Master of Science in Medical Imaging Technologies (MMEDBT)
Medical Imaging Technologies
Medical Imaging Technologies
The Master of Science in Medical Imaging Technologies at NTNU in Trondheim is offered as a 4- year part-time programme of study.
More information about the MSc in Medical Imaging Technologies is available on our Norwegian webpage.
About Medical Imaging Technologies
Would you like to work in research and development of Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) or ultrasound?
The MSc in Medical Imaging Technologies focuses on the physics behind the formation of medical images. It is a part-time study over two years. Teaching is mainly web-based, with on-campus lectures over a few days each semester. This makes it possible to follow the study while working.
The application deadline for the programme is 1 March for applicants with an international degree, and 15 April for applicants with a degree from a Norwegian or Nordic university. Students apply through NTNU søknadsweb.
15 students will be admitted to specialization in MRI, and 5 students to ultrasound.
Career Prospects
Through the MSc in Medical Imaging Technologies you will learn to plan and complete a research project, and you will be qualified for work in research and development in medical imaging technologies in both private and public sector.
Programme Components
The master's programme comprises two separate specializations in MRI and ultrasound. You can choose between cardiac or vascular ultrasound. Some courses are joint for MRI and ultrasound, while others are specific for each specialization. The final part of the master's programme is the master's thesis work.
Study Environment
The MSc in Medical Imaging Technologies is in large a web-based study programme, and digital tools are thus critical for establishing a good student environment.
Contact our student advisor if you have any questions about the MSc in medical imaging technologies.
- Studieprogramkode: MMEDBT
- Studienivå: Master
- Varighet: Deltid
- Studiepoeng: 120
- Ansvarlig: Institutt for sirkulasjon og bildediagnostikk
- Søknadsfrist: 15. april
- Language of instruction: Norwegian
- Studiested: Trondheim