when the Research Council's decision became known:


Next phase:

The next phase consists in adding a project manager whose priority tasks will be to

  • Establish the formal agreement basis for member organizations, and establish a model for organization and working methods
  • Associate members through direct contact, workshops and work meetings
  • Materialize the recommendations made in the workshop at the opening of the center.