NTNU Department of Geoscience and Petroleum
Electron Probe Micro Analyzer (EPMA)
The JEOL JXF-8530F PLUS is a field emission (FE) microprobe equipped with 5 wavelength (WDS)- + 1energy (EDS) dispersive spectrometers; panchromatic CL detector. The microprobe does low ppm element analyses on µm scale spatial resolution.
EPMA field of use
- In-situ none destructive chemical analyses of solid samples
- Quantitative analyses to ppm level
- Element mapping (zonations etc)
- Spatial resolution to µm level
- Rapid analyses of minerals, rocks, others solid materials
Complementary laboratories near by:
- IGP Mineral processing lab
- NTNU Paleo- and Rock Magnetic laboratory
- IGP Chemical- mineralogical lab: XRF; XRD;
- ICP-MS Automated mineralogy system
- Advanced optical microscopy lab: Fluid inclusion system; Heating stage;