


RAMSES is a European Integrated Project, co-financed by the European Commission in the 7th Framework Programme in the call „ENV.2012.6.1-3 Strategies, costs and impacts of adaptation to climate change“. It has started on 1 October 2012 and will run until 30 September 2017. The final conference (https://web.archive.org/web/20190910091127/http://ccc.ramses-cities.eu/) will explore the latest advances in research and practice addressing climate change in cities, including issues of infrastructure, planning, governance, economics of adaptation, risk management, and their possible trade-offs and synergies with mitigation and sustainability objectives.

NTNU is leading work package 2 "Taxonomy of architecture and infrastructure indicators" and is the only Norwegian participant.

From NTNU, Annemie Wyckmans (Vice Dean of Research Department of Architecture and Planning) is coordinator, with contributions from professor Rolf André Bohne, postdoctoral researchers Gabriele Lobaccaro and James Kallaos, and PhD researcher Fernanda Acre Pacheco. Administrative Coordinator for the project is Brit Gullvåg.

More information can be found from the official RAMSES page