Joint publications 2013 - 2019

Joint publications 2013 - 2019


  • Yoshiba, K.;  Saheki, T.;  Christensen, B. E.; Dobashi, T., Conformation and cooperative order-disorder transition in aqueous solutions of b-1,3-D-glucan with different degree of branching varied by the Smith degradation. Biopolymers 2019, 110 (9), e23315.
  • Madland, E.;  Kitaoku, Y.;  Saetrom, G. I.;  Leth, M. L.;  Ejby, M.;  Abou Hachem, M.; Aachmann, F. L., H-1, C-13 and N-15 backbone and side-chain assignment of a carbohydrate binding module from a xylanase from Roseburia intestinalis. Biomolecular Nmr Assignments 2019, 13 (1), 55-58.
  • Yartys, V. A.;  Lototskyy, M. V.;  Akiba, E.; Albert, R.;  Antonov, V. E.;  Ares, J. R.; Baricco, M.;  Bourgeois, N.;  Buckley, C. E.;  von Colbe, J. M. B.;  Crivello, J. C.;  Cuevas, F.; Denys, R. V.;  Dornheim, M.;  Felderhoff, M.;  Grant, D. M.; Hauback, B. C.;  Humphries, T. D.;  Jacob, I.;  Jensen, T. R.;  de Jongh, P. E.;  Joubert, J. M.;  Kuzovnikov, M. A.;  Latroche, M.; Paskevicius, M.;  Pasquini, L.;  Popilevsky, L.;  Skripnyuk, V. M.;  Rabkin, E.; Sofianos, M. V.;  Stuart, A.;  Walker, G.; Wang, H.;  Webb, C. J.; Zhu, M., Magnesium based materials for hydrogen based energy storage: Past, present and future. Int J Hydrogen Energ 2019,44(15), 7809-7859.
  • Yamamoto, K.;  Yuguchi, Y.;  Stokke, B. T.;  Sikorski, P.; Bassett, D. C., Local Structure of Ca2+ Alginate Hydrogels Gelled via Competitive Ligand Exchange and Measured by Small Angle X-Ray Scattering. Gels-Basel 2019,5(1).
  • Latroche, M.;  Blanchard, D.;  Cuevas, F.; El Kharbachi, A.;  Hauback, B. C.;  Jensen, T. R.;  de Jongh, P. E.;  Kim, S.; Nazer, N. S.;  Ngene, P.;  Orimo, S.; Ravnsbaek, D. B.; Yartys, V. A., Full-cell hydride-based solid-state Li batteries for energy storage. Int J Hydrogen Energ 2019,44(15), 7875-7887.


  • Yoshiba, K.; Dobashi, T.;  Ulset, A. S. T.; Christensen, B. E., Cooperative Order-Disorder Transition of Carboxylated Schizophyllan in Water-Dimethylsulfoxide Mixtures. J Phys Chem B 2018,122(25), 6551-6558.
  • Sazinas, R.;  Sakaguchi, I.;  Einarsrud, M. A.; Grande, T., Zr-96 Tracer Diffusion in AZrO(3) (A = Ca, Sr, Ba). Inorganics 2018,6(1).
  • Sažinas, R.;  Sakaguchi, I.;  Einarsrud, M.-A.; Grande, T., 96Zr tracer diffusion in polycrystalline AZrO3 (A = Ca, Sr, Ba). Inorganics 2018,6, 14.
  • Sato, T.;  Takagi, S.;  Sorby, M. H.; Deledda, S.;  Hauback, B. C.; Orimo, S., Crystal Structural Determination of SrAlD5 with Corner-Sharing AlD6 Octahedron Chains by X-ray and Neutron Diffraction. Crystals 2018,8(2).
  • Haarberg, G. M., Challenges for electrochemical research in molten salts and ionic liquids (Editorial). Electrochemistry (Japan) 2018,86, 19.
  • El Kharbachi, A.;  Uesato, H.;  Kawai, H.; Wenner, S.;  Miyaoka, H.;  Sorby, M. H.; Fjellvag, H.;  Ichikawa, T.; Hauback, B. C., MgH2-CoO: a conversion-type composite electrode for LiBH4-based all-solid-state lithium ion batteries. Rsc Adv 2018,8(41), 23468-23474.
  • El Kharbachi, A.;  Hu, Y.;  Yoshida, K.; Vajeeston, P.;  Kim, S.;  Sorby, M. H.; Orimo, S.;  Fjellvag, H.; Hauback, B. C., Lithium ionic conduction in composites of Li(BH4)(0.75)I-0.25 and amorphous 0.75Li(2)S center dot 0.25P(2)S(5) for battery applications. Electrochim Acta 2018,278, 332-339.
  • Bernuy-Lopez, C.;  Rioja-Monllor, L.;  Nakamura, T.; Ricote, S.;  O'Hayre, R.;  Amezawa, K.; Einarsrud, M. A.; Grande, T., Effect of Cation Ordering on the Performance and Chemical Stability of Layered Double Perovskite Cathodes. Materials 2018,11(2).
  • Kitaoku, Y.;  Courtade, G.;  Petrovic, D. M.;  Fukamizo, T.;  Eijsink, V. G. H.; Aachmann, F. L., Resonance assignments for the apo-form of the cellulose-active lytic polysaccharide monooxygenase TaLPMO9A. Biomolecular Nmr Assignments 2018, 12 (2), 357-361.


  • Yoshiba, K.;  Okamoto, S.;  Dobashi, T.;  Oku, H.;  Christensen, B. E.; Sato, T., Effects of carboxylation of the side chains on the order-disorder transition in aqueous solution of schizophyllan, a triple helical polysaccharide. Carbohyd Polym 2017, 168, 79-85.
  • Yamasaki, H.; Yamaguchi, H.;  Hattori, K.; Nekså, P., Experimental observation of CO2 dry-ice behavior in an evaporator/sublimator. Energy Procedia 2017, 143, 375-380.
  • Xu, W.;  Haarberg, G. M.;  Sunde, S.;  Seland, F.;  Ratvik, A. P.;  Zimmerman, E.;  Shimamune, T.;  Gustavsson, J.; Åkre, T., Calcination temperature dependent catalytic activity and stability of IrO2 – Ta2O5 anodes for oxygen evolution reaction in aqueous sulfate electrolytes. J. Electrochem. Soc. 2017, 164, F895-F900.
  • Takemasa, M.;  Round, A. N.;  Sletmoen, M.; Stokke, B. T., Bridging the gap between single molecule unbinding properties and macromolecular rheology. In Soft and Biological Matter, Kaneda, I., Ed. Springer Verlag: 2017; pp 3-37.
  • Sazinas, R.;  Sakaguchi, I.;  Hasle, I.;  Polfus, J. M.;  Haugsrud, R.;  Einarsrud, M. A.; Grande, T., Tracer diffusion of Zr-96 and Ba-134 in polycrystalline BaZrO3. Phys Chem Chem Phys 2017, 19 (32), 21878-21886.
  • Sazinas, R.;  Sakaguchi, I.;  Einarsrud, M. A.; Grande, T., Ba-134 diffusion in polycrystalline BaMO3 (M = Ti, Zr, Ce). Aip Adv 2017, 7 (11).
  • Sato, T.;  Ikeda, K.;  Matsu, M.;  Miwa, K.;  Otomo, T.;  Deledda, S.;  Hauback, B. C.;  Li, G. Q.;  Takagi, S.; Orimo, S., In-situ powder neutron diffraction study on the formation process of LaMg2NiH7. Int J Hydrogen Energ 2017, 42 (35), 22449-22453.
  • Morishige, T.;  Haarberg, G. M.;  Gudbrandsen, H.;  Skybakmoen, E.;  Solheim, A.; Takenaka, T., Effect of Composition and Temperature on Current Efficiency for Aluminium Electrolysis from Cryolite-Based Molten Alumina Electrolytes. Ecs Transactions 2017, 77, 997-1002.
  • Lie, J. A.;  He, X.;  Kumakiri, I.;  Kita, H.; Hagg, M.-B., Carbon-based membranes. IET Digital Library: 2017.
  • Haarberg, G. M., Electrochemical Behaviour of Dissolved Titanium Oxides during Aluminium Deposition from Molten Fluoride Electrolytes. Mater Trans 2017, 58 (3), 406-409.


  • Takemasa, M., Round, A. N., Sletmoen, M., & Stokke, B. T. (Eds.). (2016). Bridging the gap between single molecule unbinding properties and macromolecular rheology. Springer Verlag.
  • Sato, T., Takagi, S., Deledda, S., Hauback, B. C., & Orimo, S. (2016). Extending the applicability of the Goldschmidt tolerance factor to arbitrary ionic compounds. Scientific Reports, 6.
  • Okabe, T. H.;  Kuzmina, O.;  Slattery, J. M.;  Jiang, C. R.;  Sudmeier, T.;  Yu, L. P.;  Wang, H.;  Xiao, W.;  Xu, L.;  Yue, X. L.;  Kong, Y. Y.;  Doherty, A.;  Haarberg, G. M.;  Jiao, S. Q.;  Xu, Q.;  Zhu, H. M.;  Wang, D. H.;  Madden, P.;  Cooper, D.;  McGregor, K.;  Wei, C. H.;  Hu, B. J.;  Mount, A.;  Irvine, J.;  Kamali, A.;  Khalaghi, B.;  Jin, X. B.;  Liu, Y. J.;  Chen, G. Z.;  Zou, X. L.;  Chen, G.;  Liu, Y.;  Eshtaya, M.;  Fray, D.; Yuan, Y. T., Benefits to energy efficiency and environmental impact: general discussion. Faraday Discuss 2016, 190, 161-204.
  • Miwa, K., Sato, T., Matsuo, M., Ikeda, K., Otomo, T., Deledda, S., Hauback, B. C., Li, G. Q., Takagi, S., & Orimo, S. (2016). Metallic Intermediate Hydride Phase of LaMg2Ni with Ni-H Covalent Bonding: Precursor State for Complex Hydride Formation. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 120(11), 5926-5931.
  • Kim, J. H., & Benelmekki, M. (2016). Interfacial Transformation of an Amorphous Carbon Nanofilm upon Fe@Ag@Si Nanoparticle Landing and its Colloidal Nanoscrolls: Enhanced Nanocompositing-Based Performance for Bioapplications. Acs Applied Materials & Interfaces, 8(48), 33121-33130.
  • Hino, S., Ichikawa, T., Kojima, Y., Sorby, M. H., & Hauback, B. C. (2016). A new complex alkali metal aluminium amide borohydride, Li2Al(ND2)(4)BH4: synthesis, thermal analysis and crystal structure. Rsc Advances, 6(34), 28761-28766.
  • Callini, E., Atakli, Z. O. K., Hauback, B. C., Orimo, S., Jensen, C., Dornheim, M., Grant, D., Cho, Y. W., Chen, P., Hjorvarsson, B., de Jongh, P., Weidenthaler, C., Baricco, M., Paskevicius, M., Jensen, T. R., Bowden, M. E., Autrey, T. S., & Zuttel, A. (2016). Complex and liquid hydrides for energy storage. Applied Physics a-Materials Science & Processing, 122(4).



  • Zavorotynska, O., Deledda, S., Li, G. Q., Matsuo, M., Orimo, S., & Hauback, B. C. (2015). Isotopic Exchange in Porous and Dense Magnesium Borohydride. Angewandte Chemie-International Edition, 54(36), 10592-10595.
  • Yoshiba, K., Sato, T., Osumi, T., Ulset, A.-S., & Christensen, B. E. (2015). Conformation of Carboxylated Schizophyllan in Aqueous Solution. Carbohydrate Polymers, 134, 1-5.
  • Nakano, A., Ito, H., Bhogilla, S. S., Motyka, T., Corgnale, C., Greenway, S., & Hauback, B. C. (2015). Research and development for a metal hydride tank with double coil type heat exchanger below 1.0 MPa (G) operation. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 40(6), 2663-2672.
  • Iwamoto, Y., Yamasaki, H., Niu, X.-D., Nekså, P., & Yamaguchi, H. (2015). Experimental study on system performance of ultra-low temperature cascade refrigeration system using carbon dioxide with tapered evaporator/sublimator. 24th Int. Congress of Refrigeration.
  • Humphries, T. D., Takagi, S., Li, G. Q., Matsuo, M., Sato, T., Sorby, M. H., Deledda, S., Hauback, B. C., & Orimo, S. (2015). Complex transition metal hydrides incorporating ionic hydrogen: Synthesis and characterization of Na2Mg2FeH8 and Na2Mg2RuH8. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 645, S347-S352.
  • Hino, S., Grove, H., Ichikawa, T., Kojima, Y., Sorby, M. H., & Hauback, B. C. (2015). Metal aluminum amides for hydrogen storage - Crystal structure studies. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 40(47), 16938-16947.
  • Chaudhary, A. L., Li, G. Q., Matsuo, M., Orimo, S., Deledda, S., Sorby, M. H., Hauback, B. C., Pistidda, C., Klassen, T., & Dornheim, M. (2015). Simultaneous desorption behavior of M borohydrides and Mg2FeH6 reactive hydride composites (M = Mg, then Li, Na, K, Ca). Applied Physics Letters, 107(7).



  • Yamaguchi, H., Iwamoto, Y., Ozaki, & Nekså, P. (2014). Experimental observation of sedimentation phenomena of CO2 dry ice in model channel. Proceedings of the 11th IIR-Gustav Lorentzen Conference on Natural Refrigerants GL2014: International Institute of Refrigeration.
  • Xu, J., Zhang, X., Shi, Z., & Haarberg, G. M. (2014). Electrodeposition of Mg-Ni-Al Alloy in Low Temperature Molten Salts. ECS Transactions, 64(4), 311-318.
  • Ulset, A. S. T., Mori, H., Dalheim, M. O., Hara, M., & Christensen, B. E. (2014). Influence of Amino Acids, Buffers, and pH on the gamma-Irradiation-Induced Degradation of Alginates. Biomacromolecules, 15(12), 4590-4597.
  • Sato, T., Takagi, S., Matsuo, M., Aoki, K., Deledda, S., Hauback, B. C., & Orimo, S. (2014). Raman and Infrared Spectroscopic Studies on Li4RuH6 Combined with First-Principles Calculations. Materials Transactions, 55(8), 1117-1121.
  • Sato, T., Takagi, S., Matsuo, M., Aoki, K., Deledda, S., Hauback, B. C., & Orimo, S. (2014). Raman and Infrared Spectroscopic Studies on Li4RuH6 Combined with First-Principles Calculations. Materials Transactions, 55(8), 1117-1121.
  • Qin, B., Cui, P., Martinéz, A. M., Aune, E. R., & Haarberg, G. M. (2014). Direct Electroreduction of Indium and Tin Oxides in Molten Salts. ECS Transactions, 64(4), 249-255.
  • Li, G. Q., Matsuo, M., Deledda, S., Hauback, B. C., & Orimo, S. (2014). Dehydriding Property of NaBH4 Combined with Mg2FeH6. Materials Transactions, 55(8), 1141-1143.
  • Kimura, Y., Tolchard, J., Einarsrud, M. A., Grande, T., Arnezawa, K., Fukuhara, M., Hashimoto, S., & Kawada, T. (2014). Anelastic properties of La0.6Sr0.4Co1 -yFeyO3-delta at high temperatures. Solid State Ionics, 262, 337-339.
  • Kimura, Y., Tolchard, J., Einarsrud, M. A., Grande, T., Arnezawa, K., Fukuhara, M., Hashimoto, S., & Kawada, T. (2014). Anelastic properties of La0.6Sr0.4Co1 -yFeyO3-delta at high temperatures. Solid State Ionics, 262, 337-339.
  • Khalaghi, B., Kvalheim, E., Tokushige, M., Haarberg, G. M., Teng, L., & Seetharaman, S. (2014). Electrochemical behaviour of dissolved iron chloride in KCl plus LiCl plus NaCl melt at 550 degrees C. Molten Salts and Ionic Liquids 19, 64(4), 301-310.
  • Haarberg, G. M., & Yuan, B. (2014). Direct Electrochemical Reduction of Hematite Pellets in Alkaline Solutions. ECS Transactions, 58(20), 19-28.
  • Haarberg, G. M., Kvalheim, E., & Martinéz, A. M. (2014). Tin Oxide and Nickel Ferrite Anodic Behavior in Molten Chlorides. ECS Transactions, 58(20), 29-34.
  • Haarberg, G. M. (2014). (Invited) Electrodeposition of Liquid Metals from Molten Salts. ECS Transactions, 64(4), 293-300.
  • Cui, P., Solheim, A., & Haarberg, G. M. (2014). The Behavior of Additives LiF and KF on Current Efficiency in Aluminium Electrolysis. ECS Transactions, 64(4), 351-355.



  • Yuan, B. Y., & Haarberg, G. M. (2013). Direct electrochemical reduction of hematite pellets in alkaline solutions. ECS Transactions, 58(20), 19-28.
  • Tokushige, M., Kongstein, O. E., & Haarberg, G. M. (2013). Crystal Orientation of Iron Produced by Electrodeoxidation of Hematite Particles. ECS Transactions, 50(52), 103-114.
  • Li, G. Q., Matsuo, M., Deledda, S., Sato, R., Hauback, B. C., & Orimo, S. (2013). Dehydriding Property of LiBH4 Combined with Mg2FeH6. Materials Transactions, 54(8), 1532-1534.
  • Kvalheim, E., Haarberg, G. M., Martinez, A. M., Rolseth, S., Osen, K. S., & Gudbrandsen, H. (2013). High Temperature Electrolysis for Liquid Iron Production. ECS Transactions, 50(44), 63-72.
  • Kimura, Y., Tolchard, J., Einarsrud, M. A., Grande, T., Amezawa, K., Hashimoto, S., & Kawada, T. (2013). The Effect of Ferroelasticity of La1-xSrxCo1-yFeyO3-delta on the Mechanical Stability of Solid Oxide Fuel Cells. Solid Oxide Fuel Cells 13 (Sofc-Xiii), 57(1), 635-642.
  • Kimura, Y., Tolchard, J., Einarsrud, M. A., Grande, T., Amezawa, K., Hashimoto, S., & Kawada, T. (2013). The Effect of Ferroelasticity of La1-xSrxCo1-yFeyO3-delta on the Mechanical Stability of Solid Oxide Fuel Cells. Solid Oxide Fuel Cells 13 (Sofc-Xiii), 57(1), 635-642.
  • Kawaguchi, K., Haarberg, G. M., & Morimitsu, M. (2013). Suppression of PbO2 Deposition on Nano-Structured IrO2-Ta2O5/Ti Anodes in Acidic Solutions. ECS Transactions, 50(19), 75-85.
  • Gao, M., Toita, S., Sawada, S., Akiyoshi, K., & Stokke, B. T. (2013). Cyclodextrin triggered dimensional changes of polysaccharide nanogel integrated hydrogels at nanometer resolution. Soft Matter, 9(21), 5178-5185.

Contact information

Contact information

Leader group, Japan (LG-J)

Koji Amezawa, Tohoku University (Chair)

Takuya Goto, Doshisha University, (Secretary)

Leader group, Norway (LG-N)

Bjørn E. Christensen, NTNU (Chair)

Geir Martin Haarberg, NTNU (Co-chair/Secretary)

Complete list of KIFEE leader groups

13 jan 2020