Geological Survey of Norway

Teledyne - Photon Machines Analyte Excite 193 nm excimer laser coupled to a Nu Plasma 3 MC-ICP-MS, an Agilent "triple - quadrupole" (QqQ)-ICP-MS, or both mass spectrometers simultaneously in the laser-ablation split
-stream (LA-SS) configuration. This system can simultaneously measure a wide range of elemental and isotopic systems in mineral and other materials.
Senior engineer, NGU
Magdalena Huyskens
E-mail: magdalena.huyskens@ngu.no
Field of use
- Trace element and isotopic analysis and mapping of rock-forming, ore, and accessory minerals, and other materials
- Simultaneous U-Pb, trace element, and isotopic (e.g., Lu-Hf, Sm-Nd) analysis of minerals
Complementary equipment at NGU
- LA-HR-ICP-MS for isotope and elemental analyses in minerals and fused materials
- SEM with quantitative capabilities
- Noble gas isotope laboratory ICP-AES, XRF and XRD
- A diverse range of instruments for dedicated chemical, mineral and mechanical characterizatio