


null Congratulations Dr. Ånes!

January 25th, 2024

Dr. Håkon Wiik Ånes successfully defended his thesis January 25th 2024. Håkon has done his PhD work in the physical metallurgy group at Department of Materials Science and Engineering, in a project associated to SFI PhysMet. The topic of Håkon’s presentation at the trial lecture was “Correlated multiscale 3-dimensional structure analysis with X-rays and electrons”. The trial lecture was followed by an excellent presentation of his PhD thesis “Effects of second-phase particles on texture during softening of an Al-Mn alloy investigated by correlative microscopy”.

Dr Ånes with supervisors and sensors
Dr. Ånes with supervisors and assessment committee. Photo: Gabriela Warden.

Professor Knut Marthinsen has been the candidate’s supervisor and Professor Antonius Theodorus Johannes van Helvoort, Department of Physics, has been the candidate’s co-supervisor.

The main result in Håkon’s work is a quantitative study of surprising textures during the softening of a supersaturated aluminium-manganese alloy affected by simultaneous precipitation of dispersoids. The nucleation and growth advantages of the dominant texture components in the presence of particles are quantified. This study confirms earlier observations of orientation-dependent pinning by dispersoids but brings the analysis on a quantitative footing. Importantly, we present dispersoid pinning pressures as a function of texture component. A summary of Håkon Ånes doctoral work is available here.

The assessment committee has been:

  • Professor Nathalie Bozzolo, Centre de Mise en Forme des Matériaux, France
  • Dr. Carol Trager-Cowan, University of Strathclyde, UK
  • Professor Ragnvald Mathiesen, Department of Physics, NTNU, Norway

Håkon has now started as a scientist at Xnovo Technology in Denmark.  We wish him good luck with his future endeavors!

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